Newest variation on the Simply Shift pattern. The only difference between this dress and the others is that I added four inches of gold lamé to the hem. That way when I cinched the waist with a belt the back didn't feel too short. Plus it added a nice party flare. The gold lamé was a little too gold to match the swiss dot so I used brown iDye and dyed it a nice copper color. iDye is amazing. It dyes anything. I used a plastic slotted spoon to mix red dye into white fabric. It dyed the fabric along with the spoon a deep burgundy.
I also made the sequin sweater that goes with the dress. I used a thrift store brown sweater and sewed wide sequin trim to the outside. I won't say it was easy especially around the sleeves which I had to sew by hand but I spent all day looking for a sequin sweater to no avail. This was only $14 for the cost of the trim which I bought 20 yards of. If I had to do it again I'd cut off the sleeves, sew the sequins on the sleeves with a machine and then sew the sleeves back onto the sweater.
You can see the dress fabric is a cute gold swiss dot. I bought it at Hancock Fabric on clearance. It was the last yard and a half on the bolt but I got it for less than $5 a yard! The gold chunky irregular pearl necklace I bought at Body Central for only $7.80.You might not be able to tell but I also hand dyed the tights I'm wearing ombre from white to dark brown. I used very thin nylons which makes it difficult to see the contrast. If I have to do it again I'll be sure to use a more opaque tights.
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