If you're tired of hassling with the phone companies you might want to take a look at Straight Talk Wireless. You can get the SAME smart phones, iPhones that the 2-year plan companies use. You can keep your phone, your number and your network with the Straight Talk Bring Your Own Phone program.
You get up to 3 GB of high-speed data, unlimited talk and text for only $45 a month! That's about half the cost of 2-year contract companies. You also get nationwide coverage on America's largest and most dependable networks.
Let's put it practical terms. with 3 GBs of data each month you can....
Think about how much you could be saving!
If you're thinking about a phone as a gift for a teenager, instead of signing a two year contract, give Straight Talk Wireless a trial run and see if your "first-time" phone owner handles a phone responsibly.
Enjoy the convenience of flexibility and the stress of being contract free this year with Straight Talk Wireless.
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