Some of you might have seen this recipe being thrown around the internet a lot. A friend of mine made it for a Christmas party last week and I was smitten. If you are hearing all the hype and thinking of trying it, you WON'T be disappointed.
This is the recipe I used from Table for Two! I've seen other recipes call for less butter or less brown sugar. The Table for Two one is my favorite. I can't imagine it any other way.
-Also, my butter and brown sugar didn't mix very well even after the 5 minutes I let it boil. I ended up having sections of pure solid butter when it cooled. So the second time I melted it the butter and sugar in a pot on the stove top until it was liquid. Then I put it in my stand mixer until it was fully blended. Then I transferred it back to the pot to boil. That solved that.
-One secret not mentioned in the Table for Two recipe is that I add one tablespoon of coconut oil to the chocolate. It helps to make it lighter and tastes and smells oh-so-good! -Also, my butter and brown sugar didn't mix very well even after the 5 minutes I let it boil. I ended up having sections of pure solid butter when it cooled. So the second time I melted it the butter and sugar in a pot on the stove top until it was liquid. Then I put it in my stand mixer until it was fully blended. Then I transferred it back to the pot to boil. That solved that.
-Also, if you don't have parchment paper I've seen other people use foil. DEFINITELY don't attempt this recipe on a bare pan. You WILL be sorry;-P Also don't use wax paper....for obvious reasons!
I don't even want to think about all the fat and calories I've consumed since I made this. I mean, it calls for two sticks of butter and 1 cup of brown sugar! Since I'm basically the only one eating it in my house and there are only two pieces left that means I've eaten nearly two sticks of butter in the last four days. Gah!! So be warned. It's lives up to its name;-)
If you're supposed to bring a treat to your next holiday party I do recommend giving this a try. It's so simple. All the ingredients are probably already in your pantry. You don't even have to put on grocery appropriate pants. Just wear your pantry raiding pajama bottoms and enjoy!
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