Fields of Gold Frock GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.

August 1, 2008

centered darkenedI wanted to do a dress like this sometime before summer ended. The look reminded me of lazy summer afternoons from when I was little. Yes, I grew up about five minutes from where this photo was taken. I had originally wanted to find a wheat field to take these photos in. Obviously, I lived fairly close to some pretty rural areas. However, I was disappointed to find that those areas are now either new houses or fenced off. Booo!!!! I was, however, lucky to find the
place where I took these. It was private enough that I didn't feel conspicuous and didn't have any urban clutter in the
far background.

I bought this fabric on my trip to Philadelphia a while back and finally found a use for it! It's a gauzy, buttery yellow, swiss dot material and I thought it would fit the mood of this frock.

This dress came out a tad too see-through as you can see below. If you were to wear this outside of your house I'd recommend wearing a slip of some sort. I searched high and low for one before we left to take this photo but, as luck would have it, I don't seem to own one. What does that say about me?

It fell down far below Lily's I would say that it would fit a 3T-5T. More or less, depending on your child. Lily is 37" tall, if that helps.

Last day for posts is Wednesday 8/6/08. Winner will be announced Friday morning!

As usual, if you would like a chance to win this dress just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

I also had a lot of people request a tutorial for the previous popcorn bloomer and blouse trim. It was a fairly simple procedure so please look for that in the near future. I am debating as to how to post it. It might be seen in a new right button.
Speaking of right buttons, Photobucket SUCKS! If you happened upon my site yesterday afternoon you would have found a lot of blank photos with a suggestion to "upgrade to photobucket pro". Well, in my desperation, I did.

I sat at my computer waiting for their pages to process, I was patient when their payment system loaded error after error, I paid for three months of their pro addition, BUT what I was not ready for, was getting nothing in return. I am still listed as a "free" member although I have $12 less dollars in my checking account and I WILL be demanding...a refund AND taking my photos elsewhere. Somewhere Thanks for enduring my rant and hope you can take away something from my troubles.

Oh yeah, and I'm trying out a new font. What do you think?

Create a Link!

119 {comments}:

BrOwN CiRcUs said... Best Blogger Tips

love the dress, you are a very talented woman!

Sarah-Jo said... Best Blogger Tips

oooo its charming!
Lovely photos too
it reminds me of a lil yellow shirred dress I made my daughter last summer
Yellow is such an energising colour!
Gd luck to all the entrants this is one beautiful giveaway :)

Monica said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh WOW! I absolutly LOVE this Dress! Yellow is my MOST favorite color and the Size is where both my girls could SHARE the Dress!
I Just can not get over EVERYTHING you Create! Your clothes are just stunning!!


Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful dress, reminds me of the song 'my little ray of sunshine'. I love the little cap sleeves!

Bunny B said... Best Blogger Tips

I think it's gorgeous and your photos are amazing!! Blogged here

bunnybx at gmail . com

Selina said... Best Blogger Tips

I am not able to see the winner's button. Are you able to put up a link? It just says that thing about photobucket sucking ;)

(Please don't enter me in the giveaway!)

Daljeet said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi! I chanced upon your blog when trawling the web for crafty mommas:). I'm a dressmaker by trade so I don't feel 'right' entering in the contest...and I won't. But I just wanted to let you know that your designs are fabulous and I really admire them! And what an ingenious way to encourage traffic to your blog!

Kudos on all counts!!

Jessica Rodarte said... Best Blogger Tips

i'm putting a link up on my blog like right this instant. omigosh. your work is goRgEouS. Wow. are you sure i might get this amAzinG dress just for being lucky enough to come across your blog?? ;) *shriek*

green girl said... Best Blogger Tips

love the summery quality and the yellow is so happy! very pretty.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said... Best Blogger Tips

What a perfect name! I love how simple yet adorable it is!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Your photos are gorgeous - and so is the dress!! So glad I stumbled onto your blog :-)

Thomas Family said... Best Blogger Tips

Every one of your creations are just beautiful, I can only wish I might win this dress for my daughter

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

such a beautiful dress! so sweet.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful -- daughter and dress.

Tassi Smith said... Best Blogger Tips

Very sweet dress. The pictures are beautiful. I linked to

Claire said... Best Blogger Tips

Truely you are one talentd Mamma. This dress is devine - like sunshine. How could one not want such a beautiful dress for their little girl!

torinem said... Best Blogger Tips

What a beautiful dress!

Desiree' said... Best Blogger Tips

Love, love this beautful sunshine dress!!! Yellow is a fave of mine. My daughter woudl look so cute in this!! I do have a giveaway link on our private blog. Hope it send lots of mom's your way.
Like the new font too, makes it look more personal.

Jill said... Best Blogger Tips

This is a beautiful dress, you capture a time and a place in your work. I also had a similar sun dress when I was little. This would be lovely on my little girl Tuesday!

Artfulife said... Best Blogger Tips

This is just adorable! Both my little ones would enjoy this very cute dress.

jennifer said... Best Blogger Tips

sunshine in clothing form. i adore it. yes, please. our lola would look so lovely.

Tammy (Mom to this crazy bunch) said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh yeah! Such a cute dress. I have 7 daughters and 1 son. We would put this to amazing use.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This is BEAUTIFUL! I have a niece who not only LOVE this, but would say, "Pretty Auntie, Pretty"!

Scribble It said... Best Blogger Tips

oh me, oh my, oh me, oh my! i simply adore this dress and those photos are beautiful!

you have such talent, and here's to hoping i win!!!

wah, i want to win!!

The Blaisdell Family said... Best Blogger Tips

What a beautiful, beautiful dress! I love the color! It screams sunshine!!

posting/linking you right now:

kamewh said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a pretty dress!!
Thank you for the giveaway!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

What an adorable dress!!

Malinda said... Best Blogger Tips

Where do you get all these great ideas? Your clothes are beautiful. I love putting my little girl in dresses. They are so fun and girlie!

abbysae said... Best Blogger Tips

What talent you have! Thank you for sharing your fabulous creation.

Fairy Cute said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the dress! Love the photos! Love the new font! Just don't love Photobucket.

Awesome work, once again. I would love to see this in pink too!

Melanie said... Best Blogger Tips

Do you sell your patterns somewhere? I'd love to sew your designs for my granddaughter. Thanks

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

What beautiful photos-you have a lovely (and very accomodating) model! I hope my way of linking counts. I've put you in my side bar with a picture of the latest contest item, linking back to the exact post. I will update it every time I enter. I like it because it's very visible and I don't need to mention it every time I post! Let me know if this is OK. I will comment each time,too.

Kiley said... Best Blogger Tips

This is my type of dress - so old fashion, modest and simple... I absolutely LOVE it. And it being Yellow - makes it even more perfect!!!

Great Dress.... I really hope i win this one :D

Count us in!!!

Lyssa Beth said... Best Blogger Tips

That is beautiful!! Perfect for a summer evening running around. I Love it! You are so awesome!

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful. I love it.

blogged about it here:

Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute...
Hope my little one wins.

michelle michael said... Best Blogger Tips

my lilly would look so beasutiful in this dress! you are amazing!

Rebecca said... Best Blogger Tips

The dress is so adorable and would so cute on my little Millie. Glad that I found your site - I've put it in my favs section. BTW, your girls are so cute.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

My mom just pulled out of my closet an old dress that I wore when I was little just in time to put my daughter in it! I can't wait and would love to add this beautiful, classic dress to her closet, too!

Anita said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE the clothes you make! If only I had a girl :) but I think my nieces will like it if I happen to win. Great job!

GibsonTwins said... Best Blogger Tips

So so pretty! I'd love to be able to sew. Even if only a button.

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said... Best Blogger Tips

You never cease to amaze me! I love what you do, and I look forward to visiting your blog every day, just to see what people are saying about you!

Cute dress... wanna make one for me :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Soooooo sweet! My little gal won't likely be big enough to wear it for another year or two, but I love it love it love it!

I'm very sorry about the photo problems. Technical difficulties like that are just maddening. For what it's worth, I use Flickr, and it's always been quite painless. Good luck!

traci said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the dress, but it's the color I love the most. I also love that you found somewhere fun to take the photos that doesn't have suburban life all about!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

One more thing - what pattern did you use for this dress? Or if you invented it yourself, is there any chance you could do a post with tips for inventing patterns?

I've just begun dabbling in sewing again after several years of sewing machine neglect (poor thing - I think it will recover though), and this is just the look I've been wanting in a little dress for my 7mo girlie. knowing me I prob won't get around to actually making it until next summer, but it's always nice to have ideas like that stashed away :)

Thanks for the fab website!

Meichelle said... Best Blogger Tips

I feel like today may be my lucky day!! (Crossing my fingers!!)

Erica Onelove said... Best Blogger Tips

You are so talented! Love the yellow!

Mel said... Best Blogger Tips

Very nice. I can sympathize the lack of nice fields... it's that way where I grew up too. I have a vintage piece of yellow dot like that... though I'd probably be lucky to squeeze a cute little top out of it.
Nice job once again.
(Please don't enter me in the drawing. I don't know if I could wait that long for dd to grow into it.)

laceeJ said... Best Blogger Tips

okay, I figured out the link addition thingy :)! YAY! Very cute stuff!

i roberti said... Best Blogger Tips

so pretty dress for my I'hope. Thanks and compliments to your work.
Roberta (IT)

brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

what a pretty dress! you make the most beautiful things, you really could open up a shop.

Ellieboo said... Best Blogger Tips

Your dresses are truly beautiful - and inspiring.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

i just found your site today & I've been amazed over and over again! If you ever decide to sell your work I can promise my children will wear nothing else!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Another beautiful dress! Congrats on the craftzine shout out. I was so excited for you!-Amy

Ami said... Best Blogger Tips


Refugee Crafter said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress captures the essence of a summer twilight. I LOVE the neckline. If you ever post any of your patterns let me know!

Girl Land said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, how perfect! My Quinn is 37.5" as of last week. Heh. Such a beautiful dress. You are wonderful. xo

Initially Yours Monogramming said... Best Blogger Tips

gorgeous dress, thanks for the great giveaway..

windycindy said... Best Blogger Tips

Lovely fabric and adorable dress design! Please enter me in your delightful drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

The Hillbilly Banjo Queen: said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful, as usual. And I even have a slip for it! Perfect! I always look forward to your posts to see what wonderful thing you will whip up next.

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute! I like the slightly smaller, thinner type face. It doesn't look so heavy on your page and is easier to read.

Rebecca Ramsey said... Best Blogger Tips

The dress is just precious and the photos are perfect!
Your talent is so inspiring!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

another monumental event.

sew nancy said... Best Blogger Tips

cute dress and love the fabric

sew nancy said... Best Blogger Tips

love the dress

Nanna said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE this dress! It would look absolutely adorable on my granddaughter!
I do not have a blog to link, but would like to be considered for the giveaway.
Thank you!

Andrea @ Momma in Flip Flops2 said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful. I love the yellow.

I like the new font! =)

Carrie K said... Best Blogger Tips

that dress just screams beautiful!

I linked you up... :)

sprinklesbowtique said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm crossing my fingers that this will be my time to win!!! I LOVE this dress! And I also like the new choice of font as well... I've posted you to my blog!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Spectacular! I have linked and crossed my fingers. :)

Shay said... Best Blogger Tips

You are so talented! I just love the dress! Your photos are wonderful too, too cute! Stunning work!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips


Thanks for the giveaway!


Just K said... Best Blogger Tips

this looks comfy, wish it came in my size!

Natalie Jane said... Best Blogger Tips

I think this is my favorite so far. If you saw my daughter you would see why. So her.


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Cute dress


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is absolutely beautiful! Any little girl would look adorable in it

Dawn Elizableth said... Best Blogger Tips

It reminds me of summer, all contained in a sweet dress!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I am enchanted by this lovely dress! You have captured it so beautifully in the sunlight.

Lara said... Best Blogger Tips

Linked it and my twins are just the right size!

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

I just ran across your blog and you are so talented! I am very inspired by your work and would love to enter your giveaway!

Bobbi & Noe said... Best Blogger Tips

the perfect summer dress! my absolute favorite color also!

Christi said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so cute!!!

Nina said... Best Blogger Tips

Another fabulous creation. I like the new font, also. I love flickr so much more than photobucket. I've linked to the giveaway over on my site but I don't know if they are showing up in your list yet.

bethany said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a fabulous yellow dress-and great photos!!

Sara said... Best Blogger Tips

Ohhh, I love everything you make. I just wonder if I can perticipate in the giveaways even though I live in Sweden? Maybe I can pay for shipping if I win?
Sinearly Sara

Maureen Reynolds said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for visiting me. That crock was actually bought in England and has now migrated to the other island since it picked up too much grease near the cooktop.

I love this little dress and I even have a granddaughter who lives in hot hot Phoenix who could wear it. I love the yellow, and good work with the photos to enhance it.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

That's just glorious! Any little girl would be delighted to wear it!

JeMaMuse said... Best Blogger Tips

I thought I was looking at me, some 30 years ago!!!
Thanks to Mme. ZsaZsa for linking your blog to hers :-) Should I win the dress, I'd give it to her although I'm not sure her Jef would be too happy wearing it!

I linked you on

Greetings from Belgium...

Suburban prep said... Best Blogger Tips

How talented and creative you are.

Amy Jenks said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is gorgeous! You are extremely talented

Sara said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh! Thanx for your quick response! I really want to win this cute dress. keeping my fingers crossed. (I'm going on holiday between the 6th an 21st of august just incase I win :D )

Linda ★ Parker's General said... Best Blogger Tips

I have a new granddaughter coming home very soon. This would be a lovely gift for her. She is 2 1/2.
Thank you for sharing your skills with others!

Presley family said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh I just love this sweet dress!!! I have a 4 year old that it would look oh so cute on!! You are very talented!! Please enter me in your give away!!! THanks!
Julie P., CA

Linda ★ Parker's General said... Best Blogger Tips


Michelle and Gary said... Best Blogger Tips

another absolutely beautiful dress...and amazing photography...and the yellow youve chosen is so pretty...

any little girl would look adorable in this...

ts a pelasure visiting your blog and seeng your creations...thank yo.

anne said... Best Blogger Tips

mmmmmmmmhph. I love it :)

MindiJo said... Best Blogger Tips

Very cool. You are extremely talented and should open a shop on Etsy.

Cheryl said... Best Blogger Tips

The dress is gorgeous!

Liz said... Best Blogger Tips

The dress is beautiful

Cheryl said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a cute dress! My girls love to wear dresses everyday! Especially my 3 year old.

cpullum said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the color perfect for summer!
So beautiful!

Project Couture Vintage said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress IS my daughter June! I don't understand how every week or every other week you manage to make cuter and cuter clothing!

Sharlene said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a gorgeous dress. It reminds me of what I want my children's childhoods to be.

masifu said... Best Blogger Tips

love it!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

My name is Johanna Clark and I live in Philadelphia with two children. You are an inspiration. Your blog, children and clothes are sweet and elegant. When my ten month old starts sleeping better I aim to bring back my own talents of sewing, crafting and heck why not become a blogger too. Thank you. Oh, I am

Emily K. said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the dress! Your work is amazing, and inspiring! Thanks for the giveaway!

Aubrey said... Best Blogger Tips

Endlessly crossing my fingers.... Adorable!

tbonegrl said... Best Blogger Tips

love the son's name is Sumner...partially after Sting.

Angela Harris said... Best Blogger Tips

Very sweet. Such a cute model. i have two little darlings this dress would go to. Beautiful work!

SUMMER said... Best Blogger Tips

Very cute dress! I love the old fashioned look and yellow is always so fun!

Football and Fried Rice said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the new font!!

I linked :) LOVE this frock!!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

This is really pretty!

You are soo creative!

Blogged here:

phillipsonlygirl at gmail dot com

Chris said... Best Blogger Tips

I hope I am not too late!! I created a link to your post on my blog!! I love the dress and would love to see my daughter in it! You make wonderful creations very talented!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful. My little Maesyn would call this a "casual princess dress".

Angie said... Best Blogger Tips

lovely photos, lovely dress

made me long for summer....


Samantha said... Best Blogger Tips

Followed a link and so glad I did!!! I love the dress!! SO pretty!!! My little girl will look so cute in it someday :)...She's only 9 months old. I'll have to go check out the rest of your clothing!

Kristal said... Best Blogger Tips

I WANT A MILLION OF THESE!!! I need a million of these! SO CUTE!

Cherry Blossoms said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous Dress and Daughter!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful! The photos are great.

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