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Okay, this may be a bit shameless on my part BUT the new flickr group that I would love for all of you to join is my own:) Join here: Flickr Grosgrain. Yes, please come sit by the warm glow of your computer screen and share your own sewing stories. I would love to see your own projects, be it child or adult size, Grosgrain clothing purchase or winning. I am constantly perusing your blogs and admiring your work. I thought the flickr group would be a great way for me to see YOUR awesome sewing creations. And whenever I see a photo from a fellow flickr member which strikes me I will be sure to post about it on my blog. I've already added all my Grosgrain photos so the group doesn't look so cavernous but it's also useful for viewing see past frocks without having to reload page after page. And be sure to check out Grosgrain this Thanksgiving. I should be posting a new giveaway!
Just wanted you to know I stop by everyday. Not only to see what you've done that's new, but you have the best list of links I've found so far. Thanks!
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7 {comments}:
cool! but I don't sew... :( I'll join anyway!
All I've done so far is a quilt. Do all the pictures posted have to be of clothing?
No! Any sewing project you've done! I love to see them all!
Just wanted you to know I stop by everyday. Not only to see what you've done that's new, but you have the best list of links I've found so far. Thanks!
thank you , lovely....
I just joined and posted some items, I feel a little sheepish as there are some beautiful photographs up...Thanks for inviting us!
This is great. Will people also post patterns? or tutorials?
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