Tropical Tree Frog Costume GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.

November 2, 2008

tropical tree frogI hope you all had a GREAT Halloween and took some fantastic pictures of your little loved ones in their holiday attire! Absent-minded me forgot my camera when we went out Trick or Treating and don't have any photos documenting the event.

Now, I know it's after Halloween but I still have a couple costume giveaways to offer. I'm hoping they may be useful for next year, or just for everyday dress up.
tropical tree frogI have been thinking about buying a trunk to keep all of our costume clothes in.

I have this Wes Anderson-esque fantasy where my children dress up and act out plays with all their friends. My children, on the other hand, have their own other plans. As exampled this Halloween....

I had wild aspirations of gowns with trains, headpieces and props. Lily, like any independent four-year-old had her own ideas. At least, I had fun planning out the logistics of the pattern. It turned out to be more difficult than any dress since it was a shape I had never attempted to create before. I didn't want the normal hoodie headpiece. I really wanted it 'look' like a frog's head. So I created the head 'around' a hood piece. Brian and I laughed at the thought of the frog devouring Lily with only her head sticking out. But I thought it got the point across.

The hands and feet were the cherry on top. They really gave the costume a 'tropical' appearance.
Now, I know these are deciduous trees. Unfortunately, I live in Pennsylvania but at the same time Lily didn't want an average frog costume. It had to be a 'tree frog'. So, please forgive the discrepancy.tropical tree frog

I added a pillow of padding to be inserted in the back to give the body a more frog-like appearance. The entire costume is split into seven pieces, the head, body, hands, feet and padding. Non-pill polar fleece material was used.

AND, if the winning blog leaves a comment I will throw in the matching Halloween Trick or Treat bag in the shape of a leaf. We hung it from a long stick to really complete the look.

This was a bit tight on Lily who is four and thin for her age. So, on the safe side, I would say that this costume would fit a 2T-3T.

ALSO, since it's a gender neutral costume, all you
tropical tree frogmoms with boys out there who've wanted to enter can finally do so!

And don't forget November 6th is still Grosgrain's grand opening! Be sure to check back here for a link! I'm so excited!

Last day for posts is Friday 11/07/08.
Winner will be announced Sunday morning!

As usual, if you would like a chance to win this costume just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

244 {comments}:

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Mommyhood is Thankless said... Best Blogger Tips

My daughter loves frogs :D


Alicia said... Best Blogger Tips

Adorable! You are beyond talented!

Jen lleras said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked back to the post, my blog is private for friends and family, i have a lot of them but I hope im still eligible.

Jenna said... Best Blogger Tips

This is too cute! My niece would love to pretend with this. So adorable! Great giveaway!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

this is the best frOg costume EVER!
kristen branham

Annie said... Best Blogger Tips

wow, that is adorable! just linked to it on my blog, so cute! And I have to say my son would look adorable in it!

Angel said... Best Blogger Tips

I Have a froggy boy who would love to wear this all year long!

Ruhammie said... Best Blogger Tips

This is an awesome costume!! I would love to take lessons from you! Mine don't turn out as cool.

tsslug said... Best Blogger Tips

great froggie costume

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This costume is fantastic. My son is crazy about all kinds of reptiles and amphibians and would enjoy this so much! Thanks so much - you are really talented!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Well, I have NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on your online store!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

We love dressing up and this is sooo cute!

Thanks for the giveaway...

Arianna's mommy said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW that costume is AWESOME!! im starting a box full of toys and fun items for my little one when get gets a tad bit older.. AND THIS WOULD BE PERFECT!! I plan on pulling the box out on a rainy day for a fun play and dress up day inside the house.. It would be AWESOME to add this to it. Good luck everyone!! (sorry im also new to blogging.. so i hope i did this right.)

CLUFF FAMILY said... Best Blogger Tips

Magnificent talent. Thanks for sharing. I had to post it, everyone must see this.

Yonker Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a first timer and LOVE your work. The frog costume is fantastic!

The Jackson Family said... Best Blogger Tips

This is such an amazing costume! I absolutely love it!

Mama Snow said... Best Blogger Tips

This has got to be the cutest frog costume ever. I love it!

jenny said... Best Blogger Tips

i must say this is cute like every thing else you make thanks

Fosburgh Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I don't know what more to say but I love it... just like EVERYTHING you create

Reiza said... Best Blogger Tips

That is adorable. I had to add a link. How cute!

kelsey said... Best Blogger Tips

love it.

Laura said... Best Blogger Tips

Maybe the cutest costume ever!

Kat said... Best Blogger Tips

oh I love all your stuff, but this one would suit my son so much I could cry, I live in Australia but I am happy to pay for the shipping here..really it is beyond words..

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This is fabulous - everything you do is fabulous. I have been a fan of your site for a while, but this is my first comment/entry. Your dresses are amazing, but this frog looks even more amazing because I can see me and my "baby" hoping around our home, yard, parks, beaches... in this wonderful, wonderful... costume. We hove "being" all sorts of animals and moving as each animal does while singing silly made up animal songs, but hoping like a frog is the most fun (with flying taking a close second). If we win (veera_minooathotmaildotcom) your beautifully and lovingly-crafted costume would certainly not sit around until next Halloween. If we are the lucky family this week we'll be sure to send you pictures or videos (although I can promise my images would be no where near as artistic as your photos - is there any talent you do not possess?) of Baby hoping all around town all year long!! Thanks for sharing your talents, creativity and blessings with us - we love admiring your posts (and now your shop). If I had a blog I would post, but please know that I love sharing your blog by forwarding your URL to friends (starting a blog is on my never ending list, but for now this not-so-talented, but fun-loving mommy must get some rest). Congratulations on your grand opening (I image that you rarely rest - how do you do it all, all so well?)! You are amazing and an inspiration - thanks again for sharing your love of your crafts.

vmsb said... Best Blogger Tips

This costume is so amazing that I just had to create a blog so that I could enter. I left you a long comment, then checked the rules again and feel a bit silly admitting that it is this beautiful costume that finally got me to blog. I started my blog and of course linked to this post.

If starting a blog to win this BEAUTIFUL tree frog costume is not enough to win, maybe a bit of begging will help the give-away-gods to smile upon me and help me win. ; ) (LOL)

By the way is there any chance you'd make this in adult sizes?? Maybe Santa will bring me that sewing machine I keep wanting and I'll learn how to sew. Maybe I'll be half as talented as you and will be able to make something that vaguely resembles adult tree frog costumes... Maybe I'll also convince my husband that we would make a fabulous frog family and have so much hoping, singing and laughing together. Encouraging Papa to hop (the laughing is a given, not sure about the croaking) with us won't be too hard so maybe we should just start tomorrow even without costumes - but we still hope to win!!!

Thanks for that final nudge that I needed. Thanks for your inspiration and again for sharing all your talents!! Take care.

I'm the Mommy, That's Why! said... Best Blogger Tips

Super cute. You are so talented. Hope we win.

Janet said... Best Blogger Tips

With all the entries I doubt I will win, but as a mom of boys I am all over this one!

Kristie said... Best Blogger Tips

I think that has to be the neatest kid costume I've ever seen! You are very talented! I linked back to this giveaway :-)

So Many M's said... Best Blogger Tips

This is sooooo cute. I love it. We use to call my son little tree frog when we was a baby all of the time. How perfect would this costume be. I just found your blog through a friend. I'm excited to see what's to come.

The Roberts said... Best Blogger Tips

This is the cutest costume I have ever seen. I really wish I was as talented as you! I really hope I win!!
Amanda R. from WA.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Excuse me if I am jumping up and down with excitement, frogs are in my family....besides loving Kermit and the Rainforest guys at the zoo, we've adopted a few, and this treasure of a costume is way beyond awesome!

Susan said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great costume.

Carpenters said... Best Blogger Tips

This is such a creative way to do a frog costume. I'll have to file that away for another year. Very cute, as always.

Megan Loves Life said... Best Blogger Tips

I cannot believe how awesome this costume is! I've never seen anything like it, you are pretty much amazing! :)

The Thomas Crew said... Best Blogger Tips

Way too cute! My three year old would love this.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, it's adorable, just adorable!!!

ana-ane said... Best Blogger Tips

El disfraz el precioso, por tal motivo me gustarĂ­a participar. Saludos Ana

Emi said... Best Blogger Tips

-Beautiful!!!Very good!!

nathalie bearden said... Best Blogger Tips

this is insane!!! i have no idea how you do this. just AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sherry Leal said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm new at this, so I hope this works. I have a little boy and have been hoping for something I could win for him. This frog would be great for next Halloween! I love it.

Annie said... Best Blogger Tips

so who won?

Three Yellow Starfish said... Best Blogger Tips

OMG!!! I LOVE LOVE THIS. I am so obsessed with this costume. Just darling. I would die if I won a good way

Maryrose said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked

Bernhard said... Best Blogger Tips

Now, I know it's after Halloween but I still have a couple costume giveaways to offer. ...

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