Scribble It decals are custom, unique and personalized to fit your style. They use only quality vinyl and it comes to you pre-spaced, with a removable backing, allowing you to apply your entire Scribble at once and not worry about lining each letter individually. Once applied your Scribble will look flawless against the wall, tile, front door or other surface of your choice.
Want a change? How do you remove your Scribble? If you decide to remove your Scribble from your wall or if you choose to replace them with a new one, our Scribbles will not damage the surface and are easily removed. Simply slip your fingernail under each letter and pull it away from the wall, if it offers resistance, warm with a hair dryer set on low.
Last day for posts is Sunday 12/07/08. Winner will be announced Tuesday morning!
As usual, if you would like a chance to win this gift card just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.
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68 {comments}:
I think one of these would complete my new living room. I would love love LOVE to win. Pick me... please
I have one of these in my house already and I love it!! I get compliments on it from everyone who comes into my home. They are Fab!!!!
I've seen this sort of stuff before but never in such COOL DESIGN. I love it! Count me in!
I linked - so cool!
i linked and i love.
Those are so COOL! I'll link to you, as soon as I can figure out how. Enter me, please!
I made a link. These are beautiful! And perfect for renters like me because they are removable. :D
I made a link here:
Oh, I would love to win!
I created a link! on my private blog!
"Nana's Box"
Left a link on my blog. I'd love some of those kinds of scribbles on my wall!
I'm one of those contest losers that never gives up. I'm all linked up so count me in. Again.
I posted it here:
How fun! Count me in :) ♥ Hugs!
Oh, my house needs a little sprucing up with some new flair. Love it.
I posted a link to your giveaway here! Soo cute!
OHHH!! I love that!!! How fun to decorate your house with that! I love the!
I created a link! Love this.
Such creative designs...i wish I had that talent. Thanks for the chance to win!!!
WooHoo! Here's my link:
oops, created another link. sorry for the confusion!
These are lovely!
how neat! what a great way to get a fresh look anytime...count me in!
I've been itching for one of these for a while now!!
oh wow this would add beatuy to my room!!
Those are really cool.
I love vinyl decals!! I hope I win (pick me!)
I love the designs.
I love the fact that these are not permanent You can change it to use in another room
I linked
I would love to win this one.
Wall stickers are one of the coolest trends. I'm all for it !
Ooh! Oo! Pick me! Pick me! I'm nice! :) And even if you don't, your designs are way awesome. You guys rock!
We have redesigned our studio to include a wall decal; this would be an incredible opportunity. By the way, I just stumbled here and am so grateful for it. Consider yourself linked.
oooh, how fun! i linked it up on my giveaway page!
oh how cute! this will look great in our new house!
awesome i have been desperately looking for something to go over our bed so wether i win or not they have a new customer....
i've got NO furniture, so I think these would really ADD! :)
I've only seen kids decals so these would be very cool for the grown ups in the house ... as well as for the 'chicken decorator' in me who is scared to try anything that may be permanent.
Here is a link to my posting in my blog
This is super cool!
Nice! here is the link:
Very cool - thanks!
I LOVE these designs, If I don't win, I'm buying some anyway!
I LOVE THIS! I wanna win.. Pick me, pick me...
I love their line of vinyls. Hope I win!
These are just gorgeous :) I have created a link!
I sure could use something to brighten up my apartment, this would be really nice.
Pick me Pick me!!!! hehehe
I made a link too through your create a link so I don't know how it works but it tracked it right? I love Scribble It and all your creations. Thanks for offering this! :)
I want to sew like you!
Mmmmmm... I'm lusting for some scribble it! Make it happen, O Powerful Scribble It Gods!
I'm up to being your winner!
very nice- the tree looks adorable
Just posted a link on my blog. I'd love to win this one! I'm a huge fan of vinyl! I have plans to put a monogram on a headboard in our master bedroom. Pick me, please!
i've never seen this before and LOVE the idea of this product. hope i win so i can use it in our new home!! i have a million ideas of what i could do with these.
hi!! just posted to my blog. thanks!!! :)
Posted on my blog a couple of days ago! This would look SO cute in my apartment! I'll keep my fingers crossed!
Love the stuff from Scribble it, blogged
oooohh I LUV their decals! Here's to hoping I get picked!
These are really neat!
I just closed on a home yesterday and would like to give my home a better look, not like I'm still in college. This would be perfect!!!
wow i'd love one for above my bed!!!
Wow! Very Unique!
Love their stuff! I created a link.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
Ooooh, I love it! Just posted the link on my blog! Hope I win!!
This would be PERFECT in my room, I do not have much art in there...
Beautiful designs.
Thanks so much!
What an awesome company to provide you with so much! Love everything!
maren4elwess at gmail dot com
I've been wanting something fun above my bed and I JUST FOUND IT! I'd love to WIN!
Perfect! We live in military housing and painting is not happening because I'd have to paint it back to off-white or pay someone a ridiculous amount to do it for me! These would be great to decorate with!
What great decorating items, especially for the finicky at heart! {linked!}
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