The Lunch Date Blouse GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.

January 14, 2009

I know it's been a while. Thank you for all your kind words about my grandmother. It's helpful to hear that I'm not the only one who has felt those same things.

I hope to be updating this blog as I usually had. It seems so many things had kept me from sewing for one reason or another. I've had so many ideas sitting on the backburner it's literally kept me up at nights.

First things first, as you can see, this isn't a 'Lily' post. Occasionally I have ideas for myself that never come to fruition because I'm too busy sewing for Lily. And I've had a few people ask me if I could make adult sized versions of a few of my posts.

Don't worry. I still have a million child sized ideas but every once in a while I might sprinkle a mommy sized piece to mix things up:)

This is my FIRST adult sized giveaway. Most of the time my ideas result from being unable to find a look I've seen in a magazine or television.

I had seen a similar blouse worn by another 'Lily' that is the character Lily on 'How I met your Mother'. She always wears the coolest things! Then again, she is supposed to be a shopaholic. I couldn't even find a similar look at Anthropologie (not that I would have been able to afford it anyway). So I got out my scissors, measuring tape and pins to make my first 'adult' piece in almost a year!

I thought this blouse would be perfect to wear on a casual first date perhaps at a coffee shop, restaurant/bar or park. Or even a quick lunch date with your husband. It's dressy enough to look special but still has a casual feel.

The giveaway is for the blouse only. But if the winning blog also leaves a comment I will include the twin bird headband worn in the photographs as well!

It bears an embroidered daisy chain trim that lines each of the ruffled tiers. Each tier starts high on the chest and then dips down along my waist giving the blouse a full look in front and straight look in back.

The collar stands tall instead of folding over giving the blouse a vintage feel. It looks good with a hairdo that's pulled up since it hugs the nape of the neck.

This blouse also looks good with a skinny jean. I bought the ones in the photographs at Forever 21 for only $12! You can't beat that.

Oh but what I really believe completed this look were the cowboy boots. They are about one size too small but they are so chic that I'll put up with the pain. They were given to me by a friend of mine whose grandmother had to enter a nursing home. Yes, they were worn by a 80-something year old woman! Bravo! I have to admit, I felt a bit nervous in them myself!

The blouse is made of a cottony material with a linen feel to it. It turned out to be a bit small on me so I would say that this would fit a person who has a small frame. Although I do have a large bust line so that might have contributed to the tightness.

Here's a rundown of the other pieces in the photos in case you had an interest.

Jeans: Forever 21
Boots: Estate Sale
Cami: Old Navy
Necklace: Forever 21
Earrings: Manic Trout

I also have to give a BIG thanks to Brian for taking the photographs, putting up with my constant criticism, aggressive suggestions.......and treating me to a yummy Caeser salad:) Not to mention using his lunch hour. I'm just not used to being the one in the front of the camera:) I think he understands.
Of course he also said that the last picture makes me look goofy, so I guess we're even:)

Last day for posts is Wednesday 1/25/09.
Winner will be announced Tuesday!

As usual, if you would like a chance to win this blouse just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

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lunch date blouse
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262 {comments}:

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Vie Chaotique said... Best Blogger Tips

I must have this blouse in my life!

Becca said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, I love this! I am utterly amazed at your talent! I love to find pieces that are different and this is perfectly different!

Giovana said... Best Blogger Tips

WOWW, the blouse is so pretty!!! and I am loosing weight, please pick me.
Thanks for your generosity.
God Bless

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

it looks like you put ALOT of work into that blouse. i absolutely love it its gorgeous. im not quiet sure on how to win but i sure hope i do.

i actually never seen a blouse like it
its very original and retro.
amazing work !

Jennifer said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, my but you are talented!
That is just beautiful!
Must go link now...

Stacy said... Best Blogger Tips

I am in love....please pick me, I am already dreaming about wearing it!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This is the PERFECT Los Angeles Date Blouse! I'm creating a public tumblr on all the great places I've gone (in addition to the private blog that this comment will link to) and would totally wear, and post a pic of me in this blouse on a date if I win! :)

Re said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner!!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This is really a lovely blouse!

SouthernDogwoods said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the blouse! It is absolutely breathtaking. Will it also be available for sale (Just in case I do not win it?)

And how great are your boots!!! Did you really get those at an estate sale?

janil said... Best Blogger Tips

It's so beautiful...! I don't know if I arrive for the giveaway, but I should say it to you!!!!!

The Rays said... Best Blogger Tips

This is georgeous!!

I put a link on our blog!


Darla said... Best Blogger Tips

Wonderful creation! I just found your blog, hope I'm not to late for the giveaway.


Shiloh Mae said... Best Blogger Tips

Omgosh, so super cute. wow. can i have a pattern? xD hehe.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

You are a talented, talented lady. WOW! My wardrobe needs serious help, and this would be a great kick start.

Kristy said... Best Blogger Tips

So, so lovely. I hope my link thingamajigger works because I seriously want wear that blouse.

Kim's Treasures said... Best Blogger Tips

Very, very cool!!!!

April said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, I'd love to win...GORGEOUS!

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

i wonder if it's too late for this? It's really lovely

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

This blouse is wonderful! And those birdies are too much, love it!

Eccentric Mama said... Best Blogger Tips

I absolutely love your blouse! It's feminine and playful at the same time.

Beth said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful blouse! I just found your blog and love it. Oh, and I have boots very similar to those...

I will link back to this on my blog.

nancye williams said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh Gee...this is just too cute. I need this cute blouse. It's been a long time since I've anything new.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Link is up! Fingers crossed.

tricia said... Best Blogger Tips

i hardly ever win anything. this blouse would sure keep me from whining about all the losing. wink wink. i want to sew like you when i grow up.

Katie Cotton said... Best Blogger Tips

this is beautiful!

Light and Writing said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow the odds are against me! But I must move forward and do what I can to win this amazing blouse! and that adorable headband! eeekkkk! Maybe if I raise my hands and jump up and down! pick me, pick me!

Heidi said... Best Blogger Tips

So beautyful, I really would like to have it!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

So diggin' your fabulous creation. And great modeling! I'll have to borrow my daughter's skinny jeans!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I just came across your site a few days ago. I LOVE this blouse. It is gorgeous. I blogged about it

Tanya said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my ... what a great blouse. You did a great job. I love the entire outfit --- including the necklace that matches perfectly!!! Love love love it!!

Melody said... Best Blogger Tips

I blogged about your giveaway and placed a link on it at my blog:

Wow. I hope i can win that for my mum to wear.. :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

mel_88_88 at hotmail dot com

Tamara said... Best Blogger Tips

This blouse is SO my lovely Sister-In-Law! She has such a great sense of style and she LOVES yellow! I'm hoping to win this for her, so I can be the best SIL ever!!! I have also posted your link on my blog.
If I don't win, do you ever create a pattern from what you've made, so I could possibly make one myself. I just don't posses the creative genius to come up with this on my own, but I can follow a basic pattern :)
Thanks for sharing your amazing talent with us all!!

Mary Hall, The Recessionista ™ said... Best Blogger Tips

Did anyone win yet? I posted the link on The Recessionista™ under TOP PICKS!

katy said... Best Blogger Tips

simply amazing!

going off to link on my blog

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

Well, we're linked! My boots have been itching to be pulled out of the closet as of late - this would be perfect here in HI!

Nadya said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so beautiful! & the photos - love the way you posed for it, & the lines of this sweet blouse!
Will have to look at your wee ones things - have grand daughters 4, 5 & 8, & one lone 3 yr old grandson (two families :)

Barbara said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow...the blouse is beautiful and you look great in it. Hope you made one for yourself. I did a link, something I have never done before.

Megan said... Best Blogger Tips

oh my goodness oh my goodness. I linked it, I did! Now I want to win! haha. Please?

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

That is GORGEOUS! I owe hubby a date night so I would LOVE to win this. I did your link on my blog. Thanks for offering a chance to win it!

Rebekah said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful blouse! I really hope to win it!

cornshake said... Best Blogger Tips

covet. covet. this is SO dreamy! you are so talented, it's ridiculous!!

neverknow said... Best Blogger Tips

"Last day for posts is Wednesday 1/25/09. Winner will be announced Tuesday!" is what you wrote i think you meant to type Sunday..hehe we all have those moments.

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE THIS! It is gorgeous! I am linking this.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

You have such a gift! This is too cute!

Melissa at Perry Jayne said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, it's gorgeous!! Love It! Crossing my fingers in hopes of winning!!

Heather Lee said... Best Blogger Tips

I love being a girl, and would love feeling girly in this oh so feminine blouse. Plus I love the bird headgear, very complimentary.

Claire said... Best Blogger Tips

This is beautiful! I'm not sure if I'm too late to enter or not but I linked it and it's lovely, so my fingers are crossed. :)

Zlaty said... Best Blogger Tips

love it! I love the fabric as well!
good luck to me!

"J" said... Best Blogger Tips

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love this blouse!!!!!

sarasophia said... Best Blogger Tips

I have nevah evah been so enraptured by any blouse as I am by this one:)

If I do not you plan on making these to sell? If you do I WILL PURCHASE TWO!

I am following your blog now, please return the favor, ma'am....I would be so honored to have such a talented friend on the internet.

Tres Bon!

sara (

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

So adorable! Especially love the bird headband! Ruthanne

MaybeThisDoor said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the Blouse, love the headband, love the pictures, love the blog! What an excellent blog trail you have going.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I really wonder sometimes when I stumble on to blogs like yours why I hadn't come across them before ... you are amazing, I love this blouse and the headband ... they are so awesome.

littlechrissy said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh this is just the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
It's definitely a sight for sore eyes on a grey and drizzly Monday morning.
I've added a link to the giveaway on my blog. I hope you don't mind I used one of the pics too...

Gloria P. said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the blouse; I love your hair piece also. I am hoping to win the blouse as a gift for my 22 yr old daughter.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

this blouse is lovely. where can i get it? email me.

*reyanna* said... Best Blogger Tips

You are so amazing! That blouse is simply divine. :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Did anyone win yet? Just checking ? :)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it. really great. how can i buy this. This Womens Wear is perfect for gifting.

Hannah Beth said... Best Blogger Tips

That is a gorgeous blouse! I absolutely LOVE the photography, it has a very nostalgic feel to it, much like the blouse.

Megan of Fabric Love said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm so glad I found your blog! I've been here before- your Alice costume really tickled my fancy!

I would love to buy many of your patterns, if you offered them on Etsy, and this is among them. Are you still thinking of selling patterns on Etsy? I hope so. I love most of your designs, but really go for the vintage-y and sometimes the ruffly, especially with sleeves.


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