Art Nest Pincushion Ring GIVEAWAY!!!!

April 28, 2009

Good News!! All those readers who loved Grosgrain's sponsor: Art Nest, now have a chance to win one of her unique creations!

Susannah has agreed to do guest giveaway here on Grosgrain!!!! And this time, she's giving away....THREE THREE lucky winners! I know, I'm excited too!

Each winner will be able to choose a pincushion ring of her choice!

Susannah Rodgers makes these original pincushion rings using her favorite fabrics, lush colored wool felt and nickel free, silver plated adjustable rings for a very affordable price! After using hers for nearly four months she doesn't think she can ever go back to storing her pins in a red tomato.

"Wearing my pincushion ring allows for more freedom while I sew at my machine. When not in use, I hang the pincushion on the bobbin winder," Says Susannah. "When I created my first pincushion ring, I never imagined how much I would come to rely on it. You and your seamstress friends will love how useful, simple, and beautiful your pincushion rings are. I look forward to giving these as gifts to the unique women in my own sewing circle."

Don't sew? No matter! These funky rings look great paired with a favorite t-shirt and jean!

Made using wool felt, favorite fabrics, and an adjustable silver plated, nickel free ring base.

Art Nest is a place to celebrate everyday beauty, hard work, living creatively, artistic achievements and remembering to live simply.

You can also catch up with Susannah at:

Last day for posts is
Sunday 5/10/09.


opera house

As usual, if you would like a cha
nce to win one of these rings just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

Create a Link

82 {comments}:

military76brat said... Best Blogger Tips

Woo Hoo these are so neat! I linked it from my blog!

lesthook said... Best Blogger Tips

They are adorable! My first link to my blog. Cool!

Jaime said... Best Blogger Tips

Amazing giveaway, I think those are the cutest things! Pick me, Pick me!!

Susannah @ Art Nest said... Best Blogger Tips

oh, WOW! The photographs look great! Thanks Kathleen!

crafty diane said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these ring pincushions! I have created a link to it on my blog!

Rebecca Ramsey said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it! I'm linking!

Jodie said... Best Blogger Tips

so cute. I've linked you from my blog as well.

whoopdedoo_5 said... Best Blogger Tips

love it! :)

hey, jode said... Best Blogger Tips

Please pick me!!!!!!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Great idea. I've linked in my blog!

Tricia said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are such a great idea, love it!

Nanna said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these and would put it to good use! Hope you pick me!

♥ meninheira ♥ said... Best Blogger Tips

I need it! it's adorable!! :)

meninheira (at) gmail (dot) com

(I linked)

shelia said... Best Blogger Tips

i just love these! I purchased on last time when they were introduced on your site...i NEED one for every finger :) (or i could share with my daughter)

janil said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh!They are lovely!!!!!

Ali Z said... Best Blogger Tips

These are brilliant. I wish i had thought of it! Love them.

Brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these!

AnnCP said... Best Blogger Tips

I am linked, I really hope I am chosen - this is perfect as long as I don't poke myself putting the pin in my ring :)

SandyQuilts said... Best Blogger Tips

Well I never ... those are the cutest things I've ever seen. Too too adorable. Please throw me into the pot.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I want one for my sewing friend. Pick me.!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

these are adorable, I've put a link on my blog! hopefully I win!

A Life So Peachy said... Best Blogger Tips

How wonderful!! I am linked :)


Busy Nothings said... Best Blogger Tips

These are so cute! I love this idea. I am linked! :)

CinderLisa said... Best Blogger Tips

These are adorable! And your blog is gorgeous, btw.

Sara said... Best Blogger Tips

Must have one of these!! I'm linking soon.

Lindsey said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooh, pick me! Pick me!

Missy said... Best Blogger Tips

These are flippin adorable. What a great idea. I'm happy to have this info and this link on my blog. Have a good one!

ringmaster said... Best Blogger Tips

i'm crossing my "ring" finger!

suzanne l. vinson said... Best Blogger Tips

these are so sweet and practical. can't wait to see who is chosen. linked and ready!

Kathleen W. said... Best Blogger Tips

These are such a great idea, and so pretty! I posted about it...

Alexus1325 said... Best Blogger Tips

AAAAAAAAH! Must... have... ring-cushion... *GASP* /die

Holy camole, that is INGENIOUS! I think I'll buy one if I don't win!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

oh too cool i have never seen anything like this

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

They are so cool I always wanted something like this.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said... Best Blogger Tips

adorable! Link is going up sunday.

Debbie @ OtRD said... Best Blogger Tips

These are so cute. I posted the link to this giveaway on my blog
I hope I win!!

Shelley said... Best Blogger Tips

I've never done the linking before, so I'm not sure I did the right thing! Anyways, I posted about the giveaway here:
I hope that counts!

The Lawlor's said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my oh my,
I just can't get by,
without one,
on my finger(s).

(Check my blog)

lawlorlawlor at gmail dot com

Janet said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! These are so sweet! I like um. lol Thanks.

gahome2mom at gmail dot com

Nathalanes Place said... Best Blogger Tips

Great prize I need one,
I created a link check out my blog at

juau4 said... Best Blogger Tips

Looks very useful and attractive!

mom said... Best Blogger Tips

i just love the rings very retro. posted the giveaway.

Elizabeth Cranmer said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been following Suzanna for a long time now! She is such a fabulously creative person! Iwould love to win a giveaway of hers! And Grograin is new to me, what a good find!

everyone is linked and bookmarked on my blog!

Daria - Boutique Cafe said... Best Blogger Tips

Love these rings! So brilliant! I've linked to your giveaway in two places:

daniela said... Best Blogger Tips

i love these rings, and i'm sewing, wow my hopes are flying high

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE those little rings! Too sweet!!! I also linked up on my blog. Thanks!!!

Made by Michelle said... Best Blogger Tips

Such awesome idea! I sew many hours a week, and I'm always taking my pin cushion back and forth from cutting mat to sewing machine. I would LOVE to not have to do that anymore!

Thanks for the giveaway!!

Kelly O. said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi there,
I linked it to my blog!
thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Awesome! I've linked you to my blog. I'd love to win!

Judy said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win this and I have linked this to my blog!

free indeed said... Best Blogger Tips

I don't have my own blog but want a chance to win. Delete if neccessary, but I feel cheated somehow...someone has to read the blogs and doesn't neccessarily have the gift of gab or writing to author a blog....I think I could really get use to the pincushion ring!

Amy aka: ropergirl3 said... Best Blogger Tips

they are just so sweet! Sorry I don't have a blog to link to... :(

Shari said... Best Blogger Tips

These are very good! Would love to have one. Have done a post with a link back to you. Good luck everyone!

grammatrish said... Best Blogger Tips

these are perfect,cute and useful!Liked the create a link easy

zigzago said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, they are so nice, I just love them, ... maybe one could become mine! Going to link you on my blog!
Hugs, Renata.

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are the cutes rings, I use to have one I bought and would where it all the time. Well I guess I left it at a sew along, anyway I would love to be entered in this giveaway.
Keep Stitchen,

Micki said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh enter me! The ring pin cushions are so cute! It is like wearing jewelry and it does make the sewing so much easier!

Cheryl Pinkman said... Best Blogger Tips

I hope I'm a winner. These are so different, fashionable and functional. Count me in!!

green girl said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh I totally need one of these. I'm a mess when it comes to pins.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

those are great!

Dawn said... Best Blogger Tips

These are so unique! I'd love to have one or two in my sewing room.

Simone de Klerk said... Best Blogger Tips

Such cute pincushion rings! I have never seen those. Amazing (O:

Tana said... Best Blogger Tips

I hope I win! I'm dying to try one.

ale82 said... Best Blogger Tips

ciao io son ale82, vorrei partecipare molto volentieri al tuo blog candy, che bei regali che originali... complimentoni, ti faccio tanti complimenti , ora vado a pubblicizzarti nel mio blog

Dana said... Best Blogger Tips

oh i love these!! so adorable!!

Bonnie said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh how I hope the linking worked! I've never done it that way before. hmmmmmm....

Inside Out said... Best Blogger Tips

SO CUTE!! Love em'

Ica said... Best Blogger Tips

your giveaways are always AMAZING! this is just swell!

PICK ME!!! hheheh

Smiley said... Best Blogger Tips

This is useful for my granny since she loves sewing but always misplaced her pincushion. linked back.

Meghan A said... Best Blogger Tips

so adorable! i love them!

Christie said... Best Blogger Tips

great idea...and so handy...I'm linking from my blog too!

sarasophia said... Best Blogger Tips

I blogged about these amazing little inventions here:

Please check out my post and you will see WHY I am hoping to win this giveaway so badly:)

Ancsi said... Best Blogger Tips

please count me in


icefairy said... Best Blogger Tips

Linked back. Cute giveaway!

K said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these, what a fabulous idea! Thanks for the chance :)
I blogged your giveaway here Bye, Kitty

Ariel said... Best Blogger Tips

would love to enter! Thank you!

SEWButterfly said... Best Blogger Tips

These are too cute! I hope I win!

Melissa! said... Best Blogger Tips

Too sweet!

Ashley said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it! Linked!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

love it. I would to use these. so cute

Ronnie said... Best Blogger Tips

Simply Brilliant, sweetie girl! Found you via Rebecca Ramsey, Wonders Never Cease.
Ronnie - in a small town in Georgia

sarasophia said... Best Blogger Tips

I was just wondering---I noticed you had listed a winner for this Art Nest giveaway...but, the post mentions that their will be three....

Do you plan on listing two more winners?

Ms. McDade said... Best Blogger Tips

What a simply amazing idea!

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