April 14, 2009

opera house Finally I have found a new Anthropolofication piece. I want you to see the 'before' at the bottom of the page.

This piece was *perfect* for this time of year. I finished it just as the cherry blossoms were blooming and dogwood trees were blossoming. The colors of the tank are VERY springtime! Especially, springtime around here which is gray, pink and white.

I keep waking up to the wraparound windows in my bedroom and finding one gray day after another. They do say 'April showers bring May flowers' but I'm getting really annoyed!

The temperature is constantly hovering over
50 degrees. Warm enough to wear a light jacket, not warm enough to feel comfortable outdoors for very long. Mother nature is such a tease!

The tank has creeping gray, white and pink flowers. I really liked the way they are offset.

To make this piece I took a gray silk shirt and cut off the top and sleeves. What was left was a rectangular piece with points at the places where I'd sew in the straps.

I created five pleats in the front and three in the back which cinched the top and created a billow around the waist.

At first, I bought thin gray strap-like cord. But it wouldn't sew onto the material properly. In addition, it didn't exactly match the gray silk. So eventually, I cut a long piece of fabric from the top that I had removed and made the straps myself. It looks far more convincing than my first attempt.

I then took the flowers and glued them on as if they were creeping across the left side. It had a very overgrown garden look that I liked.

Speaking of gardening, I bought and planted those Topsy Turvey tomato planters! They are hanging from my gazebo. I have my doubts. But I also have a dream. A dream of warm, ripe, red tomatoes I can eat from the comfort of my patio furniture. Too good to be true? We shall see.

opera houseThe pants are Anthropologie as well! Something from last season. I've noticed that they really lean toward cargos with cinches around the legs for springtime. I paired a set of ballet flats and a homemade orchid headband to complete the look.

Although, when wearing this tank I wouldn't recommend climbing in any trees. They are dirty, difficult not to mention dangerous!

When I decided that cherry blossoms would be perfect for these photos I imagined a tree with low hanging limbs and thick stepping branches. What I found was a tree with its first branch about ten feet in the air and thin, almost too skimpy branches to hold the weight of my body.

In retrospect, it was probably not the wisest idea. To accomplish the task I had to climb onto Brian's shoulders then reach for the closest hanging branch and pull myself up and onto it.

My legs and arms have the wounds to prove it! Not to mention my pants which instantly looked as if I had rolled around on a barn floor.

opera houseDon't even ask about the getting down part which had its own set of awkward challenges.

I was always good at climbing. Even though I'm normally afraid of heights and have very little upper body strength it was nothing for me to climb 20 feet when I was twelve.

opera houseEven after belly flopping from a weak ten foot high branch while reaching for a couple plumb blackberries, I hadn't felt much fear or found much challenge in it.

I do however remember the feeling of hitting the ground. I imagine it's the way someone feels just after being punched in the gut and having the wind knocked out of you. For a moment I didn't know if I could get up.

Perhaps some of that apprehension found its way into my memory yesterday as I pulled myself onto the first branch, because I seriously doubted whether or not I could hold on. You might not be able to tell from the above photo but there was about 10 feet of empty air between me and the ground. As I looked down I recalled the feeling of hitting the ground, stomach first.

And I don't know if it was that flashback or Brian's overt fear but at only ten feet in the air I felt my heart race. Climbing, it seems is for the young....or in my case....foolish.

opera houseDid I mention my aunt feel out of a mango tree and broke her hip? She was in her 80s though. Foolish love of climbing must run in my family.

I would say this cami would fit a small person. Although, it leaves a lot of room in the bust area. Currently, I'm a 34 C and it fit me mine.

Last day for posts is Sunday 4/26/09.

As usual, if you would like a chance to win this cami just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

Create a Link

150 {comments}:

Le Mama! said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this top. I would love to have it for this beautiful spring time. Although its always spring time where I live. You are so talanted!

Melinda said... Best Blogger Tips

This is sooo cute!

roy/elisabeth dean said... Best Blogger Tips

OH MY GOSH!!! I love this top! I already have the petal pink capris to go with it! AND a cherry tree! It is just screaming "let me go to Lilly's house in Bama"
Such talent....I have to send my pants out to get them hemmed!
I'll post a link~

S.L.P said... Best Blogger Tips

Stunning recreation! Well done!

Jes said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooooh! Thats gorgeous!!

~Michelle @ Women Who Win said... Best Blogger Tips

I blogged about this giveaway! :) Great review. Thank you so much! --Michelle, blogattoday {*at) gmaildotcom

joannaonthelake said... Best Blogger Tips

I am absolutely in love with your beautiful design! The style of this beautiful and exquisitely made shirt is exactly how I love to dress! I can see how meticulously crafted it is and it is just my size! I can see myself wearing this with a cute pair of white capris or my cute black summer skirt! I posted about your giveaway with a link to here. This is a link to my post! I hope this enters me into your amazing giveaway! Thank you so much for the opportunity to enter. P.S. I am now following your blog too!

Heather Bell said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it, beautiful!!

Kiley said... Best Blogger Tips

Again i am in awe of your creations ;) I am 6 months pregnant - so there is no way i would be fitting in to it this spring ;) but I would LOVE it for next spring....... it would def motivate me to get back in shape... wink, wink!!!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

This is really beautiful! I came over because I read about this giveaway on Melinda's page. I hope she wins because she is the nicest, funnest mommy on the planet : ). You are super creative.

Cat said... Best Blogger Tips

This top is beautiful! I cannot believe you made it from that really ugly piece. It's amazing. I love your work but this one screams Spring doesn't it?

monica said... Best Blogger Tips

Very cute! Great for spring time and summer!

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said... Best Blogger Tips

Very pretty top, love the photos.

abby jenkins said... Best Blogger Tips

What great photos! Just stumbled across your site and look forward to checking out the archives you talented girl you!

Laura said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE IT!!!!!

Ruhammie said... Best Blogger Tips

AH!! This top is SO CUTE!! I love the flowers and how Anthropolific it is!! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win this one!!

tara said... Best Blogger Tips

WaOu ! ! ! that is sOOO cute! many thanks for this giveaway!!!^^!!!

Cherry Blossoms said... Best Blogger Tips

Its absolutely breathtaking! So unique and vintage looking!

CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

You are so talented and the top (and you) are GORGEOUS!

KileyDianeSmith at gmail dot com

Lori said... Best Blogger Tips

That is gorgeous!

Ann Diana Dinh, said... Best Blogger Tips

This is absolutely adorable!!

sakmb said... Best Blogger Tips

It's amazing to me how you can take something so plain and make something so beautiful. I love your work.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

luv it

Susannah @ art nest said... Best Blogger Tips

Kathleen, I'm breathless...superior work!

Rebecca Ramsey said... Best Blogger Tips

What a gorgeous outfit. Very cute.
I LOVE your aunt and I don't even know her. When I am in my eighties I want to climb mango trees too!

Sara said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my gosh! I was drooling over this top at this past weekend! And your tank is just adorable (x a million)! There's a space in my closet for it ;) I've linked to your post->
Sara (

Mrs.G said... Best Blogger Tips

This is BEAUTIFUL!! I love it!!

Lynne said... Best Blogger Tips

You are very talented and I look forward to every new thing that you post!

Michelle Hemingway said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh I love it! What a beautiful stylish tank

Karen said... Best Blogger Tips


Alexus1325 said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous as usual!



Michelle said... Best Blogger Tips

You are amazing! I would love to have this top! Adorable photo shoot too. :)

Brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

That's so beautiful! I enjoyed your commentary about climbing the tree, too.

Mary said... Best Blogger Tips

Love this!

a b said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love love love this!!! I can't believe how creative you are! I have started sewing and can't imagine how to ever do anything like you!

Dionne said... Best Blogger Tips

What a beautiful top! It would look fabulous on me. ;-)

emily said... Best Blogger Tips

I saw that shirt in their catalogue and I thought - I have to make that. Good job!

zouzoulette25 said... Best Blogger Tips

Wouaouh...wonderful...this top is wonderful !!!!

la chipie said... Best Blogger Tips

c'est magnifique !!!
c'est à gagner ??? je peux participer ?

vmsb said... Best Blogger Tips

OMG - please pick me - this is so beautiful!! I love the story and pictures. I want to get some cute pink pants and adorable flats (how did you find some that matched your blouse so perfectly?). I love that tree climbing is in your blood - I hope you are still climbing when you are 80 (but not falling). I would love to meet you some day - come out West to vacation and visit - the weather is almost always perfect here! Thanks again for the chance to win a Grosgrain original and for the post - I was going into Grosgrain-creations withdrawal.

Jan said... Best Blogger Tips

That is delightful ...I came here at Dionne's suggestion ,and will be back for more ideas wonderful Jan xx

babalisme said... Best Blogger Tips

You are so talented!! I wish I have half the skill you have!

golublog said... Best Blogger Tips

This top is sweet and girly.

bluelullaby said... Best Blogger Tips

I fall in love with this top !!! I have written a message yesterday on my blog ! hoping the link is ok

Dale said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW! This top is so very great. I love how the flowers flow on the one shoulder... the way it is offset in that way is so very charming. Great great job. I've linked to this on my blog.

Easton wife said... Best Blogger Tips

I love your gorgeous work. I am a fashion nut. I link here :) Cassie

Vickie said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this top, so pretty. Pick me so I can give it to my daughter who really loves it!

Clare Wassermann said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you for such an interesting Blog!

Lindsay said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, this is absolutely beautiful. I became a follower of your blog for the shirt. Now I'll have to read more often!

lindsay ||

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the tank, as well as the pictures! I think the tree climbing was well worth it;)


K said... Best Blogger Tips

That is simply gorgeous and my daughter would love to wear it!
Thanks for the chance :)
I blogged your giveaway hereGreetings from Slovenia, Kitty

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This is gorgeous! I love how you added the flowers and pleats. Typically I don't like pleats but they look fabulous on this top! The idea of cherry blossoms is fantastic expecially since they're one of my fav. flowers. Can I borrow your talent one of these days? I really want to learn how to do some of this myself.

Vone said... Best Blogger Tips

so pretty - love it.

daniela said... Best Blogger Tips

i would love to wear this beautiful top and lure spring into full bloom in new england!

Aubrey said... Best Blogger Tips

So inspiring. I have several shirts I've been meaning to do something like this with other shirts in my closet. Beautiful work!

Jess said... Best Blogger Tips


Myshell said... Best Blogger Tips

So pretty and feminine...linking you up in my Grosgrain Spotlight!

RobinBirdsNest said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it! Hope I win! I just posted a link.

ElizabethJane. said... Best Blogger Tips

Hello :)
I noticed (and am SO excited) that I won the Muntedkowhai necklace giveaway! What do I need to do?

Thanks, Beth

Ashley said... Best Blogger Tips

That is so cute! I've always wanted to create something like anthro has. You have inspired me! Thanks!

Katie said... Best Blogger Tips

Creativity - that's all that can be said...and...awesome!

Elisabeth (and Tyler) said... Best Blogger Tips

You're incredible.. This is so feminine and delicate. I just love it!

Sara said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, how lovely! I intend to make a link on my blog later. In the meantime, may I please borrow a clone of the sewing genius part of your brain? ;)

Moriah said... Best Blogger Tips

It is very pretty! And I love the colors!

Canyon Girl said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVELY!! I would LOVE to win this! I adding a link to my blog and am hoping for good luck. :)

Ginny said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful! Blogged ~

Jes said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh thats GORGEOUS!!

Kaley said... Best Blogger Tips

This shirt is so adorable. It's the best I've ever seen grey done! Need I say...I really want this shirt!

Tammy On the Go said... Best Blogger Tips

so I created a link, since I have lost 25 of the 40 pounds of baby weight I need to lose, this shirt would be perfect for celebrating getting back to the skinnier me!

Dolly said... Best Blogger Tips

me me pick me!!

Nicki said... Best Blogger Tips

You are so talented! I love this top.

glam.spoon said... Best Blogger Tips

wow, great job! Is that a straight knock off or inspired by the original?

Marcy M Miller said... Best Blogger Tips

How darling. I love it! You are so lucky that trees are starting to bloom, we still have snow on the ground!!!

Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips

Yah for your redesigns!! I am so in for this one. =)

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE it!! :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so gorgeous! I love grey and it seems like no one ever shows it enough for me so I would love to win this top!!!

Christina said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness! It is so very beautiful!

georgia b. said... Best Blogger Tips

wow, i'm speechless! not just at the tank and the give-away, but this blog.

LOVE it!

wonderful work—and what a word! Anthrolification. that's awesome!

Bette said... Best Blogger Tips

love-love it! it's sew pretty! i'm into refashioning lately, i think i'm gonna give it a try but i want this as well :D.

stacysews said... Best Blogger Tips

It's beautiful. I really love this one!

Katy said... Best Blogger Tips

Lovely....I want it!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful! So lovely, feminine, and delicate.

Lesley said... Best Blogger Tips

oh my goodness...that is so amazingly about the envy of all....I would LOVE to have this to add to my spring wardrobe.

blogged about the giveaway here

beth said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this top and if I win, I promise to climb a tree while wearing it...and then of course I'd have to take it out dancing !!!

Rachel said... Best Blogger Tips

Adorable! I had been eyeing the anthropology tank for a while, but couldn't justify the price. Love this!

Christina said... Best Blogger Tips

what pretty work and in such a sweet color palette!

Kristin R said... Best Blogger Tips

This top is awesome! Love it!!!

Christy said... Best Blogger Tips

That's amazing, I absolutely love it! I wish I had the vision you do!

ElizabethJane. said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you for getting in touch with Tiffany for me :) So excited about getting the necklace :)

Taryn said... Best Blogger Tips

Please can I have it?

taryn (dot) johnson (at) gmail (dot) com

Megan@Just For Me...And You said... Best Blogger Tips

This shirt is so unbelievably beautiful!

deepsouthrunner said... Best Blogger Tips

I created a link on my blog:

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

My link is posted here:

I love this shirt and it would make n excellent addition to my closet!!

4chalseys@blogger said... Best Blogger Tips

Lovely shirt! Hope to own it! : ) Thanks for the contest!

Through My Own Lens said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, WOW! The before and after is AMAZING! You are so talented!

I posted a link on my blog.

Wish me luck! This would be a great addition to my totally non-existent spring wardrobe!!! THANKS!

niftythriftymommy2007 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

It's so cute...thanks for the chance to win it.

I posted a link on my blog

Robin said... Best Blogger Tips

I am so glad you didn't die while wearing this top--would've been kinda weird to still give it away, huh?! You are so talented in a way I only dream of being!! I know you hear that a lot, but, if we're all saying it, it must be true!!
Thank you for sharing your inspirations and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the before and afters!!!

Amy and her little family said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked it on my blog!

miyo b. said... Best Blogger Tips

gorgeous - delicate - amazing! please pick me!!! i will take care very good care of it :)

Lou said... Best Blogger Tips

I absolutely love this top, it is so cute with what you and your unique talent have done to make it so me :)

mrs.mommyy said... Best Blogger Tips

beautiful top!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

a lovely beautiful crafty thing.

Ann On and On... said... Best Blogger Tips

What a sweet top...I only hope it looks as cute on me as it does you.

Your tree climbing excursion was funny.

Ann On and On... said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted your giveaway on my blog linking it back to you... check it out. :D *Thanks for the super cute giveaway!

Ann On and On... said... Best Blogger Tips

Could I purchase a top like that if I do not win?

Belinda said... Best Blogger Tips

I think that is the cutest top I have seen. Love it.

Heather said... Best Blogger Tips

I think tha's the most beautiful top I've ever seen! Really.

Lindsey said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful work! As much as I would love to win this top, I would love to have your skill even more. And your tiny figure. Both are adorable.

And don't worry about the climbing the tree thing, it's always worth it even if you do end up with a couple of scratches. I think we should all climb more trees.

Susan Campbell Cross said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it! You are incredibly talented and creative.

hahamommy said... Best Blogger Tips

I followed AnnOnAndOn right on over here :) There's a post on my Journey of Nani Moon blog :D

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said... Best Blogger Tips

absolutely beautiful!!

Aileena said... Best Blogger Tips

I want this tank! My husband thinks I can just make it, but you are way more talented than me!

Erin said... Best Blogger Tips

That is awesome! You are crazy amazing. Just posted a link... look forward to seeing even more from you soon! :D

Tracie said... Best Blogger Tips

This is why I need to learn how to sew! Stunning. I put a link on my blog!

Juniorpink said... Best Blogger Tips

This is the most amazingly beautiful and delicate top. It reminds me of all the times I picked cherries growing up. I absolutely love it and had to blog about it!

shannon said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm not entering the contest because the top probably won't fit me, but I had to comment on your tree-climbing skills and determination!!! If the climb was as traumatic as you described, you should look into your future in modeling. That was every bit as challenging a photo shoot as the ones on ANTM and you'd never know by your face. You go!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow what a beauty. I'd love this fabulous top!

military76brat said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this top! It looks so comfortable and I created a link!

ElizabethMJaocb said... Best Blogger Tips

This is beautiful!! L O V E it!
I blogged about your site and this giveaway

Almost Always said... Best Blogger Tips

i posted your link!
love it!

Tyson,Brandy,Chanel, Crew said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! What an awesome top!! You are so creative!

Samantha said... Best Blogger Tips

That shirt is magical. Posted it on my twitter, hope this qualifies me.

You're so talented, it's truly stunning work.

~ ennui ~ said... Best Blogger Tips

I've just found you through Erin at Perfect Sentiment- your work is beautiful! And yes, I was just at shopping Anthro yesterday and the cropped cargos were out in full force!

PS~Erin said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow. wow. wow! I love what you did... So impressive. I love your photos too! Blogged abt it and linked here:

Have a great day!

debbi said... Best Blogger Tips

This is are amazing

Mrs. Ives said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow. Really stunning top. Great work!

Emily B said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow. that is gorgeous. And you're so brave! You won't find me climbing trees!
I blogged here:

her said... Best Blogger Tips

this shirt is so cute that it hurts physically, i must have! :)

Alexus1325 said... Best Blogger Tips

That's weird, my link doesn't show up at the bottom of the page... Hmmm...

Here it is for those interested:

Kim said... Best Blogger Tips

Great work Kathleen! Love it.

janil said... Best Blogger Tips

I fell in love with it... Really fantastic!

roy/elisabeth dean said... Best Blogger Tips

I was sure I had posted already, but I don't see it....must have forgotten the word verification!
I have posted it on my blog and am crossing fingers/toes/eyes...etc. at a chance of winning!
Have a wonderful day~

Natasha Burns said... Best Blogger Tips

I love what you have done, it's adorable! I won't be entering your giveaway as I'm not small, but I just wanted to tell you how adorable it is and how beautiful you look in it, up in that tree, scracthes and all, lol!

nfaband said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my gosh, what a gorgeous creation, I'd love to win this for my daughter who's turning 20 very soon, she'd love to open this one of a kind piece and wear it out to dinner on her birthday. Thanks for the chance to win.

I've posted you link on my blog!

JD said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful, I'd love to have this shirt!

Taylor said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked!

I love this top and wouldn't mind wearing it for girls night out!

Meg said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, what a makeover! I hope I win!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it! How very "anthropologic" of you...

céline said... Best Blogger Tips

what a wonderfull top !!
I love it !!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the top. Wouldn't I be in heaven if I won.


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Love this top. Would be thrilled to win it.


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Please! I have to have this top!

Kristi Deter ( Lambert ) said... Best Blogger Tips

I guess I am late. Hopefully not too late : ) It is beautiful and all my favorite colors. You are so talented.

Michelle Kuo said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my gosh I AM IN LOVE WITH THAT TOP! It's so adorable!

tiarastantrums said... Best Blogger Tips

WOW - another gorgeous piece!! I want it!

Janet said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful! My 16 year old or 24 year old could wear this one. I am jealous. Nah! :) Thanks.

gahome2mom at gmail dot com

LADYHIGHTOWER said... Best Blogger Tips


XauXau said... Best Blogger Tips

Beau - ti - ful!!
I posted a link in my blog! :)
Pa pa!

Amber said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous! I posted your link on my blog

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

It is such a beautiful top that it actually inspire me to be creative with a t-shirt I've got. I have the ideas but don't have the 'know how'. I don't even own a sewing machine. This could lead me somewhere down the creative road. Thanks !

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