Simple Skirts GIVEAWAY!!!! CLOSED.

April 19, 2009

opera houseI never get tired of little girl skirts.They are feminine, Prêt-À-Porter and VERSTILE! Surprisingly, I really love the plainest simple skirt. I imagine if I bought these they'd be $10 a piece and I could buy one in every color.

opera houseThese skirts are made from Sheermist Batiste with a soft nylon lining. They are very simple but look great with a plain white tank. Barefoot or with ballet flats. The skirts I feature in the giveaway come in field yellow, city red, cherry blossom pink, ocean blue and forest brown. Wear one to the beach or walking down a city sidewalk, passing a picket fence or country field. And where ever you go, carry a sense of whimsy with you.

opera houseMolly loves playing with the balloons in the house. She pulls them down and bounces them off her head. But she's missing the red one. While in the woods Lily's candy apple red balloon got away from us. Before we could react its string slithered past our eyes and upward into the atmosphere.

opera houseSeeing a balloon fly away is such a helpless feeling. You go through several stages. The first is alarm, second is disbelief, third is anger, fourth and final stage is helplessness. There's also the optional public outburst phase that Lily has thankfully outgrown.

I would say these skirts would fit a 3 to 6 year old.

Last day for posts is
Sunday 5/03/09.

opera houseAs usual, if you would like a chance to win these skirts just link back to this post. If you have any questions see the "questions and answers" link to the right. If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would and I will see it using Technorati.

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78 {comments}:

Myshell said... Best Blogger Tips

simple and pretty...perfect!

Krista said... Best Blogger Tips

Simple is ALWAYS the way to go! So sweet!

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

Very pretty!! My princesses would love any one of these!

Lindsay Riggs said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, pick me! My daughter is in a phase where she only wants to wear skirts/dresses so she ends up wearing the same three things over and over again. We live in AZ so she could wear these skirts all year round! Darling!

Sallie said... Best Blogger Tips

Thse are great. I would love to have any one of these.

monica said... Best Blogger Tips

Very pretty! So sweet...Love the photography also with the matching balloon!

Cheilita said... Best Blogger Tips

Dear Kathleen,
I would be very very very happy to win these skirts. You see, somehow Tulia went through a unsuspecting growth spurt and all of her skirts that i made in the summer/fall look like 60's go-go or shall i risk the phrase "Skirts of a Hooker's length". so, there, i'm forced to dress the princess in pants which causes fights and fits and then raised fists in the air yelling WHY GOD WHY!????????!!!!
ok. that was a bit much huh.

Lizzy Rose Boutique said... Best Blogger Tips

Love these, both of my daughters are in a skirts only phase!!! They would love this! I put a link on my blog!!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the colors you used.

jennie said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh they are so pretty! I agree with the simple idea of them. Cant go wrong, hit old navy for ton of plain tanks and you're set for summer!

Gotcha linked:)

greetingarts said... Best Blogger Tips

So simple, so cute. *Both* my girls would be able to wear this, I sure hope I'm putting up my link correctly! Thanks for your generosity and the chance to win!

Brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

So sweet! I love how you pair them with matching balloons for the photos.

military76brat said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted your link! Those are great looking skirts!

Addie said... Best Blogger Tips

Do yuo ever have time to read all of your comments? I don't comment on here much since my little girl won't be born 'til september, and I am the person who never wins things, but I love to check in on yuor blog since I love to sew, and you have such inspiring ideas. Hopefully someday my daughters will reep the rewards of all of the ideas I've gethered from you. Thanks!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Love these!!!

muriel said... Best Blogger Tips

Actually falling for the beautiful pictures and trying this for the first time, my three-year old would like very much to play with a balloon matching skirt ;-)

Michelle said... Best Blogger Tips

Both of my girls would just LOVE these skirts! They beg to wear skirts every day to school.

zime said... Best Blogger Tips

Pick meeeee My daughter only wears skirts. She's gonna love it!!!

Kara said... Best Blogger Tips

So simple and cute... these are perfect for summer! I love them!

Krishna said... Best Blogger Tips

Once again, you've created adorable but simple kid's clothing. I love that they go with everything. I'd love to see my little Avery in one.

Heather Bell said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the pink one!! Nothing is better than skirts in the summer!

Amber Monson said... Best Blogger Tips

I love all the beautiful colors my little girls would love these. Simple is Perfect. I posted a link

SawyerSharks said... Best Blogger Tips

love these, just plain and perfect

Jared, Marla, Jayden, Cailey, Rylee and Lexi said... Best Blogger Tips

These are so simple so cute, will coordinate with lots yes still so feminine

Sherry Go Sharing said... Best Blogger Tips

very nice giveaway is it open to international?

sherrygo at hotmail dot com

Jessica Peck said... Best Blogger Tips

the skirts are cute but i actually enjoy the pictures better than the skirts this time! they are so adorable with the matching balloons. as soon as my little one is old enough, i'm borrowing your idea ;) thanks.

RobinBirdsNest said... Best Blogger Tips

so cute! just posted a link.

dana said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the series of pictures. Fabulous idea.

ringmaster said... Best Blogger Tips

i am crossing my fingers!

Lexi said... Best Blogger Tips

these are so cute. I wish I had enough talen to pull off something even this simple lolo

Verna said... Best Blogger Tips

Very Nice.

I'm not a little girl anymore, but I enjoy skirts too. Just don't wear as many as I used to as a child.

Jenny said... Best Blogger Tips

I hope I did the link correctly. Never done this before. Skirts are so fun. Love them on my girls!

N. said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked yesterday but it's not showing up here! So here it is!

Chandy said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, that it's so cool! I love it! I'll put a link on my sidebar!

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

love them!

noreen said... Best Blogger Tips

just linked,
my girls are 3 and 6 so the skirts would be perfect, plus my girl only wear skirts or dresses. If I make them wear pants they wear a dress or skirt over them.

The Grosgrain Girls said... Best Blogger Tips

so cute!
I was so thrilled to find your site as I am a grosgrainafile,
my homewares business in Australia is called Grosgrain, come visit,
well done, love your blog.

Filipa said... Best Blogger Tips

Loved the photos! Great post!

frankenpug said... Best Blogger Tips

BEAUTIFUL! It is finally skirt season and my daughter couldn't be more excited...I know she would absolutely love one of these:)

I love all of the colors! Great photos too:)

Alf and Lily Creations said... Best Blogger Tips

The colours are great, I have two girls aged 5 and 3 and they love to wear skirts. Often wearing each others as well lol

Back Porch Blessings said... Best Blogger Tips

These skirts are really sweet but my main comment is for the pretty little girl wearing them and the awsome photographer. My lil Bry would love any one of these.

céline said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it and I would like to win it so I linked few minutes ago ! I hope my lonk is OK !!

Julie Church said... Best Blogger Tips

I love love love it! please let me win!

Trish said... Best Blogger Tips

love these photos, kathleen!

Elisabeth said... Best Blogger Tips

I wish I had a little girl to put these on! I love the photography.. Brilliantly simple and beautiful.

janil said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute! I love it and my daughter'd too!

Saucy said... Best Blogger Tips

I don't have a little one to wear this skirt so I can't enter but I just want to say how fun your blog, your projects and your photos are. I always check in to see what you're up to and you inspired me with your Marie-Therese giveaway to do something big too!

Stevenson's said... Best Blogger Tips

so cute, so simple. Love it

Marsel said... Best Blogger Tips

How fun it would be to have so many colors in the wardrobe! They look like they'd be so comfortable for Georgia's summer heat...!

Marty Mason said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute....perfect for the young and young at heart.

Cherry Blossoms said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely Beautiful! My 2 1/2 year old would look gorgeous in one!

CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips


RobandKileySmith at hotmail dot com

The Holdaway's said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful skirts!

Kimara said... Best Blogger Tips

I know a couple of grandbabies that would quite lovely romping in these! Thanks for the chance to win!

Head 2005 Inc.! said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful, perfect for making my little princess feel like one!

Christi said... Best Blogger Tips

I love these!!!!

Karen said... Best Blogger Tips

perfect for easy summer outfits! Adorable!

Burnhams said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked mine

Hall of Halls said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win one!

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips


Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said... Best Blogger Tips

Very pretty!!

Tricia said... Best Blogger Tips

The perfect skirt!

green girl said... Best Blogger Tips

They are perfect. I love simple.
It is so hot here in the summer and wearing skirts is the best way to go.

Sweepstakes Advantage said... Best Blogger Tips

I found this Giveaway on Sweepstakes Advantage, , Good Luck to all!

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

My girls would love those skirts. They are so simple and pretty!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

my 3 year old daughter kaylee would look so cute in one so i hope we win ;)

Amanda Borden said... Best Blogger Tips

these are so cute.

Janet said... Best Blogger Tips

Believe it or not, I also have a 3 year old. She loves dressing up. She loves pink too. lol


gahome2mom at gmail dot com

Denise said... Best Blogger Tips

Sometimes less is more and it's so true with these little skirts! I love them in every color!

Denise said... Best Blogger Tips

Sometimes less is more and it's so true with these skirts! I love them all!

LADYHIGHTOWER said... Best Blogger Tips


SK23584 said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautyful skirts, I love this, you can find such kind of apparels online at at very cheap rate.

m e l said... Best Blogger Tips

i just might have to order one of these. they are darling!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Really a nice Skirts collections, I love to have it, & I've seen this type of collection on :

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

It is just pretty and very nice to see and ur Skirts Collection is superb but i suggest online shopping site which is helpful to u more skirts collection.

Suketu Kansara said... Best Blogger Tips

very nice collections for baby, I really like it, I think you may find such kind branded collection at discount rate on

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Nice things that u created simple kid's clothing. I like ur skirts collection and specially kids clothes so i like it. but if u want to buy skirts online than visit this site.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful skirts. Very simple, but very pretty. I love all the different colors.

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