Look at this ADORABLE dress! It's from that book by Eric Carle I'm sure you're all familiar with the Very Hungry Caterpillar. I didn't even know they made this fabric! I haven't seen it anywhere.
I'm very disappointed at the fabric selection where I live. Admittedly it could be worse but I'm always looking for thin soft pale fabrics that just don't exist anywhere. And when I'm buying fabric for its texture I don't like to purchase online since of course you cannot feel it.
Rarely, do I ever find exactly what I'm looking for when I go for a fabric run. It can be so frustrating!
Recently, I've been considering purchasing a serger. I don't think I am fully aware of what I am missing. I've heard it will cut and hem in one step. Is that really so? But I've also read that they are an extreme pain to thread. Do any of you have any advice on a serger?
I'm not looking for anything grand. Something within the $200 price range.I've also heard of an air jet threader. I assume that is something out of my price range but I was still curious about what it was.
I love the colors in these two photos. I especially love the pairing of fabric in the apron to the right. So bright and summery like a stylish carnival. See the whole apron here.
Please click on the photos to be taken to the author's flickr post. The top photo is from flickr user Kunklebaby the bottom photo is from flickr user miffysworld.
19 {comments}:
I love, love, love my serger. Especially for garment sewing< i consider it a must-have. It saves time by combining the sewing/cutting, but it also makes very neat, professional-looking seams. yes, the threading can be irritating sometimes, but if you use the tying-on method and spend some time just getting used to your particular machine, the benefits far outweigh the irritations.
Go for it -- you certainly accomplish more than enough sewing to make it worthwhile!!!
I don't find my serger to be that difficult to thread. You really ARE missing out. I have this one: http://www.amazon.com/Brother-1034D-Lay-Thread-Serger/dp/B0000CBK1L/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=home-garden&qid=1242487125&sr=8-1
which is one of the few in your price range, and the best budget serger in my opinion.
Good luck!
I love overlockers as we tend to call them. Threading is much easier if you always leave the thread in the machine, cut off near the bobbin when you change and then tie the new thread on and pull it through carefully.
I have a Pfaff 4862 that I bought on ebay and I LOVE it!
I dont find the threading to be that difficult. It takes more time than a regular sewing machine, but then again there are 4 times as many threads.
When I was taking my first serger class the lady on the left of me had a top of the line serger- auto threading tension and everything, and of course she loved the ease of it. Mine has auto tension but not auto threading. The lady to the right of me had a very basic serger with no auto threading or auto tension. She was curing at her machine. I cant imagine trying to get the tension right on 4 different threads! Just something to think about.
I have an old White brand serger that my mom bought for me on Ebay for $75. It needs a little servicing to be top notch, but it works great. Any serger will need servicing from time to time. I don't have any auto-tension or auto anything. It isn't easy as pie, but once you learn how to do it and get a little practice in, you'll be a pro in no time. I love having a serger, especially for knits. Any one can survive without one, but they sure do make certain things easier. What ever you get and where ever you get it from, make sure there is an owner's manual included (that will be your key to success.)
Hey there,
Amy Karol raves about a babylock serger that does the air threading thing.
I bought a 5 thread serger that is prob. 20 years old, Elna, from my aunt's friend. She bought it to use for a couple projects, so it is like new. The oil kind of dried up so I took it to the sewing machine repair guy since I knew nothing about it.
I've only used it for 3 threaded stuff, since I still need the plate for 4 thread. All by myself, I managed to figure out how to adjust the tension. If you have a manual, you'll be fine. Some machines have videos and workbooks out there too.
Before you research, research, see what features you might like to have while you browse. And don't forget to check a sew. mach. store and see if they have any "better" ones used.
I love that E.C. fabric too.
Some people on sewing mamas have highly recommended www.bessiemary.com for quality fabrics, maybe like what you are looking for.
You should definitely invest in a serger. Anyone can learn to thread one. True they aren't as simple as a sewing machine but that is only because there are four times the amount of threads! If your treat your serger right it will treat you right :). I learned how to thread one during my first year of school in my first sewing class and didn't think it was hard. You can do it!! Sergers are so worth it because everything is so clean and finished - and what is better than that??
YOU HAVE TO GET A SERGER! you will not regret it. i have had my Janome for over 10 years and it is still serging like a dream. It is a 4 thread serger but I rarely use the 4th thread.
The threading issue really isn't an issue at all, it's just a tad more complicated than a machine but it's not IMPOSSIBLE. Besides, I think what you do is pretty brilliant & I can't imagine you wouldn't be able to figure it out. Don't let the fear stop you!
I recently bought a used serger and it's just devine. Sewing garments is much faster and cleaner! Once you thread it you can just knot the top with new thread, pull the thread through the loops and cut the old thread off (like what Marsel said). It's prob worth doing a serger class to use all it's functions too.
I bought a baby lock many years ago. It was a middle of the line serger and cost around $700. Threading pathways are colorcoded. I was also given lesson when I bought it.
Later, I took fashion design classes. We often had to rethread the five thread machines from scratch. My point is the home machines are quite simple compared to professional machines.
Once you get use to it, you will find it a great time saver and I'm sure you will love the professional looking finish.
I saw that you were featured in Somerset's Artful Blogging...Congrats! :) Love that magazine!
I'm so glad you posted this question. I too am researching sergers. It's such a huge decision. The stores keep trying to talk me into auto thread and tension. I'm more looking at viking huskylock along with janome cover pro.
wow, I can't believe you DON'T have a serger. All this time you've been crancking out these beautiful pieces, I had no clue you weren't serging them. You will absolutly LOVE serging. It's fast, clean, and beautiful! I love my Janome! There is a fab little local sewing shop down the street from me that has them always for half off! (Don't ask how he stays in business... Mine was only $500, it's a fab machine!) It's like upgrading to digital SLR- would you even dream of going back to film?
I just bought a serger from costco.com for $200. It's a Brother and has great reviews and since costco has such a fabulous return policy I didn't have much to loose. I have never owned or sewn on a serger so I was a little nervous but it comes with a dvd with amazing instructions and is a breeze to thread. I love it. You really need to get a serger. You are way too talented to not have one. It will rock your world!
Sergers are not difficult to thread -- there's just four cones of thread instead of one, so it looks complicated but it's easy. And sergers do cut and hem in one step.
wow incredible time-saving advice for someone who doesn't own a serger, isn't sure if they want to buy one or not, has no idea which one to buy, and doesn't have alot of money to spend. ALL the answers are here, just wonderful posting! new to grosgrain blog, happy happy to find it though! found via Saidos da Concha.
I assumed serger was a brand. I figured from your description that it was some kind of overlocker.
I saw the EC fabric a few weeks ago at a craft store, but when I went back it was sold out!
I have found it here:
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