Dina has been coming up with high-quality printables, that can be printed, and used to make homemade costumes.
For example, all designs used on costume of the dragon fighter below and to the right are simply printed and attached to clothing (including printables for the shield).
Check out her site for several other printable costumes, a no sew skunk, printable robot, printable darth vader, no sew lamb, etc.
The robot costume above is a super easy costume to try on your own, especially with the Robot printable templates. If you open the .pdf file, it will have the artwork for the eyes, nose, mouth, and chest pieces. Her children played make believe with it for months and months.
She also made an ADORABLE lamb costume that required no sewing. You really need to check it out!
I loved the skeleton costume below. After being inspired by the idea (though not the price) from a Pottery Barn Kids costume that year, Dina decided to create this fun costume for the children to make themselves. All you or the children need to do is print them, cut them out, and pin them to black pants and a black shirt. While you may use any black pants and shirt, Dina recommend a pair of tight-fitting long underwear found at sports stores that sell ski-wear.
The best part is that Dina offers these all for FREE, yeah, free, on her blog. I definitely recommend going back for more goodies. I believe she is planning on posting the Darth Vader printables this weekend!
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