First off, something weird is happening to my sidebar that is beyond my control. Apparently there is a problem with layout in highly customized templates. Blogger says they are working on that. For now, most of my sidebar (aside from my sponsors) are at the bottom of the page. So until Blogger finds a way to correct this, please refer to the end of my page.
Okay, now that that ugly business is out of the way....I have a new sidebar! On the left is a list of ALL my most recent blog posts with a brief description and thumbnail image. I have done this because from now on, only FEATURED posts will be put in my center space.
I am doing this because I would like to post MORE content to Grosgrain. However, I like having certain stories remain on my front page longer than others. This way I can do that! And let me tell you, it WAS NO EASY TASK. Days of code crunching and pulling my hair out and this is the finished result.
HERE'S MY FAVORITE PART, LISTEN UP, I have also included a new BLINKING link at the top right titled "SUBMIT YOUR STORIES". If you have a craft idea on your own blog or see something you might think Grosgrain readers would like please send it my way though this link. If approved, it could be published on Grosgrain! Please don't fret if your story does not appear, I could be saving it for a 'themed' post.
Also, you might have noticed the "Share and Enjoy" buttons at the bottom of each post. Please feel free to use these if you want to share a post that you like. This is a BIG change for me. I hope to have more stories for you while keeping Grosgrain focused on the clothes and giveaways I offer.
5 {comments}:
The blog looks great Kathleen!
New and improved is sometimes better - this is the case for your blog. Congratulations on your new look. ~Kelly
unDeniably Domestic
I love the new look!
I can't imagine how many clumps of hair must be littering your workspace. I personally keep a wig close by when working with any computer. LOL!
Thanks for all you do for us.
I, for one, love visiting your blog.
Lookin' good. I pulled out some hair feeling your html pain :)
The changes are great - everything looks more cleaned up and orderly!
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