But this dress (to left) from Modcloth: The Connie Dress reaches a whopping 42"! So ALWAYS be sure to check. Otherwise you'll end up with a tunic rather than a dress.
Take the dress at the bottom. I could see myself buying that dress online. It 'looks' like it might be a cute A-line, flirty piece. But it only reaches 32" from shoulder! I'm a short person but that reaches just below my behind. If you drop something on the ground you might as well consider it lost to the universe. You know what I mean?
Have any of you had this experience with purchasing online clothing?
Look for a great GROSGRAIN giveaway on Tuesday. I'm going to take the photos on Monday. I'd go today but I have a birthday party to go to for a dear friend's daughter.
And look for a new DIY compilation later today. Hint, hint. Very timely;)
15 {comments}:
I discovered Modcloth through your site and also love it! I too have had the same issues with some of the dresses...and as 4th grade teacher I have to bend down and over my kids a lot. I bought a slightly larger dress just to get the extra inch! When it got here I spent a lot of time in the mirror checking to see just how much movement I had. The length was deemed okay by my husband, but I still had to be cautious all day long! The latest dress from them had a decent amount of fabric in the hem, so, without your mad-skills at the machine, I took it to the tailor. I am only 5 foot 4, I wonder how taller women manage it.
I love Modcloth too, but I've also come across that. Annoying! Thanks for the measurements. I never knew what # to look for.
Ah yes, I had the same problem one time. I ordered a dress that looked so gorgeous on screen, but when I put it on it was way too short. Maybe it would be perfect for an 18 year old, but on the other hand, when I was an 18 year old I wouldn't have worn it either!
Love your site, Kathleen. I haven't been here for a while, but rediscovered you today :-)
That top dress is so great- pricey but great- I love the curve on the skirt with the lines- trying to figure out how to do that myself.
I bought a dress from them that was too dhort- I mean, I knew that it would be short. Like I do with a lot of stuff like that, I wore a petticoat that I made underneath. Maybe not as good as wearing the original by itself, but at least I got to WEAR the original.
Looooove that grey stripe dress. Cute collar. Wonder if I could find a vintage pattern for something similar...
I know what you mean about modcloth! I love all their dresses, but 90% of them are so darn short! I seriously check like every day and wait for the ones that are 40" or longer. I have yet to order one, but some day - mark my words - I am going to!
Definitely a fan of modesty here, though I've never heard of Modcloth before...though from what I just saw I'm pretty sure I'd like it! I have seen dresses (like the really short one you showed) worn with tights underneath...I don't know if I could pull off the look myself, but it makes it a little more modest since you know that no one is going to see your undies if you happen to need to bend over or if the wind picks up! (We live in a very windy city, so I almost never wear a dress that could fly up without warning!
It happens to me ALL THE TIME. I'm tall. When I try to buy golf skirts/skorts online, it's quite treacherous. Even with bloomers underneath I don't want to show off that much leg. I just don't.
I swear if someone would come out with cute dresses that hit pass the knee for tall girls- they would be very successful.
I am LDS and 5'9 and I am never able to find any dress that goes past my knees...and I want to look cute and in style! There would be a huge market if someone would cater to tall girls. Especially mormons who wear dresses A LOT! I have seen little vendors at Costco in Utah and Idaho who will sell gorgeous yet simple dresses for those who want to be modest- and their dresses fly off the shelf super fast...
I am going to go back to shappy apple and see if any of their dresses are longer than 42 inches from the shoulders!
Yes, I do have that problem! I'm a tall girl too, so it doesn't take much for me to look like Shirley Temple :)
Also, I think designers need to keep real women in mind. Most of us will look MUCH better in a knee-length skirt. It's simply more flattering on the leg and the line of the body-- unless you're 6'2'' with a super-model body :)
Haha...I went to the sight when you last raved about the dresses. I was thinking "man alive these aren't dresses, they are shirts" Very cute shirts!Six foot tall and modest!!:)
i have had this exact same problem with modcloth! i guess i had to learn my lesson the hard way because i sent the dress back. too bad, their dresses are so fabulous!
Gorgeous dresses, especially the Connie Dress! It's dreamy... I'm buying it for my-own-birthday gift! :)
April! I feel your pain! I'm 5'9" with a 34" inseam! 25" from the waist for skirts and dresses is the shortest I'm comfortable with, even with tights. You'd think that sewing would be a good option, but I have the worst time finding fabric I like. I've almost given up on dresses anymore. It's not that much more fabric--surely some of these great online vendors can start doing some "tall" sizes?
I would love a place like Modcloth that has modest length dresses and skirts! Why is that so hard to find? I know there are more than me and the people who have commented here that like longer length dresses and skirts! When will clothing makers get it into their heads that we don't all like wearing minis?
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