I saw these on Say Yes to Hoboken. Remember the Storybook Cape, Wandering Waif Cape and Strawberry Quart Caplet? If you liked them then take a look at these simply charming capes by Les Zigouis.

But if I were you I'd look into this pattern. Because making capes are SUPER EASY and really cheap. You only need about one yard of material. They make a good beginners projects. Your daughter will look like she's sporting one-of-a-kind clothes shipped from an expensive UK store.
Be sure to come back tomorrow because I have a very special surprise that I think all of you will LOVE!!
6 {comments}:
This is SO cute! I've been wanting to make capes for my girls for almost a year now. Guess I'd better get to it~! =-D
can anyone help? I am looking for where to buy pinpoint cotton or that really fine weave like they use at Anthropologie in their dresses and skirts rather than the thick cotton quilting fabrics...does anyone have any suggestions?
Really true? They are easy to make? They look it but I have just felt daunted. These capes are dreamy and inspiring! Thanks for sharing :)
i was thinking that! making one would be so easy, right?
So sweet...makes me wish I had a little girl to get one for!
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