But when I saw him carrying his big gift down from upstairs I was a little worried. It looked A LOT like my big gift to him. To make matters worse it turned out that we both bought each other the "Touch'n'Brush".

I can't wait to tell you all about it. But first I have to go buy a blank tee-shirt. I read that the emulsion sheets used to create each design are $10 each, which to me, makes the yudu totally cost prohibitive. But I've discovered a possible hack to avoid such gratuitous costs. If it all works I will let you know.
In the meantime, take a look at another really cool hack! You know those fabric sheets you can buy if you want to make fabric designs and photos from your home printer? Well, Beckie of Infarrantly Creative has created a home remedy way to make your own printable fabric with items from your pantry. Great for a gift to a crafty friend as well. Check it out!
Does anyone else know of any fabric hacks to save some extra cash?
4 {comments}:
So glad you posted this... I will use this tutorial!
I got a Yudu a couple of months ago. We were finally brave enough to use it last week.
My husband builds guitar amplifiers and instead of having the chassis (where you put the knobs) engraved (which costs a stinkin' FORTUNE), we (or should I say HE) created a screen. The chassis are black and he used silver ink. It looks SO SO cool.
You're right, the emulsion sheets are pretty pricey, but I have heard that you can use liquid emulsion in its place. I haven't been brave enough to try it yet.
Wow. That's quite a hack! Hope you find one for your thingy!
Let me know if your emulsion idea works out. I too have a Yudu, and love it, but the supplies are so costly, it's nearly impossible to make any money if you're selling your designs. Wished they could keep the cost a bit lower. Anyway, great ideas, and keep us posted on whether or not it works!
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