The blouse paired with the pencil skirt reminded me of a modern take on a 1940s classic design.
And it's just in time for school. You can have a savvy fall frock to wear while walking down that autumnal campus sidewalk. I think this dress will be GREAT for this time of year as summer dresses tend to be more flowy and romantic.
So go get your notions together! It looks like this one will need 6-8 buttons, a long zipper for the back, somewhere around 18" (it doesn't have to be exactly 18" but close to), and if you are making a stiff belt like the one in the middle I recommend buying heavy iron on interfacing, about a half yard of it.
I haven't looked at the yardage yet for the patterns but I will give you that information tomorrow. I'll be posting it to my followers so it doesn't clutter up the front page. Please follow this blog for those updates.
And since the giveaway was scheduled for yesterday, look for a Tuesday Technique later today.
Photo credits: Bottom left to right: Burdastyle; theslapdashsewist; Burdastyle
17 {comments}:
how do we get the free mccall pattern? it looks like the link is just an image?
I ditto the comment above....
ditto again - and any progress on your etsy patterns?
How does "following your blog" work with Google Reader? Will I see the secret posts with it?
As it is, your images don't come through to Reader and that's kinda a pain. :P
Oooh - cant wait for this one! Just bought the Alexander and looking forward to getting stitching!
I am also just getting the image. The same thing happened when we you posted the link the last time. can you provide another link to the McCall's pattern?
You know, the Alexander Blouse is not one I would have chosen based on the line drawing, but since you included the three pics on people, it's a totally cute and flattering top! I'm glad you included them, they changed my mind. I hope to complete my Tara dress this weekend then be able to participate in this next sew along as well. Oh, and I saw a new top at Costco that was the Anda dress almost exactly! (only just a top) It made me laugh, and of course rethink making one out of a silky type fabric. We'll see. Thanks for continuing to inspire!
The McCalls pattern is at sewingpatterns.com - click FREE Patterns up at the tippy top.
I have yet to be able to download and print free patterns from that site, though. I think it's a problem with my work computer - not the site. Maybe I should do it at home and use my own paper. ;)
Excited for this one!!!
I had problems too, see my post here:
Yea! I think I have a skirt fabric picked out, just need to decide on the fabric for the top.
Janice, I subscribe through Google Reader and I am almost positive I get the hidden posts updates. =]
I am in! Can't wait to sew this dress, I love the idea! For Techniques Tues, could you kindly provide some tips on sewing lining for dresses as many patterns do not have instructions on them? Oh! I'm off to wash my fabric!
Yes, you should get them if you subscribe to any sort of feed viewer:)
Hi... I subscribed to follow your blog yesterday, so that i could receive the notions, but I guess I am confused on it. Does it show up in my email inbox, or do I have to enter a different blog name? So far I have had nothing, and I've tried clicking on the link again and it is coming up as an error.
Sorry to be a pest, I just want to make sure that I have all the notions and fabric I need when this starts. I have to travel quite a ways to get anywhere to purchase.
I cannot seem to get onto the followers page, the link doesn't work when I click on it. Do you know how I can get on it so I can see your updates? and gve away winners? Thank you
Looking forward to this one! It's not usually the type of thing I would wear but thought I'd give it a go because hey, you just never know! Will be running a bit behind time though as shopping for fabrics & notions all has to be done via the internet. I'm also keen to see what fabric you're using to help me with my choice.
I'm sorry I can't find an email address for you so I hope you see this in the comments.
Did you follow via google, yahoo or twitter?
Sorry I didn't leave the email address. I followed via Yahoo I believe.
My email address is daivmommy@yahoo.com. Please let me know if I should be doing something different. Thanks!
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