The instructions were given to wear 'bright' colors and man did I fit that bill. I felt a little out of place in the midst of the other real new yorkers on the street but I felt really proud of the dress so any uncomfortable feelings were just a side note.
I have seen these backs in a couple dresses out by independent designers recently and wanted to try it myself. I liked that you have a little back showing but can still wear a bra. I made the length of the skirt longer to balance out the risky back but I really struggled with this decision. I still don't know what looks better but this is what I went with for the big day.

I received so many compliments from the other bloggers and felt a little silly saying that I made it as well. But everyone was so friendly and open. They were made up of mostly home decor bloggers, which I don't follow as much, BUT Megan of Modern Bird Studios was there, one of my previous guest giveaways. So that was great to meet someone I knew in person.
The show was a first for me. I've only attended 'live' tapings. The atmosphere of The Nate Show was more personal. They can stop, go back, and retake a clip. It's different. PLUS, Beth and I were so close to the action. I felt almost on top of them.

The warm up woman instructed us that as Nate would walk out he might come up to one of us, shake our hand, etc. And to my surprise, he walked out, waved to all of us, saw me and SHOOK MY HAND and began his intro. So surreal. I never get picked for the fun things. I told Beth it must have been phosphorescent red dress which caught his eye.
Beth sat beside, Emily, the winner of Design Star and might have been on camera the whole time they were interviewing her. It was so weird. But it made the experience a hundred times better.
I've read a lot of bloggers write about the experience. For some reason, it was never mentioned that the show was made up of design bloggers and none of the bloggers interviewed had their blog plugged. A lot of bloggers were upset. I just wonder if the producers had made a conscious effort to do that. And if so, why? It just made no sense.
But after the show, Nate sat down and answered our questions and seemed genuinely appreciative which makes me think it was an issue with production.
At any rate, we had a great time and I was just grateful for the experience. Thanks again Beth for the tickets AND taking the great photos!
49 {comments}:
This is LOVELY!
I love your dress! The collar is so cute, and it looks great on you.
Your dress is absolutely precious. What a fun experience to see Nate so up-close!
Love, love, love this dress! Red is always in style ...
What a wonderful experience for you and such a beautiful dress. Can't wait til the show airs so I point you out in the crowd and say, "I know her!"
Well I love the red, its very pretty. I also like that you used piping, I love to use piping, I think it gives clothing extra dimension.
Amazing frock, love the shape of the skirt.
Cute dress! I hope to catch his show online somehow...
I love the dress! The combination of the front and back are nice. They seem so different, but go together very well. :)
I think this is my favorite frock yet! Stunning!
What a beautiful read dress! Very nicely made.
Your dress is stunning! Actually all of your dresses are but this one is somehow special, it has this modcloth vibe which I totally love. I'm not a blogger but since I discovered you on BurdaStyle I do check out your blog on a daily bases. Your work is such an inspiration!
LOVE the dress!! When will the show air? I'd love to watch it!
Of course he picked you! How could he not? With that STUNNING dress! It truly is incredibly beautiful! Glad you had fun, sounds like an amazing experience!
Love and Hugs, Jess
The dress is great, but I'm more taken with your hair. I wish I knew how to fix my hair like this!
Simply beautiful...the dress and you. So happy that you had a chance to go and sit on the front row. Good for you.
LOVE the dress
Amazing dress, as always!
The dress is perfect and you look amazing in it!
Congrats on your front row seat!
you look awesome! Love the dress, you cute thang!
Love that photo of your back and the NY buildings in front of you.
Gorgeous dress! I love the colour.
Pretty dress! Neat back too. A pattern for that dress would be fun to get. :)
oh, wow! will this dress make it into pattern form soon? i know a gal who i'd love to make it for :)
I love it!!!
You and your dress are gorgeous! Love the red with white piping!
You look great ! I love so many things about the dress...The collar , the back, the pintucks! Beautiful!
Absolutely gorgeous! Did you use a pattern or sloper for this? Great job.
I love the picture with the two macarons. I really like that in all your dresses, you pay a lot of attention to details. All these pleats combined with the white piping (is is the right word ? :)is so lovely !
the retro chic fits you like a glove! plus the colour! amazingly pursued details, you really have an eye for how much is necessary and how to balance a dress! and the back... such a lovely surprise!
amazingly awesome dress. BEEEEautiful!!
I've not heard of The Nate Berkus show before but I'm going to have to look for it.
Either way, your dress is just fabulous!!! I love the styling with the pintucks and piping. And the color is great on you!!!
Kathleen, that dress is super cute and you look amazing on it!
Pls! a tutorial would be so nice from you!
Hi, Kathleen, so nice to meet you & get to hang out awhile. That dress was so adorable, so impressed you made it. WOW! Good for you & Beth for getting on the front row. We were peeking over there from the back row, a little envious at where you 2 were perched. :)
I do love a red dress (and red shoes!!) and this one is simply gorgeous. The length is perfect imho; looks great on you.
Another beautiful creation! The red is stunning is contrast with your dark hair and the fit looks perfect!
I LOVE the dress it ROCKS! I wish I could sew, the only real sewing I get to do is hemming pants (I'm 5'). One day I will learn, hopefully sooner than later.
I came via Beth, very nice to meet you...so glad you had a nice time....I have been following Beth for awhile she is just a doll.
I love your dress and I can't wait to see the show !!!
All the best,
Kathy :)
Very cool story!
Love that dress-it is one of my faves of yours! I must start experimenting more with contrast piping...
I was invited to the filming of the "blogger" show but couldn't make it... sounds like a lot of fun! Hope they do it again sometime!
wow, It must have been amazing...as your dress!!!
Wow, great dress. On your dress-form, for a second I thought the back was the front. I love the way you extend the collar to the back. I have made and seen similar collar that ends at the shoulder seams. Your creations never cease to amaze me.
so cute! good job! i love the pintucking and white trim!
i was thinking the same as another commenter....love the dress but the hair oh my....please do tell how to fix like that, i have long thick hair that i would love to wear like that vesp in 100 degree summer weather!!!
Ohhhhhhh soooooo jealous - in the nicest possible way! Just catching up on your blog! Love the dress. gorgeous work.
That dress is ridiculously adorable! I love your blog and all your designs.
That dress is so darling, I would not be surprised to see you on the Sartorialist 's blog!
That dress is simply perfect, it's so beautiful ^^
Gorgeous - I want this pattern to make my own in yellow!
Do you have a tutorial for this dress? Or a pattern you are selling? It's lovely!!
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