After talking with Beth from Stories of A to Z I realized that there are a lot of home decor bloggers, there are a lot of craft bloggers, but there aren't a lot of sewing bloggers (who make clothing). I've been starting to investigate, ask around, trying to find the good ones out there. The Sew Weekly above is my new fav.
I am a little picky. Even though I'm looking for sewing blogs, I like the blog to have good photography/layout. It doesn't have to be striking but something with good lighting/artistic eye.
I also like the sewing to be about clothing. There are a lot of great quilting blogs but I've never made a quilt in my entire life (although I wish I had the time) so I tend to read more about clothes.
AND, I like frequent posting. At least once every two days. They don't have to have all of these attributes but usually at least two of the three.
So do you have any good recommendations for me? Here are a few NOW in my blogroll, click on pic to go to link.
The Selfish Seamstress
If any of you know of any good sewing blogs that have great photography, sew clothes, and post often please list it below. I think this could be a great way to make a community.
42 {comments}:
Hi Kathleen! Thank you for sharing these links. I'm a quilter learning to sew clothing so I devour sewing blogs for information/inspiration! I came across one recently that you may want to check out: http://yoshimitheflyingsquirrel.blogspot.com/ meets most of the criteria you listed above. Katy Dill at http://thedillspiel.blogspot.com/ is also one of my favorites. Cheers!
I do subscribe to made by rae but she doesn't post very often.
I also read Made and Made by Rae. I agree with Jacqueline's recommendation- no big dill is great!
i like this one: http://iroirocrafts.wordpress.com/
What a good idea! I'm a hand-stitcher who likes to think she can make clothes, which is what drew me to your blog - you make me feel like I can do what you do!
I've been following New Dress A Day for a while, and she's funny and creative. I'll have to check out the rest of these. I'll give you a retweet, too. :)
I don't remember if http://grandmassewingcabinet.com/ was on your list, I really like her podcast. She's a former education professional (university level) who's going to fashion school.
Hello, thank you very much for reading my blog. I am very glad!!
I also like http://iroirocrafts.wordpress.com/
I like
I agree completely with adding Gertie's blog, I've learned a ton from reading hers on a regular basis.
I also love Casey's musings ( elegantmusings.com ), a great source for using vintage patterns. The Colette Patterns blog ( www.colettepatterns.com/blog ) is another fave. I've learned a lot from her also.
Someone mentioned Gertie but didn't leave a link? I love her and I believe it was through her links I found your blog. http://www.blogforbettersewing.com/
And then there's Laurwyn. She's fairly new but I'm loving reading her.
I like http://lucyandi.blogspot.com/
It's a simple blog, but very cute clothes and good pictures.
Thanks so much for the mention! And what a great list of links, I am having fun checking out new sewing blogs... didn't realize we were such a commodity, but I guess there are a lot more home dec and craft blogs out there!
I just realized the Lucy and I blog isn't much about sewing and tutorials. But she makes great clothes.
This is so handy! I also love Very Prairie (http://sewveryprairie.blogspot.com/)- she sews some very inspiring dresses.
i already follow many of these. :) here are a couple more favorites:
What a great idea! I've been trying to find other sewing blogs and now everything right here on yours. :)
I love Green Apples
She used to be a knitting blog, but she's been pretty much exclusively sewing for about a year. I almost stopped following her, but I kept on, and she ended up inspiring me to learn to sew, too.
How about Holly - www.hollyklein.blogspot.com
She makes lots of different things, but mostly clothes for herself and babies. And her other craft posts are hilarious, too.
I linked one of my favorite sewing blogs..though it isn't ALL sewing..No Big Dill....
As I was going through the blogs saved on my favorites, I remembered http://thismamamakesstuff.com/
male pattern boldness is awesome and so is the selfish seamstress...well when she isn't moving!and gertie is just great
Last time I checked, I was following around 100 blogs in my reader, most of them about sewing, But I'll just list these 2 for now...
Oh this is great and I must admit that I love Sew Weekly and have been following her since the first dress was made!
Thanks for creating this terrific list!
This is a wonderful idea! Thank you!!!
I love to find new sewing blogs that deal with clothes! This is a fantastic idea. I haven't commented before, but I also love your recaps on Project Runway. That's the only program I watch on TV. That way I have plenty of time to sew:) Also, I second the nomination for yoshimitheflyingsquirrel. I am always inspired by her talent and eye for fabric and patterns.
what a great list! i already follow a lot of these blogs--but there's a bunch here i'm heading off to check out right now!
great idea, and great list!
I only recently started blogging... I'm currently blogging about quilting, but I also sew clothes and crafts :)
Oh thank you for the mention! I heartily third Gertie's Blog for Better Sewing. I also love Casey's Musings, Colette Patterns, and Male Pattern Boldness. I love your blog and the creations you make. You are so inventive and rich with creativity! Thanks so much for sharing with us Kathleen!
I almost forgot to mention sewaholic.net. Tasia is a fabulous seamstress not to mention has experience in the biz. She's chucked full of great info and has fabulous tutorials! And coming out with her own line of patterns too!
the selfishseamstress.wordpress is freaking hilarious such a great read, i was in tears i was laughing so hard! you have to check her out and i also love crochetie.blogspot she is just beautiful with the gorgeous pics and great style... we would love to say we are a sewing blog but only sometimes... all 4 of us love too manythings to narrow it down!
aw! I was totally thinking I needed to get a Grosgrain fix and so I stepped on over and found my little shout out - merci!
Kathleen, I promise that your blog is so successful b/c of the need for apparel sewers to have a community (and the fact that your creations are insanely spectacular) ~ This is a great list so far!
Hi Kathleen, I've listed a few of my favs (that don't appear in your). I think they fit in with the criteria you listed quite nicely, I hope you do too.
Gertie's New Blog for Better Sewing http://www.blogforbettersewing.com/
Bubblegum 4 Breakfast
Some of the blogs posted don't update too frequently.They do sew beautiful clothing though like Amanda S ,yoshimi,Erica B,
Hey! First of all thank you so much for this post - I have been on a similar quest recently, so I will use your list and check these out.
I'm hoping to start one soon, which will be all dressmaking, so it's good to have some inspiration. Could I come back and drop you a link once it's looking a bit healthier?
Thank you thank you thank you for this post! I'm always on the lookout for clothing-sewing blogs; it seems like so many are for quilters...even when I go to the bookstore, the "sewing" section is 90% about quilting. And thanks to everyone else who posted their favourite blogs too...yay! This blog is interesting: evadress.blogspot.com - she makes clothing from vintage patterns, which she posts about on the blog. She's currently working on a really cool bat costume based on a pattern from 1887.
This is great!! I'm a lurking foodblogger who sews clothing and of late looking for blogs that can teach me a few tricks or inspire.
I'm not sure but did you catch the Sewing Divas? http://thesewingdivas.wordpress.com/
Thanks again!
The sew retro blog is a huge community of sewists, mostly vintage, but a lot of us also make modern clothing intermixed with vintage creations. There's also the big list of sewing blogs at http://www.sewing-blogs.com/ - it's all too easy to lose hours and hours following one sewing blog after another!
thank you so much for including my link kathrine! i also love casy's elegant musing blog, she is amazing crafter and the layout of her website is beautiful.
Hi Kathleen
I enjoy reading your blog and getting inspired to make/refashion something. You are very creative. Only thing is, I live in the Southern hemisphere ... so I hope your winter creations will still be there when winter comes around next year! Thanks for taking the time to list and link all those sewing blogs. Are you planning to put a picture link like you do with your 'Sewn by me' "Frock by Friday" etc. One thing that makes your blog much easier to navigate than most blogs is the fact that you do this.
That is a very good idea!
Hello, I just started my own sewing blog actually! I don't know how much I'll post, but I hope it will be frequent (I'm enjoying it so far)
What a great topic to discuss. I cannot wait to look at all these blogs.
I sew children's clothes, but I post at least every two days. I spent last year learning everything there is to know about photography, so I think you will enjoy the pics too. The only problem is that when I switched from Blogger to my own website I lost alot of followers. At least I think that is the reason.
I like to blog about fellow sewers, cooking ideas, craft ideas. I always reveal my patterns, and sometimes I do reviews. It would be nice if you can comment on my blog what you like and dislike. I will also be doing a giveaway next week through Noodles and Milk.
I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Beautiful pictures, instructions, and tutorials.
Sewing and Crafts:
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