I had really hoped to be done with this today. In fact, when I woke up this morning I fully intended on posting this giveaway today, which I guess was a little lofty. I came across a few stumbling blocks. When you're working with a costume of this size even simple things get hairy.
But I wanted to give you a taste of what will be coming tomorrow. Now I want the winner of this giveaway to get this piece by Halloween so the contest will only run from Tuesday to Thursday night and will be express shipped to the winner to receive by Sunday. Fingers crossed.
So I'll be busy working on this and other things for the girl's costumes today. In fact I'll be busy for the rest of the week. Ugh. I just sliced by thumb with the rotary cutter yesterday and expect other injuries by Sunday.
But I'm so psyched to finish this and show it to you. Although, with Brian working in Philly I'll have to take the photos myself with a tripod:( I always look forward to the photos as much as the clothing itself so I'm kinda bummed about that but it will have to do.
Stay tuned tomorrow for the BIG HALLOWEEN GROSGRAIN GIVEAWAY!!!!

8 {comments}:
Whatever it is - I want it!! It looks so beautiful.
Whatever it is - I want it! It looks beautiful!!
Oh I can't wait. I love all the costumes you do.
cant wait!
i already know that i want it. ;-)
Even my husband has a costume this year and i dont. I would love to wear something fabulous!!!
Rapunzel?? It looks awesome, whatever it is!
I know its just a glimpse, but I love it already. I looks like some kind of fairy tale princess gown so far. I would love to wear that.
I can't wait for the reveal; your costumes are always amazing.
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