I used a plain oversized grey sweater. See the before. And resized it.

Doing the sweaters late in the day has really helped to make me look sharp when picking up Lily. People must think I dress this way all the time.
2. Overlap the leaves and sew them together.
3. Once you have a chain long enough to line your neck sew it to the collar.
4. Make another chain of the same length and sew to first chain.
5. Make another chain and sew it to the front of your cardigan. To hide the buttons on my cardigan I sewed the leaves on one side but overlapped it over the edge.
The cardigan is still able to be buttoned and unbuttoned.
37 {comments}:
lovely !
Wow! this has to be my favourite so far, thankyou!
Finally! My two favorite blogs, Grosgrain and http://wwepw.blogspot.com/, collide!
Love it.
Where did you get your felted wool? Did you just felt an old wool sweater?
Pretty! I think it'd also make a lovely scarf.
I found an old sweater that someone had shrunk at the community aid store and bought it solely to use for embellishing purposes. I have a couple similarly shrunk ones in varying colors. It's easier tham doing it yourself. Whenever I see a shrunken sweater at the thrift store in a color I don't already have I try to snatch it up.
My favorite! :)
That such a pretty sweater! I featured you:
How gorgeously unique!
This is so beautiful. It looks so cozy and soft. I'm amazed at how you have been able to change these boring sweaters into something so cute.
Kathleen, seriously, how DO you dress all the time? :)
love it! i look forward to the new sweater each day. thanks for all the hard work and inspiration!
This is probably my favorite!! You are awesome for doing this "Embellish Knit Month"!!!
it doesn't look like any other embellishing project before and I can't help but love this one too!
Freaking awesome!
Ha ha my new favorite! Keep'em coming!
You're talent knows no bounds! What a lovely sweater. Thanks for all your tutorials. You're Amazingly Gifted.
This is my favorite one yet! Wow! I'm still so nervous to resize a sweater. I guess if it's from a thrift store, you can take your chances and not be out too much cash!! :-)
Very nice Kathleen!
Ficou linda,vc é muito talentosa,passei para conhecer seu cantinho e amei estou te seguindo te convido a me fazer uma visita.
bju. *Ü*
I love this one! I think yours looks better than the inspiration. I like how it almost looks like a scarf.
That's beautiful. I love the leaf technique you do--I tried it on a sweater myself this week!
This is my favorite so far too!!
so pretty!! darn anthropologie & its fabulously pretty things!
Why can't I remember seeing this on Emma??
You always have great ideas. I love this one as well. I think I love all of them. :)
Adin B
this is fantastic Kathleen. Love all the ideas you're sharing!
Thanks for all the wonderful ideas! I have so many turtleneck sweaters I don't wear - any ideas for removing the neck?
Who said simple isn't easy! Thank you.
Love it! This one I'm doing for sure.
i love the leaves - and might do them as a separate scarf. excellent work!
Oh my goodness I adore this and I adore your blog! I just started following. Embellish knit month is the best idea ever!
oh wow! that looks amazing! i would love to wear that sweater!
amazing! can you wash these sweaters you make?
hi !!! I'm french, so excuse- me for my "english". Your blog is wonderfull !!! Tommorrow , i'll see my clothes to create some "treasur" (not sure of this world: something beautyfull like you) i want to make any colors on my dark pull !!! Thank you to show us how to make it !!! bye.
Wow! I just found this post and can't wait to check out the rest in your series. Thanks so much for posting this. It is a beautiful sweater.
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