But first the house looked like a tornado came through it. Normally I can stand a little mess but every room needed work and that's when I just can't take it anymore. But then....DRAMA! I could not find the iphone. All I could think of was "$600 to replace" "$600 to replace". While I was taking these photos last afternoon Lily had brought the iphone out with her.

So you can see the before below. And the tutorial is below as well. It was also originally a sweater and not a cardigan. I added the single cream colored toggle and embroidered ribbon.
But as you can see in the before the neckline was originally a 'boat neck' which didn't work well in a cardigan. So, I gathered the top which added a bunched embellishment which I like.
2. Add twill tape as you did in day 2.
3. Measure about an inch and a half down and gather the neckline.
4. I then added the ribbon down the front opening on either side.
5. I then sewed in toggles at the bust line.
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21 {comments}:
In the tote?! Love your sweater-turned-cardigan ideas!
My guess is your purse... I love how this sweater turned out. I have one in the closet very similar design but in blue. I am thinking it's going to get some rehab. Thank you so much for the inspiration.
I'm guessing your phone was in the tote bag in picture #1. Cute sweater!
Great ideas! Especially turning sweaters into cardigans. Now I have to visit some thrift shops, or maybe my own closet? Thanks.
That is so pretty. I bet you found the phone was in your bag.
please tell us where the phone was - it's driving me crazy!
ditto the tote for the phone!
I'm going to guess in your purse/tote. More times than I care to admit I have searched my purse for my phone, then the whole house frantically, then sent my husband an email telling him to call me til I answer trying to find it. AND ITS IN THE PURSE.
Was the phone in your tote?
I like the gathered collar.
I'm already really digging Embellish Knit Month and it's only Day 3!
that's what going on with my house when I craft or sew or cook. total mess. if I don't take time every day to put stuff away (after my project and after my daughter's BIG projects) things go down the hill in our house.
you found it in your tote?
Love how you styled this outfit with all the neutrals! My husband thought he lost his stash wallet yesterday - with $2500 in it! So glad he found it.
I purchased a sweater at Goodwill yesterday, and it looks exactly like your "before." I'm still too scared to cut into it - maybe I'll wear it a few times before I get up the nerve.
Never-the-less, yours is beautiful!
Maybe I can send you mine, and you can do it for me? ;D
I was thinking the same as everyone else...the tote. I lost a new phone at a park the day of my daughters 1 year old birthday party. I had only had the phone for two weeks. Of course when I went back to look for it, someone had taken it. It wasn't a $600.00 phone, but still I lost $100.00. I'm glad you found your phone!
By the way, great sweater. I really like the trim. It's not much of sweater season out here in LA. It's been in the high 90's.
All of the sweater tutorials look great. This one is my favorite so far. I wouldn't have thought about cutting one up the middle to make a cardigan. I like the feel the ribbon gives this one. Cool and rustic! When my boys were toddlers, I found my phone at the bottom of the dishpan water. It was the third time that week I had to have it replaced! I first lost it at the park, the new one they sent didn't work, then this third one ended up drowned and destroyed. Glad you found yours!
Since when has the iphone started to cost $600? it is a jail broken one?
It's $600 to replace an iphone. If you buy one with a new signed contract it's only about $199-$299.
If you loose your iphone and have to buy a new one and have already signed a 2-year contract when you first bought your iphone you can't buy another one at the same price you paid when you first signed.
You have to pay full retail value which is $599. See below.
I love having my iphone but it's really a burden. It's like carrying around a flat screen tv in purse all the time.
Done, and utterly beautiful! I can't wait to get to the thrift store Saturday.
My 7th grade teacher taught us "Tony, Tony, turn around; something's lost that can't be found." She said that Italians from Brooklyn were on a first name basis with St. Anthony, so it worked better.
Can't tell you how many times I've said that prayer panicking.
I DID pray to St. Anthony. And thanked him after I found it.
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