J.Crew has the BEST earmuffs. Unfortunately they are about $98. What?! Yeah. Crazy. BUT I found these earmuffs at the Community Aide store for $1. I took it home and removed the fur. Turns out it's just an oval piece of fabric lined with elastic. Looked easy enough. So I traced the original piece around a faux fur fabric I cut from an old coat.
But the really neat part about this is that you don't need to buy new ear muffs for different looks. Since the fur simply slips on like a sock you can make a couple of these in different colors or patterns. Try tartan. Love that look. Or hey, a Strawberry Shortcake fleece design for your daughter!
1. Place original earmuff fur on your new fur.
2. Cut out about 1/2" extra around.
3. Cut a piece of elastic 9.5".
4. Sew elastic to right side of fur.
5. Slip on plastic.
9 {comments}:
too cute!! So question, I follow you via blogger but your images never show up so I always miss so much of what you post. Is there anyway you can make it visible?
They are so cute!! thanks to your blog i begin to visit thrift stores more often and i am so happy because i found today a beautiful silk dress from banana republic for only $1.75 or course is gonna cost me more to send it to the dry cleaner but it worth it :D
Love this easy peasy re-do! And of course, I then had to take a gander over to J.Crew just to browse, and I saw this awesome sweater which made me think of your knit embellishments. Don't know if you've already got them lined up for the month, but I'm going to go ahead and lobby for this one :) http://www.jcrew.com/womens_feature/NewArrivals/sweaters/PRDOVR~31990/31990.jsp
I love your thrift store finds and it makes me want to skip work and visit my local shops!!! Niki
Your "new" earmuffs are FABULOUS!!!
I linked to your tutorial over at Craft Gossip Sewing:
Great easy tut, I have been wanting some cute ear muffs but not wanting to spend the money so this I will def try :) Thanks
Awesome! Wow. $1. I haven't heard of that place. $98 is just way too much. I saw some for $8 that I'd like to get. Earmuffs are very cute.
Too adorable! Like I needed another reason to visit the local thrift....but never thought to look for these....
great tute! :D
this is like, the cutest thing EVER. (you are even cuter than the ear muffs....)
So smart!
: )
Alix (modernkiddo.com)
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