$100 Holiday Gift Card from Novica

December 10, 2010

Okay, so I have a really great surprise for you going into the weekend! 

Novica, one of the leading fair trade artisan websites, would like to offer one lucky Grosgrain reader a would like to send you a $100 dollar gift certificate to spend on their site!! All the gifts shown in this post are under $100.
Novica works with National Geographic to give talented artisans around the world a place to express their artistic talents and provide access to the world market. They have thousands of top fair trade corporate gifts and home decor items on their website.
Novica gives artists and artisans around the world a global platform to express their true artistic talents and to spur their creativity. Also providing you with access to unique, hard-to-find items at great values that only the internet infrastructure can allow.
At the deepest essence of their philosophy, they want to create a bridge between you and the many talented artisans across the globe. They want you to know about who you're buying from. They want you to feel that attachment to the product and to the hands that created it. See their mission page for details about the people who create their products.
Some good quick links to find gifts: fair trade corporate gifts, gifts for mom, gifts for him, green gifts.

Winner will be announced on MONDAY so you can choose items and have them delivered before Christmas!
Winner will be announced on Monday, December 13th, 2010.  

Grosgrain Giveaways can be entered by any ONE of four ways

1) By linking about this giveaway (to your blog, facebook, or any other site) blogger button is below.
2) By leaving a comment

3) By FOLLOWING Grosgrain using this link or the LINK IN MY RIGHT SIDEBAR.

4) *NEW* By following me on Twitter

Just remember to please leave me a comment telling me what you did so that I can go back and look for your entry. Either give me the link or comment that you posted for the giveaway to or tell me that you began to follow me.

445 {comments}:

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Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

thanks for the great giveaway!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

i follow

pipistrellus said... Best Blogger Tips

Oooh, pick me! :)

I'm a newbie, but checking your blog like a mad woman... The Embellish Knit Month is inspiring me like you wouldn't believe. I'm now collecting and hoarding knitwear in preparation for a trim buying spree in the New Year - all thanks to you!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Such lovely things!

Alexa said... Best Blogger Tips

I'd never heard of Novica. What a great website filed with pretty things. I'd love to win.

thank you!

Emma Louise said... Best Blogger Tips

So excited about this website...I will definitely be using this for future gift ideas!

Maryissewfast said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great gift! Please enter me in the drawing!

Melissa Ann said... Best Blogger Tips

What a generous gift!

Jaclyn said... Best Blogger Tips

What a fun giveaway! I hope I am the lucky winner!!!

Hele said... Best Blogger Tips

I want to enter!!!


kisses fron sSpain

Alayna said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for introducing me to this site. Even if I don't win the gift certificate, I will have to go see what Novica is all about and check out their products.

Lauren said... Best Blogger Tips

Following you!

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

Amazing! One of everything please!

Who am I... said... Best Blogger Tips

They really do have some neat things!

Jeanie said... Best Blogger Tips

I received an alpaca sweater from Novica for Christmas last year, and it's probably my favorite sweater. So lovely!

Catherine said... Best Blogger Tips

Oooh...I hadn't heard of this site. I love the "stamped" tunic that you show. Have an excellent weekend!

brite said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful! Great giveaway- thanks. :) And I am already a follower...

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to get something for my mom from here! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow your blog! Faithfully!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you on Twitter! Hope you and yours are having a wonderful holiday season!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Tweeting this giveaway as you read this! :)

Becky said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooh, I'd love to win something so lovely!

squirrelgonutz [at] yahoo [dot] com

Becky said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a blog follower!

squirrelgonutz [at] yahoo [dot] com

Angela said... Best Blogger Tips

What beautiful pieces!

Lisa said... Best Blogger Tips

They have such beautiful things. Thanks for the giveaway and the new website!

Lisa said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow!

luv_Js said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh! I would love to win. I love artisan stuff. weiru.chang@gmail.com

Jessica at Me Sew Crazy said... Best Blogger Tips

Ummm.....yes please! Thank you so much for such a great giveaway. Will give someone a very happy Christmas indeed :)

cat said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to get some last minute christmas shopping in with this...

Stacey said... Best Blogger Tips

So beautiful and unique!

Sara said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, I especially love that purple sweater - great giveaway! :)

Sara said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm also a follower on Blogger.

Sara said... Best Blogger Tips

Also just followed you on twitter (@cupcake_muffin).

Debra from Bungalow said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful, I'd love to win!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow. What a cool partnership with National Geo to create partnerships for beautiful works.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooh, beautiful beautiful stuff! Thanks for sharing -- I've never seen Novica, and now can't stop looking!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful things! I would love to win!

andi_jeanne (at) hotmail (dot) come

Rebecca said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great giveaway! And I love your blog, so inspiring! :)

Liz said... Best Blogger Tips

This is a GREAT giveaway. Thank you for introducing me to such an excellent online shop! I've been a subscriber (via Google Reader) of your blog since the spring and find your projects INSPIRING!

tamara said... Best Blogger Tips

What great jewelry! Thanks for the giveaway!

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm so excited - hope I win!

the Schmidts said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower!!

Brianne said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, That ring, and that last shirt are just awesome. I love companies that have ethics that show!

the Schmidts said... Best Blogger Tips

Great giveaway from a great website! Hope i win!!

Earth Mama said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for this awesome giveaway. :)
heidicrawford at gmail dot com

Alexis said... Best Blogger Tips

I've never heard of the site. I'll have to check it out!

Kylie said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful stuff! Thanks for introducing us.

Kylie said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower of your blog!

Kylie said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you on twitter!

Emory said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh I'd love to win!

I already follow you... so does that count?

Embellish Knit month has been super inspiring... I've decided that in a few weeks, after I get caught up on other stuff, I'm going to challenge myself to do at least one of my own!

Erika said... Best Blogger Tips

I love businesses such as Novica. It is rewarding to shop from them and knowing that it is helping out so many others.
nico.designs at live dot com

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for the giveaway.

katie said... Best Blogger Tips

i love those finger puppets!

katie said... Best Blogger Tips

i'm a follower

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

I love fair trade.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

What cool things. I love the sweater!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love resources like this- it makes the world feel so small. I've followed your RSS feed via Google Reader for ages, and I also follow you on Twitter.


Amanda said... Best Blogger Tips

I found your blog earlier this week and am in love with your work! Lovely giveaway, and I just started following. Thanks!

JessicaRV said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooooh, looks awesome!

Safiya Alyse said... Best Blogger Tips

This is the first I have heard of Novica. But it looks like they have some great gifts. Very excited about this giveaway

sara green-anderson said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you and LOVE all the great pieces!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

What a neat giveaway!

AmyBean said... Best Blogger Tips

What a cool site! I'll have to check that out.

Sewlovely said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you on Google Reader. What a great giveaway!

Maya Kuzman said... Best Blogger Tips

I've never heard of Novica and it will be interesting discovering it! (At first I thought my husband is giving away 100$ because that's what his name is :))

RoseMillsOhio said... Best Blogger Tips

Please meet your 854th twitter follower! (@RoseMillsOhio)

rosemills (at) bex (dot) net

Lise said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great giveaway. I love the pieces and the whole philosophy behind it:-)


A Plain Path said... Best Blogger Tips

Awesome giveaway! I've linked to you from my facebook page.

A Plain Path said... Best Blogger Tips

Would love to win this! Thanks for participating and thanks to Novica for the giveaway.

A Plain Path said... Best Blogger Tips

I already follow your blog!!

courtney said... Best Blogger Tips

This would be an amazing surprise to win! I also follow you on my blog www.behindtheribbon.blogspot.com

Lindsay said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, thanks for the intro to this great site. I love all of their elephant things.

lindsay.forgette at gmail dot com

Jen Price said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! What an awesome giveaway!

Tanya-Yanata said... Best Blogger Tips

Hi, Kathleen! I'd discovered Novica a couple years ago looking for the inspiration for the handmade stuffed animals. I found that white cow with red and yellow polka dots makes me smile:)The craftmanship and creativity of people all around the globe amazes me every time I visit their site.
Would be great holiday surprise to win!
I follow here and there as usual.
regards, Tanya

Tiffany said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been following your link for a while wiht a bookmark but now I'm an official follower. I loved the sweater remakes by the way!

kelerabeus said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, what a lovely giveaway! Wouldn't it be great to be the lucky winner.. I do follow you!

schooley said... Best Blogger Tips

What an excellent organization- Novica. Thanks for including their giveaway on your blog.

Summer Lee said... Best Blogger Tips

Great site and ever better giveaway!
I've got my fingers crossed!!


Tiffany said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm an official follower now! I've been loving all of the sweater posts... I've been working on a few of my own.

Erin said... Best Blogger Tips

Great giveaway... I follow you!

Farah said... Best Blogger Tips

Such nice pieces, and i love the concept of this business. I follow your blog, and follow you on twitter.

SS Sews said... Best Blogger Tips

How have I never heard of Novica? Thanks for the chance to win.


Tiffany said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been following all of the sweater transformations and I'm totally inspired! Now I'm OFFICIAL follower.

Anne said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, I cannot believe how gorgeous some of those items are!! And for such great prices!!

kittie98 said... Best Blogger Tips

What an excellent website. So glad I follow you. ^__^

Anne said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you...I've loved your embellishments this month (and the fact that Emma Pillsbury has been your inspiration!).

Tiffany said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower! I've been so inspired by the sweater makeovers.

Janssen said... Best Blogger Tips

I've made two new sweaters and a new shirt in the last two days. And I just chopped up two more this morning. . . thanks!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great site! It will be hard to pick from all the great items!

espedal dot et at gmail dot com

Cynthia said... Best Blogger Tips

What beautiful things, thank you for sharing :)

Never A Plain Jane said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh wow! I am eating this site up! Thank you!

Gaidig said... Best Blogger Tips

I had not heard of Novica before, but the things you posted look great! I have been following you on Google Reader for a while, but I just added you via Google Friend Connect.

Megan said... Best Blogger Tips

how fun would this be...

Kicken Bejos said... Best Blogger Tips

Yay! Great giveaway

ladyloo said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous! And following you on Twitter.

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

The palm leaf wall hangings are simply stunning. What a great site.

MoveYourAsana said... Best Blogger Tips


Erica L. said... Best Blogger Tips

Lots of amazing stuff there! Thanks for the giveaway.

Erin said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! So many beautiful creations.

Lynne said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! Looks fabulous! Thanks for the great giveaway!

carolyn said... Best Blogger Tips

I had never heard of Novica before. Thank you for sharing this beautiful site. I am really enjoying your Embellish Knit Month - you are so creative and inspiring.

sb said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooh, what a fun giveaway!

The Shumate Family said... Best Blogger Tips

wow! Thanks for the giveaway!

Courtney said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you on Twitter (GatorCourtney) and am leaving a comment.

Thanks for bringing all of these wonderful companies to our attention!

Mama Sewing said... Best Blogger Tips

I just love looking at all the things Novica has to offer. Now I have another place to look for great gifts!

Quinn Family said... Best Blogger Tips

Of course I'm following you.

twobutterflies said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks so much for the opportunity - what a great give-away!!! I'm crossing my fingers.

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower. :) Great giveaway!

Kimiko said... Best Blogger Tips

What a wonderful store! Thanks for showing it to us.

Claire said... Best Blogger Tips

What an awesome giveaway!

Claire said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow your blog

Marsel said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, what gorgeous items!!!

Julia said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh that would be such a nice holiday surprise! I hope I win!


Julia said... Best Blogger Tips

Lovely stuff. I'm following in google reader.


Julia said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm also a follower, of course!


Julia said... Best Blogger Tips

And I follow you on twitter!


andreak said... Best Blogger Tips

Created a link on my blog for this. Thanks for the holiday giveaway.

Cassie said... Best Blogger Tips

That is so awesome, I'd love to win too :)

jillian said... Best Blogger Tips

I love all of the earrings! Not too expensive either!

Christina said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for the giveaway! What a good company!

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips


Libby said... Best Blogger Tips

Cool Giveaway!

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you on twitter.

Two Dollars said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm already a follower :)

Sandy said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower! Thanks for the great giveaway!=)

Tricia said... Best Blogger Tips

oh my goodness! what an awesome giveaway!

Audie said... Best Blogger Tips


Kim said... Best Blogger Tips

I just followed you on Twitter!

Love your blog!

Whitney said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for the giveaway, I posted about it on my blog at http://seewhitloveit.blogspot.com

Email is whitnimarie@gmail.com

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I am also following your blog
Email Whitnimarie@gmail.com

Jessi said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm now a follower

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you on google reader :) Thanks for the giveaway!

dianne said... Best Blogger Tips

Great giveaway. Thanks.
jmclean at mts dot net

Monica said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.

Annelise said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted about this giveaway <a href="http://quarterlifestyleblog.com/2010/12/10/roundup-december-10-2010/") here. Thanks for such a fun giveaway!

Christina Chen said... Best Blogger Tips

I love Novica! Please enter me in the giveaway. I also love your blog! Thank you!

Callie said... Best Blogger Tips

so many gift ideas, so little money, haha!

TRose said... Best Blogger Tips

I read your blog every day but I am now "officially" following you. :)

Thank you for the giveaway.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Love this give away! Would love to win it to buy something I've had my eye on!


Kaylin Keres said... Best Blogger Tips

Cool!!! Great giveaway:) I now follow your blog!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I linked to my blog (sew-delightful.blogspot.com) and I follow you. This looks like an incredible website! I am so excited to explore it.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I am pretty new to your blog, but it has become one that I check everyday. Love your stuff, and thanks so much for all the trim links you posted recently. I definitely have some new etsy favorites!

cheyenne said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh what fun! I follow your website as well :)

Serena said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, I love the rings shown!

Serena said... Best Blogger Tips

I Follow you.

Serena said... Best Blogger Tips

And I follow on Twitter!

marian said... Best Blogger Tips

What beautiful treasures

samantha said... Best Blogger Tips

Quite lovely. I have a serious case of the wanties.

Brooke Anna @ Mommy Does... said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for the opportunity!

Willew said... Best Blogger Tips

How wonderful! Thanks for the giveaway.

Arathi Prakash said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for the giveaway! I am a follower of your blog! :)

sommerkind said... Best Blogger Tips

Am I too old for those hand-puppets?

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

and I think this giveaway sounds wonderful! :) I'd love to win. P.S. I love cardigans so Embellish Knit month is the best thing ever for me!

amanda said... Best Blogger Tips

i already follow you through bloglines (which yes, still works!)

what a great giveaway!! thanks for throwing my name in the hat.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I also follow you on Twitter!

Steph said... Best Blogger Tips

just discovered you through wwepw and love your upcycled creativity. i'm now a grosgrain follower

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

thanks for the giveaway op!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips


Michelle said... Best Blogger Tips

Posted a link. Your site is fabulous!

helen ethel studio said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you for introducing me to Novica. I just love that elephant tea pot and the dragon fly ring!

Beth said... Best Blogger Tips

I love knowing that gifts have a deeper meaning and all these gifts are beautiful/practical as well. (I also follow your blog...great work here!)

Elizabeth Clayton Smith said... Best Blogger Tips

Pick me! Pick me!

Rachael said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it! rachaelkoch (at) gmail (dot) com

lamina@do a bit said... Best Blogger Tips

Great giveaway :)
laminag (at) hotmail (dot) com

Mama K said... Best Blogger Tips

What a wonderful giveaway!!

Unused Account said... Best Blogger Tips

I dreaming of winning this give-away for Christmas!


~Beth D. said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you for the introduction to this site! So many choices!

kate blue said... Best Blogger Tips

I've loved Novica for yrs cause they give back to the artisans...was already a follower of your blog :)

Laurel Ann said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower!


Laurel Ann said... Best Blogger Tips

I love your blog. This is a great giveaway; thank you! Some of my favorite items I own are from my time in Peru. I know that those artisans are much more skilled than any American machine and I have a story to tell someone when I hold it. I'd love the chance to own more unique, wonderful pieces.

Carolyn @ My Backyard Eden said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the button detail on that purple sweater! Sweet!

Carolyn @ My Backyard Eden said... Best Blogger Tips

I also follow your lovely blog!

Carolyn @ My Backyard Eden said... Best Blogger Tips

I also follow you on twitter! Do I sound like a stalker?

Jonathan Berkompas said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, winning this would be fun! :-)

Jonathan Berkompas said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow your blog too.

kate blue said... Best Blogger Tips

just facebooked about it! Not sure how it links back to you though on profile if u can see it



Elz said... Best Blogger Tips

Great giveaway, lots of neat stuff to choose from.

Elz said... Best Blogger Tips

I've been a follower for quite some time. Love the dresses you create!

Eliza said... Best Blogger Tips

This is awesome! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

Lina Thomlinson said... Best Blogger Tips

Great giveaway!

Lina Thomlinson said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm also a follower of your blog.

Redberd said... Best Blogger Tips

great products...excited about the give-away!

Dawn said... Best Blogger Tips

now following you on twitter. Have been loving the embellished knits month.

heather said... Best Blogger Tips

Sweet! Thanks!

JennaHabes said... Best Blogger Tips

This is a fabulous giveaway!

JennaHabes said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a blog follower.

Nichols Family said... Best Blogger Tips

What an amazing company doing great things for artisans worldwide.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Your giveaways are awesome! Thanks for doing this, and supporting such a great company!

Erin said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, what a neat site! Thanks for sharing this, I've never heard of it! And, thanks for the giveaway!

Ashley said... Best Blogger Tips

Yay for giveaways :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

ohmygosh! that elephant teapot is precious!


Rachel said... Best Blogger Tips

cool, thank you!

LivingInSong said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! What a great opportunity, they have such pretty stuff!

LivingInSong said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow your lovely blog!

LivingInSong said... Best Blogger Tips

I also follow you on Twitter!

Brigitte said... Best Blogger Tips

Those are beautiful, great Christmas Gift ideas !

Brigitte said... Best Blogger Tips

I also follow your blog.

Brigitte said... Best Blogger Tips

I have posted your giveaway on my blog. www.sweetcakesbrunet.blogspot.com

Brigitte said... Best Blogger Tips

And on Facebook too !

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