I'll be away today so I'm posted this sweater which I featured in February 2009. But in case you didn't read my blog back then or missed it, I'm re-posting it today as another Embellish Knit. And it was one of my favorites.
Above is the Boyer Cream Cardi. It currently retails at Anthropologie for $118. To the left is my version. It's basically a black button down short sleeved sweater with crochet lace trim in three thick layers.
To recreate this look, I went out to my local department store and bought a plain black cardigan on sale. The only ones I could find at discount were too large and had long sleeves. I bought the garment and took it home. Once I got it into my sewing room and onto my dress form I pinned the extra fabric on the sides to fit my shape. I then ran it through my sewing machine and used a very tight stitch since I didn't want the sweater material to unravel. I then cut the sleeves to the same length as the Anthropologie sweater and hemmed the cuff. Later I took a trip down to my local fabric store and bought 9 yards of white crochet lace similar to the ones used by Knitted & Knotted and pinned them to the cardigan in hanging rows. One around the neckline, one from shoulder to shoulder, one around the waist and finally two around the cuffs. My trim was slightly smaller than the Boyer Cardi, so I doubled the flower trim to thicken the look.
Anthropologie pairs it with a pair of Grey Linen Gauchos. I didn't have any of those but I used a pair of dark grey linen pants I bought at Forever 21. In all, the total cost to make this sweater was $6.
This is amazing, I am so glad I found your lovely blog, and I can't believe it took me so long! That cardigan looks fantastic. From Carys of La Ville Inconnue
question: I've been remaking clothes for years and have tried a bunch of your projects and always love the result. But I'm five months pregnant with my first and finding remaking maternity clothes to be difficult and frustrating. The clothes are so structured you can't really change the shape. And lots of detail seems to make me look bigger. I know this doesn't apply to everyone but what kind of projects did you do during your pregnancies? Maybe you could do a post?
You know, it's so inspiring to see people actually creating their knockoffs...I have a HUGE file of inspirations from Anthro, Free People, other people's creations, other stores, and I don't have the guts to try creating any of them. Seeing that other people have done it well and are probably as strapped for time and funds as I am gives me confidence...so thanks! I love this series, and it had me following your blog in an instant!
This sweater month is honestly my favorite thing I've ever seen on a blog. And they keep getting better! I mentioned and linked back to you on my blog for inspiring me to post daily in December. Here it is and thanks.:) http://theyearoflivingfabulously.blogspot.com/2010/12/everyday-in-december-challenge.html
absolutely gorgeous! how could you get such pretty trim and a nice sweater for less than $6?? wow.
another question: inspired by you, I cut off a hood on one of my sweaters and made it into a collar. But when I hemmed the cut hood with a regular zig zag, it turned into a lettuce-edge which was pretty, but not the look I was going for. It seems like you treat knits like regular fabric and they stay smooth. How do you do that?
K...seriously...you are amazing. An inspiration! I L.O.V.E. everything that you have posted thusfar. My sewing machine is dead and I am hoping Santa will bring me a new one so I can do some embellished sweaters. Thanks for keeping our world beautiful with simple, cheap things. P.S. while I have liked everything, the yellow Emma sweater was probably my favorite... :)
Did you cut your hair, or is this a faux bob? Either way, it WORKS for you!! I love it - it's so flattering to your face!!
I'm with Annie...every time I walk into Anthropologie just to walk around for the experience (because I can afford barely anything in there), I walk out thinking, "If only I made my own clothes, I could have some of those things!" I just need a better sewing machine, a LOT more patience, and the guts to start! This blog inspires me to get gutsy.
Lovely cardigan! Could you please, please, please show us how you made it. It may be obvious for someone with experience, but I just started sewing and I have a ton of ugly sweaters that I would like to change...
I'm so sorry I've been neglecting answering these questions.
Okay so.... Anonymous, I made maternity pants out of regular pants when I was pregnant. You can see the tutorial here: http://grosgrainfabulous.blogspot.com/2009/09/maternity-pants-tutorial.html
Margo, Did you add a piece of sweater to the raw edge and connect them with a zigzag stitch or did you turn over the raw edge and hemmed with a zigzag?
Jenarcissist, I took these photos back in February of 2009 and my hair was much shorter then. I still kinda like the way that looks but long hair is so much more versatile.
anlusaro, I'll try and put something together. Although it wouldn't have any pics since I did this so long ago. But it was fairly simple I'm sure I could add some kind of instructional text.
Hi Kathleen, I was just trying to make a hem - the lettuce edge is pretty, but it was a surprise and I want to be able to control the material better on the next re-do. I've since blogged about this hoodie (http://thriftathome.blogspot.com/2010/12/refashioning-hoodie.html) Thanks so much for answering questions! I admire your confidence and creativity.
34 {comments}:
That's amazing. You can't tell the difference between the two cardigans!
I think is my favorite transformation so far. Gorgeous!
This is amazing, I am so glad I found your lovely blog, and I can't believe it took me so long! That cardigan looks fantastic.
From Carys of La Ville Inconnue
beautiful! I love this.
question: I've been remaking clothes for years and have tried a bunch of your projects and always love the result. But I'm five months pregnant with my first and finding remaking maternity clothes to be difficult and frustrating. The clothes are so structured you can't really change the shape. And lots of detail seems to make me look bigger.
I know this doesn't apply to everyone but what kind of projects did you do during your pregnancies? Maybe you could do a post?
You and the sweater both look lovely! ^^
so pretty! You really are so inspiring. Thank you for sharing your creativity.
You know, it's so inspiring to see people actually creating their knockoffs...I have a HUGE file of inspirations from Anthro, Free People, other people's creations, other stores, and I don't have the guts to try creating any of them. Seeing that other people have done it well and are probably as strapped for time and funds as I am gives me confidence...so thanks! I love this series, and it had me following your blog in an instant!
lovely pictorial! I was surprised by your hair length then I read it's 2009:D
LOVE IT! This one is definitely my favorite.
That is AWESOME!!! I can't tell the difference between the two.
Beautiful - one of my favorite cardigans you've done - looks identical to the inspiration piece. Now I have to try to find some trim like that.
Your photo shoots are so amazing!
This sweater month is honestly my favorite thing I've ever seen on a blog. And they keep getting better! I mentioned and linked back to you on my blog for inspiring me to post daily in December. Here it is and thanks.:)
Wow. I can't tell the difference between the two cardigans. You're a very clever woman!
How adorable. Love the photostyling.
They are identical!! beautiful!! and your hair!! I love it! I wish I could get mine to curl that nicely!
You are amazing and so inspiring! I have got to try at least one of these this week. Wow - thanks for all the great tips.
Ahh, I just HAVE to try some of these things! Must finish holiday crafting to-do list!
absolutely gorgeous! how could you get such pretty trim and a nice sweater for less than $6?? wow.
another question: inspired by you, I cut off a hood on one of my sweaters and made it into a collar. But when I hemmed the cut hood with a regular zig zag, it turned into a lettuce-edge which was pretty, but not the look I was going for. It seems like you treat knits like regular fabric and they stay smooth. How do you do that?
When I´ve seen your hair I´ve felt amazed! I thought that you had had it cut
the trnsformation is GREAT
BEAUTIFUL! This has been a wonderful series.
K...seriously...you are amazing. An inspiration! I L.O.V.E. everything that you have posted thusfar. My sewing machine is dead and I am hoping Santa will bring me a new one so I can do some embellished sweaters. Thanks for keeping our world beautiful with simple, cheap things. P.S. while I have liked everything, the yellow Emma sweater was probably my favorite... :)
that is awesome to see that cardi again! that was the first post i ever read on your blog. it's still a beautiful sweater. :)
This was one of my favorites of yours too!!! Thanks for reposting. I may try this too!
Did you cut your hair, or is this a faux bob? Either way, it WORKS for you!! I love it - it's so flattering to your face!!
I'm with Annie...every time I walk into Anthropologie just to walk around for the experience (because I can afford barely anything in there), I walk out thinking, "If only I made my own clothes, I could have some of those things!" I just need a better sewing machine, a LOT more patience, and the guts to start! This blog inspires me to get gutsy.
Lovely cardigan! Could you please, please, please show us how you made it. It may be obvious for someone with experience, but I just started sewing and I have a ton of ugly sweaters that I would like to change...
I'm so sorry I've been neglecting answering these questions.
Okay so....
I made maternity pants out of regular pants when I was pregnant. You can see the tutorial here:
Did you add a piece of sweater to the raw edge and connect them with a zigzag stitch or did you turn over the raw edge and hemmed with a zigzag?
I took these photos back in February of 2009 and my hair was much shorter then. I still kinda like the way that looks but long hair is so much more versatile.
I'll try and put something together. Although it wouldn't have any pics since I did this so long ago. But it was fairly simple I'm sure I could add some kind of instructional text.
So cute! I absolutely love this.
Hi Kathleen,
I was just trying to make a hem - the lettuce edge is pretty, but it was a surprise and I want to be able to control the material better on the next re-do. I've since blogged about this hoodie (http://thriftathome.blogspot.com/2010/12/refashioning-hoodie.html)
Thanks so much for answering questions! I admire your confidence and creativity.
i love this!! i linked to you here
Is there a dress that looks like in the photo for pregnant women?
I really, really love this one. And I've never been a fan of cardigan sweaters!
here's my take on this embellishment :) i love this look!
I think yours is actually better. I own that anthro sweater and it doesn't fit like yours does. It's not as flattering. Great job.
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