I've always been partial to monograms. Call it dapper. Call it kitschy. Call it narcissistic. They just make me feel polished.
So I wanted to make at least one monogrammed cardi....along with a few other articles of clothing that shall remain nameless until Christmas day.

I'm a little disappointed that the pictures washed out the cute buttons I added to the sweater but you can get a better look in the tutorial pics.
1. First I removed the pearly buttons. And saved them! Cause I think I could use them for later!
2. Then I added these cute white scallopy buttons.
3. I added the pleated trim to the edges.
4. And lastly, EMBROIDERED my initial. Cool? I know! Now, if you don't have an embroidery machine you CAN handstitch a monogram. See this tutorial. Or machine stitch. See this tutorial. Although if you try using a machine, I recommend using as many lines, rather than curves, as it is MUCH easier to sew.
Now go embroider something!
18 {comments}:
I love that cardi!!!! I'm very jealous of your new machine - it's my #1 Christmas wish this year, but my hubby is clueless. lol I can't wait to see more!
You know what I would do? I'd leave the model you like 'accidentally' up on your computer (if you share a computer). Maybe a couple times? That might do the trick:) I've been thinking about doing that for a bias tape machine. It's one of those splurges that you wouldn't make on your own because it's so frivolous but makes the perfect 'gift' for someone else to buy.
I'm blown away. I recently purchased a Brother SE400 (I think it's the same as yours, w/o the project Runway branding) and the embroidery scares me to death. I'll try the tutorial, but I swear if I can't figure it out, I'm gonna come back and ask.
Your site is what motivated me to start sewing again, after 37 (yes, thirty-seven) years. Thanks!!!
This is a very cute sweater. You really have a gift for embellishment. I have not thought of an embroidery machine. I am still mastering my serger so I am concentrating on the accessory feet. I am infatuated with the ruffler foot. I know it sounds odd to those who don't sew but...think about the possibilities!
Way to go I look forward to see your next project.
Cute...I want an embroidery machine. Would using a wash-away soluble on top of the fabric make the stitching pop out more?
I am obsessed with my own initials, they are part of my online handle, and I just love them LP(it's a record!) LAP (it's a word!) so yeah. I always want to do the big initial, but because mine is the same as Laverne I hesitate. Which is dumb, because now it would be a kitsch nod to a show I loved so much I drank milk & Pepsi more than once. Whereas I don't think I will Hand embroider an initial, you've inspired me to make a mammoth applique intial cardigan for sure. Thanks so much for inspiring me all through November, and filling me with Christmas Glee in general!
Your sweater posts are killing me!! just when I think it can't get better - it does! I would love to see all these compiled into a book...I would wear out it's pages so fast.
I'm so glad you posted this because I'm ready to upgrade my machine and I am dying for one with an automatic thread cutter! Does it work well? I sew with a Brother machine and serger now, but I just need something a little more heavy duty to keep up with the business!
I'm a monogrammer by trade, so of course I love a monogrammed Cardi!!!
I am curious how you decided on the right side for your monogram?
Love your site!
Love that cardi and your skirt! I'm excited to see more projects. :)
Cute!! Now your making me jaelous!!
p.s. Check out our Christmas giveaway: http://flameinthedarkness.com/fabulous-flower-bracelet-giveaway/
I have a brother as well and what sold me on it was the needle threader and the cutter. Although the cutter is great I find it does leave some thread behind that I have to cut with my scissors. I guess it can't cut any closer or it would unthread the bobbin when you started a new seam.
Okay I have a brother that embroiders to and have yet to think of this!!!! I am sooo doing this, this weekend!!
So adorable. I don't know how you come up with such cute ideas. I literally walk through Goodwill and have no idea what to do with anything I find. Also thought I'd let you know that if you use solvy (it's a thin plastic stabilizer) on top of your design when using knits, you'll get a crisper design. The machine's stitches won't get 'lost' in the knit. Glad you're enjoying your machine! I love mine (I have a Janome).
Wash the "K" that large part of your new machine's built in Alphabet or did you use a separate card? Love what you have done with the sweaters - inspires me to be more creative. Thank you for all the sharing of your wonderful ideas with us.
Oh my and the SKIRT !!! The skirt is awesome...
Thanks for all your tutorials, this one and all the others. You make fabulous things.
Have fun with the new machine !
Wow just wow . I love this one so much.Your refashions are getting better and better .
How did you do the pleated edge and what did you use? I really want to try this
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