RABOM Guest Giveaway

December 13, 2010

RABOM (Ribbon and Bow Oh My!) is offering one lucky Grosgrain reader everything shown in the picture above! Love those holiday themed ribbons!

Perfect for wrapping those last minute holiday gift next week! 

And if you're looking for ribbon, now through December 20th, RABOM is offering free shipping as well as 15% off all ribbon and an additional 10% off to club members! As well as 10% off everything else! Don't be disappointed looking for that perfect ribbon packaging, check 'em out!

See here to become a club member.

And stay tuned later today for day 26 of Embellishment month! 

Grosgrain Giveaways can be entered by any ONE of four ways

1) By linking about this giveaway (to your blog, facebook, or any other site) blogger button is below.
2) By leaving a comment

3) By FOLLOWING Grosgrain using this link or the LINK IN MY RIGHT SIDEBAR.

4) *NEW* By following me on Twitter

Just remember to please leave me a comment telling me what you did so that I can go back and look for your entry. Either give me the link or comment that you posted for the giveaway to or tell me that you began to follow me.

250 {comments}:

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Elizabeth said... Best Blogger Tips

oooo I could use those ribbons...I haven't even started wrapping yet. YIKES!

Yin said... Best Blogger Tips

How generous and what cute designs! Hope I win!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips


Lauren said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh yay, an instant stash! That could be so great, mine's a little light on ribbons.

Rach said... Best Blogger Tips

So fun! I am a proud follower.

Lina Thomlinson said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooh, I want to win! Lovely ribbons!

Variety said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, I want. Those are some beautiful ribbons. Hope I win.

Brooke Anna @ Mommy Does... said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower but don't see anything here I DON'T like :) Thanks for the chance!

Jen Price said... Best Blogger Tips

I love ribbon!

Jen Price said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower!

Lilly said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooh! So pretty!

Karissa Jade Ferguson said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great giveaway!

ladyloo said... Best Blogger Tips

So pretty! Love the hounds tooth ribbon.

DangAndBlast! said... Best Blogger Tips

lovely selection!

DangAndBlast! said... Best Blogger Tips

and, been "following" in my google reader for ages, but now officially blogger-style following too.

Mama Sewing said... Best Blogger Tips

I love all that ribbon, what fun it would be to find projects to use them on!

Schritt für Schritt lerne ich zu nähen said... Best Blogger Tips

Yaaay ribbons! I love ribbons.

Samantha said... Best Blogger Tips

What a wonderful assortment of ribbons!

Samantha said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you!

Grace Ng said... Best Blogger Tips

Thank you for the giveaway. They are really cute ribbons - and would come in handy before Christmas as I have not done my shopping yet.

Grace Ng said... Best Blogger Tips

I have also been a follower of your blog for the last month. Very inspired by your creativity. I am now on the lookout for sweaters so I can apply some of what I have learnt from you!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I adore ribbons, and bows, and dodads...perfect.

Also, I follow you, on blogger, and on twitter. I think you're fantastic.

SS Sews said... Best Blogger Tips

oooo yay for happy ribbon!
Thanks for the chance to win!


The Nicks Family said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh I would LOVE to win this!! This is fantastic!!!

Megan said... Best Blogger Tips

Fun!!! I am a follower.

Sandy said... Best Blogger Tips

What a great giveaway... a girl can never have too much ribbon!

Sandy said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower.

Tabitha O. said... Best Blogger Tips

Ribbons are a great way to decorate simply, sort of like painting a room in your house to give it new life!

Ag said... Best Blogger Tips

those are great!!! thanks for the giveaway!


Tabitha O. said... Best Blogger Tips

http://www.facebook.com/MomtasticStitchery posted this on my Facebook page

Ag said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower!

Tabitha O. said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a blog follower from my blog.

Tabitha O. said... Best Blogger Tips

I am also headed over to twitter to make sure follow you @MOmtasticStitch I am pretty sure I already am...

Jenniffier said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh how fun!

Jenniffier said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow your blog :)

Karen said... Best Blogger Tips

ah i love ribbon!!! :)))


Desiree said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win!

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

I could use all of those goodies for sure! Thanks for the giveaway!

Hele said... Best Blogger Tips

wooow!!! cute!

I want to win!!!



Christine said... Best Blogger Tips

I neeeeed ribbon. what a great offer!

Lisa said... Best Blogger Tips

My daughter would probably pee her pants! She's 4 and her favorite thing to make her art with is ribbon!

Ashley said... Best Blogger Tips

I hope I win!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh wow, that's quite the stash! I already follow your blog via google reader, and also follow your Twitter account.


Rachel said... Best Blogger Tips

I could definitely use those ribbons and bows.

Debbi said... Best Blogger Tips

I sure could use everything there!! Thanks for the chance to win such yummies!

Leisel said... Best Blogger Tips

Awesome! Love it.

Mary said... Best Blogger Tips

Super festive! I need to boost my holiday stash!

Stephanie said... Best Blogger Tips

twitter follower @srbracelin

rebecca said... Best Blogger Tips

great giveaway!
rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com

Marsel said... Best Blogger Tips

What fun!!!

Shena said... Best Blogger Tips

Those ribbons are gorgeous and very inspiring! I could do some great work with them.

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Super cute!

I linked to my blog (http://sandjmomma.blogspot.com/2010/12/100-holiday-gift-from-novica.html) and started following you on Twitter (@acreativemomma)!

i hope i win!

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you on twitter

Kylar said... Best Blogger Tips

You can never have enough ribbon and I swear I'm always running out! These are beautiful and would be put to great use! I'm also a follower

Ashley said... Best Blogger Tips

love these ribbons...thanks for the giveaway

Sarah Takens said... Best Blogger Tips

What an awesome assortment! Love it all! And what a generous giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity!

Sarah Takens said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE following your blog!

Farah said... Best Blogger Tips

Very nice ribbons. Thanks!

Farah said... Best Blogger Tips

And i follow your blog.

Becky said... Best Blogger Tips

I love pretty ribbons- can never get enough!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow! That stash looks splendiferous!
Can I enter although I live in England?

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow your Twitter also.

teeny tiny house said... Best Blogger Tips

oooh... lovely stuff

Opp Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a ribbon addict!!!

Opp Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you on twitter

Opp Family said... Best Blogger Tips

I am also a blog follower

LesLyons said... Best Blogger Tips

Yeah for ribbon, I would love to add all of that to my stash!

LesLyons said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you!

Teri said... Best Blogger Tips

What a fun giveaway! I'd love to win...

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooh...pick me!

Erica! said... Best Blogger Tips

oooo sign me up!!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips


these are soo cute!!!
pick me!!

miss z said... Best Blogger Tips

Awesome! Love the Xmas ribbon!

morgan said... Best Blogger Tips

These ribbons are great!

Little Miss S. said... Best Blogger Tips

Cuty giveaway.

Little Miss S. said... Best Blogger Tips

and I'm a follower

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh lovely! I'm a follower and I have a link on my blog.
ghainskom at yahoo dot com

Lynda said... Best Blogger Tips

Ohhh that ribbon is so nice! Thanks for a great giveaway!

lmr3683 at hotmail dot com

Karen A said... Best Blogger Tips

Ribbons always come in handy!

Danielle said... Best Blogger Tips

Love all the ribbon! thanks for the chance to win!

Danielle said... Best Blogger Tips

P.S. I follow on twitter!

Laurel Ann said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower!


Laurel Ann said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the holiday selection! Some of those would be great for wreaths, ribbon trees, and embellishments.

Jessica said... Best Blogger Tips

Oooooh! How adorable!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win!!


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

im a follower on GFC: houndgirl


plainlyjane said... Best Blogger Tips

I followed you on Twitter. Gorgeous stuff!

Brigitte said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, those are gorgeous! Perfect for wrapping gifts!

YYZ said... Best Blogger Tips

What a delicious give-away! I hope I win! :)

Andria said... Best Blogger Tips

I need ribbon to start making my presents look presentable! :)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

These ribbons are so beautiful; I would love them! Love everything you do Grosgrain!

Valerie said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooh... i LOVE those ribbons and bows!

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

Love all the ribbons! fun giveaway!

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm also a follower- thanks for the giveaway!

April and Mark said... Best Blogger Tips

I could definitely use some ribbons and bows! And those are adorable!

April and Mark said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower. :)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

those look wonderful! I follow you!

dawn said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh I love ribbon...

Serena said... Best Blogger Tips

What lovely ribbons! I love the houndstooth.

I follow you here and on Twitter.

Girly said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win this giveaway -very neat!

I am also a follower.

Brenda said... Best Blogger Tips

Love this giveaway, thanks!

Tanya-Yanata said... Best Blogger Tips

Never too much ribbons in house:)

katie said... Best Blogger Tips

i love ribbons! pick me!!

Tanya-Yanata said... Best Blogger Tips

following on twitter and this blog.

schooley said... Best Blogger Tips

It's the little things in life (like ribbons) that make me happiest.

Tulle and Torts said... Best Blogger Tips

What fun! Ribbons are the BEST!

Tulle and Torts said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, and I'm already a follower!

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh... I ADORE ribbon! Thanks for the giveaway!

Jaebelle said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooooooooh, so cute!! These would look great on presents and other ribbon projects I've wanted to do for a while...

Erin said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you! Great giveaway!

Filipa Sompy said... Best Blogger Tips

Awesome! I love all the goodies... :)
I'm already a follower.

Jen said... Best Blogger Tips

i could do a lot of fun stuff with that ribbon!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Soo Fun!!!!


Two Dollars said... Best Blogger Tips

I got a ribbon organizer recently, so lets filler up! ;)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love ribbon!

andrea creates said... Best Blogger Tips

wow! what a great collection of prizes :)
thanks for stopping by!

Andrea said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooooo!! Pick me Pick me!!!

Mama K said... Best Blogger Tips

Great giveaway!

I am a follower!

Julia said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm following in google reader. Thanks!


Lindsay said... Best Blogger Tips

Such stinkin' cute stuff!!

LivingInSong said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! I could think of a bunch of things I could do with all those pretty ribbons!

LivingInSong said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow your lovely blog!

LivingInSong said... Best Blogger Tips

I also follow you on Twitter! Wahooo!

Arathi Prakash said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! I love these! Thanks for the giveaway! :) I am a follower!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

How cute!

Miss Tami Lee said... Best Blogger Tips

Hounds-tooth ribbons?! Yes please!

Hannah said... Best Blogger Tips

WANT! I love wrapping gifts!

lunefantasy said... Best Blogger Tips

it's all days Christmas time on your blog...

So perhaps chance !

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

My girlfriend just forwarded your blog link to me and am I ever glad she did! You have some AMAZING creations and are quite an inspiration!

Jan said... Best Blogger Tips

Yay - a new ribbon store to go with all your great ideas! I am a blog reader.

christina said... Best Blogger Tips

lovely! my fingers are crossed!

Buckmistress said... Best Blogger Tips

Awesome prize- hope I win!

Buckmistress said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, I also follow via my Google reader

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Blog follower

tartdeco at gmail dot com

Genevieve said... Best Blogger Tips

Lovely! Thanks

Genevieve said... Best Blogger Tips

Also a follower :)

Taylor {Sew Much Love} said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! That looks like embellishment heaven!


Sara said... Best Blogger Tips

Fantastic giveaway! :)

Sara said... Best Blogger Tips

I also follow your blog.

Jennifer Rzasa said... Best Blogger Tips

Those ribbons are so pretty!

Susie said... Best Blogger Tips

so useful!!!


Jennifer Rzasa said... Best Blogger Tips

...and I follow Grosgrain!

Michelle Price said... Best Blogger Tips

What a fun giveaway-I would pop it straight into my stocking and enjoy the surprise again Christmas morning.

Madeline said... Best Blogger Tips

OHH i love wrapping gifts so you should pick me :)

Madeline said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower!!

Sara P. M. said... Best Blogger Tips

yay! ribbon is the best!

Lynnette said... Best Blogger Tips

Oohh!! Love all the ribbons...so many possibilities!!
nettecan at hotmail dot com

Bella Mia Bows & Things said... Best Blogger Tips

i am a total ribbon addict! and i LOVE ribbons and bows oh my....great website so i know all of these things will be awesome! =)

Bella Mia Bows & Things said... Best Blogger Tips

i am a follower of your blog =)

Elz said... Best Blogger Tips

That would be a fun win. Lots of neat projects in store!

Elz said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow your blog.

Elz said... Best Blogger Tips

And, I follow you on twitter @txelz

Mandi said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, such cute things! :) I would love to win this.

rebecca said... Best Blogger Tips

ribbon is hard to hard to come by in london without spending an arm and a leg, and unfortunately i'm currently using all four of mine.

Lisa said... Best Blogger Tips


charley said... Best Blogger Tips

I am so in love with all that cute stuff!!!

Heather Johnson-Family Volley said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win.

Heather Johnson-Family Volley said... Best Blogger Tips

I am a follower.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooooooo....I'm already dreaming of projects to do....

Libby said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the houndstooth ribbons and the crocheted flowers! Thanks for the chance :)

Libby said... Best Blogger Tips

Such cute things! I follow via Google Reader

JuneBug said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! What a great assortment of ribbons!


JuneBug said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm also a follower


Laura said... Best Blogger Tips

what a wonderful giveaway!

Rebecca said... Best Blogger Tips

Ah I love that penguin ribbon! And the crochet flowers are adorable.

Hilary said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the retro ones!

bmfreewebb said... Best Blogger Tips

that is some fab ribbon!

Kristina said... Best Blogger Tips

I love ribbons and bows! amace@cox.net

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

i LOVE all those gorgeous ribbons!!! ribbon is like my favorite embellisment for everything!!!!!

Shelby Rad said... Best Blogger Tips

Love lovelove all of the pretties!

Frizling said... Best Blogger Tips

Pick mé Pick mé :0) I'm crazyy about ribbons. I am remodeling my little niece's dollhouse and All the old furnitures that her mother and I player with as kids ;) and it is a surprise. Those ribbon would be soo nice. Big snowflake hugs from denmark

Lindsay said... Best Blogger Tips

eeek! everything looks so amazing!

lindsay.forgette at gmail dot com

Lexie Farrell said... Best Blogger Tips

I can never get enough ribbon, would love to win this one!

Luch said... Best Blogger Tips

Those ribbons look adorable!

Crystal said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooo... shiny...

Crystal said... Best Blogger Tips


Kel said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the assortment of ribbons!

Sarboo said... Best Blogger Tips

Great givaway! I definitely could use that!

faviola said... Best Blogger Tips

I love ribbons!!!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I'd love to win! THanks! swoodsonshoeclips at gmail dot com

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I have a decent fabric stash, next year I plan to work on my ribbon stash! :)

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

i follow on twitter @swoodsonshoe swoodsonshoeclips at gmail dot com

Colleen said... Best Blogger Tips

what lovely embellishments :)

Remnant said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a blog follower and I would LOVE to win some ribbon - and that is a lovely batch of ribbon!

RoseMillsOhio said... Best Blogger Tips

I don't know what it is about ribbons----but I find them irresistable!

RoseMillsOhio said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you via Google Friend Connect....

RoseMillsOhio said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you on twitter. (@RoseMillsOhio)

Veronica said... Best Blogger Tips

Please do enter me. Those ribbons are gorgeous!

Veronica said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a Follower and have been reading your blog for a long time now

Veronica said... Best Blogger Tips

I've also posted a link to your giveaway on the sidebar of my blog. Thanx!

Kat said... Best Blogger Tips

oh, this is a great giveaway! i have a ribbon fetish. i follow already and this is my comment! thanks <3

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

Rockin' giveaway.

Sherri said... Best Blogger Tips

Hooray! It's so cute - that would be fantastic!

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

Lots of pretty there!

Kristy said... Best Blogger Tips

My daughter is in love with your blog, and if I were to win this giveaway I would give it all to her.....bringing others happiness is the greatest gift of all....but you obviously already know that. thanks and Merry Christmas.

just chic said... Best Blogger Tips

Ribbons always come in handy

Chelsey said... Best Blogger Tips

How cute!

jc said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my, what lovely ribbons to spice up the festive season! Love to win, thanks for the chance.


Krysta said... Best Blogger Tips

O.M.G. Is that houndstooth ribbon? That's my favourite pattern, this giveaway is totally meant for me!

krystyna666[at]hotmail[dot]com <3

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