The Best Medicine Frock Grosgrain Giveaway (Valentine's Special)

February 9, 2011

This year I wanted to buy something special for Valentine's Day. So I searched my favorite dress shop, Modcloth. I couldn't decide whether I wanted to go for sultry or sweet. I had it narrowed down to two frocks when I realized that the sultry one was sold out. Then (of course) it became the one I wanted. It was actually rather expensive anyway. With shipping it would have been close to $100. And I don't like to spend more than $60 on a dress and even then it's gotta be something special.
So, I decided to try and recreate it. Here was the Modcloth version. I tweaked a couple things but I think it came out pretty good. And I only paid $25 for the material and notions. It would have been even less but I bought duponi silk for the bodice and ruffles which is $12 a yard at JoAnn's with a 40% off coupon. So this dress is probably even made of better material than the Modcloth version.
My favorite part about this dress is the ruffles at the bottom. It gives it some body in the skirt and looks like cake confection. I also added the pintucks under the bustline. And the back has a nice deep V that reaches below the bra line. I wore a normal bra with this and the only thing that showed was the hooks in the back which can be hidden by safety pinning the bra below the zipper.....I'm skillfull that way;)

I will be wearing this to our Valentine's Day dinner but if any of you would like the chance to own this dress after that I will be offering it up to one lucky Grosgrain reader. I'll only be wearing it one night but I just want to be clear that I will be wearing it before it gets sent.
Grosgrain Giveaways can be entered by any ONE of four ways 
1) By linking about this giveaway (to your blog, facebook, or any other site) button is below.
2) By leaving a comment

3) By FOLLOWING Grosgrain using this link or THE LINK IN MY RIGHT SIDEBAR.

4) *NEW* By following me on Twitter 

Just remember to please leave me a comment telling me what you did so that I can go back and look for your entry. Either give me the link that you posted for the giveaway to or tell me that you began to follow me. 
If you are leaving a link just use the 'create a link' at the bottom of this post or simply creating a post on your blog and including this link.If you use blogger just use the "create a link" link at the bottom of this post. If you don't use blogger, that's fine too. Just create a link on your page as you normally would.

405 {comments}:

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Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is beautiful! You did a great job. It's the perfect Valentine's Day dress!

takewrning said... Best Blogger Tips

This is such an adoreable dress, and you look so lovely in it!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips


Hiker - Kelly B said... Best Blogger Tips

I can't believe you're willing to give this one up, it's BEAUTIFUL! I'll take it though. ;-)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Why would you want to give away such a gorgeous dress? It's very pretty and the color and shape are perfect on you.

Elizabeth said... Best Blogger Tips


knottygnome said... Best Blogger Tips

it's a really gorgeous dress. love the red!

Miss Kelley said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the font you used on the first picture! What is it?

Alexis said... Best Blogger Tips

Completely obsessed with this dress!

comtesse said... Best Blogger Tips

A really beautiful dress.
I would like to win it.

Grosgrain said... Best Blogger Tips

Apple Scraper,
Coventry, I believe. You can get it for free here:

Valerie said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this dress! You did an awesome job! I would love to win it! :)

sugoandsunshine said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow, that's gorgeous! I love the first picture! Hope I win!

Gabriela said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful dress, such intense red! I specially love the pleats(?) at the high waist. I don't know if thats the name in English really... in Spanish is: alforzas.

emmylou said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous! You're hair looks great too!

Ashley said... Best Blogger Tips

It's so great to see you sewing dresses again Kathleen!

I know it has to be a ton of work to sew as many as you used to, but these are always my favorite posts! You always add your unique spin/embellishments to your dresses. As a fellow sewist, they're incredibly inspirational!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! What a gorgeous dress! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win it!

TM said... Best Blogger Tips

That is such a fabulous dress. Love it.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

You amaze me! This dress is gorgeous!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Of course I follow you!

Alanna said... Best Blogger Tips

That is such a great dress!

Sara said... Best Blogger Tips

One day I will be able to search for an inspiration dress and then just make it, for now, I'll just try to win yours.

Maria said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful and sexy dress! You are very talented. I would LOVE to win this dress.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is so beautiful! I can't really enter to win it as unfortunately it would never fit me, but You are so incredibly talented! I have to let you know! Your blog is such a joy!

Tara B said... Best Blogger Tips

What a beautiful dress!

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower! Love it! :)

amigander said... Best Blogger Tips

It's gorgeous! I love looking at all of your creations. And, of course, I'd love to own this incredible dress!

Amy said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my gosh- you did an amazing job!! I like your version better than the store version! The photos are lovely, too. :D


Jessica P said... Best Blogger Tips

SO CUTE!! i always a new red dress :D

yuni min said... Best Blogger Tips

this is just gorgeous! i would love to win this!

Christina R. Griffith said... Best Blogger Tips

I would LOVE to win this sexy little are a sewing inspiration!

Heidi V said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is amazing! It would also be perfect for an event I'm going to in March! Hope I win!!

Lina Thomlinson said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely gorgeous dress! Perfect for the holiday!

Rachel Leigh said... Best Blogger Tips

GORGEOUS!!! I am so in love with this dress, its not even funny. You are amazing!

Heidi V said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a grosgrain follower!

jennifer said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh wow, would love this dress!

seeks said... Best Blogger Tips


Farah said... Best Blogger Tips


i am a follower and i follow your twitter.

Muireann said... Best Blogger Tips

What a gorgeous dress! You're very kind to give it away, I'd love to win.

Casey said... Best Blogger Tips

All those ruffles are so beautiful! The dress is stunning--you're going to be a knock-out on V-Day!! :)

♥ Casey

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh it's beautiful! I didn't know you were on twitter, I'm off to find you now!

Rachel (Diary of a Recovering Chocoholic) said... Best Blogger Tips

Stunning! I wish I had that kind of talent!

I'd love to win.

rachel dot beasley at converse dot edu

Rachel said... Best Blogger Tips

That is gorgeous!!! I want to win.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

It's just perfectly beautiful!!!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

You have such an amazing talent!The dress is gorgeous!

elana said... Best Blogger Tips

what a stunning dress. love the ruffles. and the color!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

That dress is beautiful, you are so talented!! How in the world do you have time to create all the beautiful things you do? I'd love to have this dress, thanks for the opportunity!

Sarah Jordan said... Best Blogger Tips

That is one hell of a dress! It looks amazing on you as well. I already follow you here and on twitter.

Shannon R said... Best Blogger Tips

It would be the perfect frock to wear when I celebrate hitting my goal weight! Pick me! Pick me!

emily* said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it, love it, love it!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I would love to win this for my daughter. Love the red, love the ruffles. Thanks.

Ana said... Best Blogger Tips

You look amazing!! Especially in red. I would love to have one of your dresses!

whitney said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it!

Jessica Purvis said... Best Blogger Tips

Firstly: Leaving a comment is my mode of entry. :)
Secondly: Your dress is TO DIE FOR! Perfect combination of sweet and sultry and in that gorgeous red! Love it!

BTW, if I won the dress, I swear I'd wear it everywhere! Even to grocery shop, I love it so! :)

Tracy said... Best Blogger Tips

Adorable dress and I agree, Modcloth is wonderful inspiration! I also have all daughters (4 ages 20-10)...been sewing for them for much joy!

Never A Plain Jane said... Best Blogger Tips

Looooove it! Please pick me!

Never A Plain Jane said... Best Blogger Tips

Also, I follow you. (In a reader sort of way, not a stalker way).

Meagan said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is beautiful! Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday, and red is my favorite color! :) I would love, love, love to win this!

Lynda said... Best Blogger Tips

Great job! This is so beautiful :)

lmr3683 at hotmail dot com

Tamina listening said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is absolutely stunning! Count me in!

eewingo (at) gmail (dot) com

An Ivory Beauty said... Best Blogger Tips

I have fallen in love with this dress! So sexy but not over the top!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

What a fun date dress!

HolleSE said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this blog. You have great shoe ideas! Love the dress too. :D

girl in the gray house said... Best Blogger Tips

this dress is so pretty! (and also your hair looks great!)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

The dress looks fantastic! I've posted a link to it on my blog :)

TRose said... Best Blogger Tips

What a beautiful dress and I love the curls in your hair.

Mellissa said... Best Blogger Tips

So gorgeous!!

ashleygaha said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow! This is amazing!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

What a lovely red dress. Love the details up top.

Libby said... Best Blogger Tips

Loving the ruffles and would be elated to win!

Libby said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you on Twitter

Libby said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow (and LOVE) Grograin via Google Reader!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Love this! I would adore having a dress like this to wear. :)

Le Mama! said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow your blog! and i'm leaving a comment! I love this dress. its very beautiful! I wish I could make such beautiful things!

Ireson's mommie said... Best Blogger Tips

What a beautiful dress. Love it!

sara green-anderson said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you and I LOVE that dress! WOW!

julieb said... Best Blogger Tips

wow, love it!
the bodice is beautiful!

Tammy C said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful! I'd love to win!!!

Tammy C said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower. Thanks!

Mitzi Green said... Best Blogger Tips

me likey. me want. i have nowhere special to wear it, but by golly, i'll wear it to work if i have to. alpatton (at) gmail (dot) com

hilaryg said... Best Blogger Tips

oooo - I loooove it!!! If I don't win, I may have to try to knock off your version!!

Mandy said... Best Blogger Tips

Kathleen, how do you keep outdoing yourself? You're so creative! This looks beautiful on you, bytheway! Love the concept, thanks for offering up this beautiful dress to one of us!

Elizabeth said... Best Blogger Tips

I just followed you on Twitter. I'm @egholtrop.

elizabeth at bouma-holtrop dot com

Lindsay said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful! I love the ruffles. I am sure you have said before. But where on earth did you learn to sew such beautiful dresses?

Shana said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful beautiful dress... the color is amazing!

lmsimmering said... Best Blogger Tips

I love and follow grosgrain!

Jack said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful Beautiful! Have a very special Valentine's Day :)

katy said... Best Blogger Tips

i definitely like yours better than ModCloth's. beautiful! love the ruffles on the bottom <3

Randi said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this dress! You're so talented... I think your version is muy muy muy caliente!!! (ok, so I don't speak Spanish. but in comparison to the modcloth one, yours just POPS!)

dawn said... Best Blogger Tips

Amazing job!

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is perfection! Hope you do something awesome on Valentine's Day. :)

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow your fabulous blog.

Emily said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow you on twitter too.

Vira said... Best Blogger Tips

The dress is beautiful!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Your dress is AMAZING! The colour, the style, it really just screams "wear me to a fantastically amazing event!". I'm sure it will be THE dress of any event... and I would truly LOVE for it to come live at my house!!

Elizabeth S. said... Best Blogger Tips

fabulous dress! perfect for valentine's day.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

This is so beautiful I can't even find the words! I follow you on twitter (I'm Corvustristis, surprise surprise), have been following your blog's RSS feed via Google Reader for ages, and absolutely adore the detail work on this dress.


Kristina said... Best Blogger Tips

What a beautiful dress. The ruffles really make it!

Jennifer said... Best Blogger Tips

Holy cow. Pick me, pick me!! I've been craving a dress for some reason lately (the sexiness of winter's down filled, shapeless coats and 3 layers of tights/leggings, perhaps?) and now you tease me with this amazingness in red AND with pintucks?!?!

Miss Tami Lee said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh so cute! I like your version better than Modcloths :)

Clara said... Best Blogger Tips

Loverly. I've been looking for a red dress...Hint, hint...

Molly Luke said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful dress! Can't believe you are going to give it away after working so hard on recreating it! You did a wonderful job, definitely better than the original! Hope I win!

Anai_er said... Best Blogger Tips

Lovely dress! I wish to win it:)
Wonder if it is your natural hair?

Liv Marken said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful dress...and your hair looks lovely and shiny, too. My Twitter is "ULC_WritingHelp"

Jenny said... Best Blogger Tips


Chegrol said... Best Blogger Tips

Lovely dress! I'm a follower of yours and I get inspired by your skills and creativity all the time.

JuneBug said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous!! I love the pintucks.

Amy S said... Best Blogger Tips

i love it!

i'm a follower...

Maya Kuzman said... Best Blogger Tips

Dare I hope to win this?

Mad said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous dress, wouldn't mind at all to sport it :)

Erica! said... Best Blogger Tips

this is gorgeous! you did an amazing job! go you! ps. sign me up for this giveaway :) ♥erica

luv_Js said... Best Blogger Tips

It is very romantic. Thanks

Lindsay C said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow this dress is beautiful! I love it! I am following you and I am following you on twitter! Have a lovely night wearing that dress!

n u n u m u said... Best Blogger Tips

Absolutely beautiful photography AND dress! I am inspired!

rebecca said... Best Blogger Tips

you look gorgeous in this dress. crazy not to want to keep it but i am not complaining! fingers crossed!
rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com

injanuity said... Best Blogger Tips

What a gorgeous dress!

Marcelline said... Best Blogger Tips

Once again you have done an amazing job! I need to get myself together and start sewing again. You are such an inspiration!

tiffany said... Best Blogger Tips

such a pretty dress! i think i like this better than the original

Eolune said... Best Blogger Tips

Very lovely dress :) I love the pintucks and the ruffles. You're very courageous, making ruffles take soooo long, I hate that ^^
(it's my first comment on your blog (I ♥ it ^^), I'm French and don't speak english very well :-/ )

Have a nice Valentine day :)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is lovely! I'm trying to think of something cute and unique to say but nothing more than WOW! is coming to mind right now :-)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm a follower of your blog!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the ruffles! I would not want to give it away if I were you!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I posted this giveaway on Facebook.

Rebecca said... Best Blogger Tips

Ahh this dress is gorgeous! Have tons of fun wearing it!

Kandice said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this dress! I cannot believe that you can give it up! Thanks for the great giveaway! bufordkyle at hotmail dot com

Mary said... Best Blogger Tips

I love it, it looks perfect on you! Have a wonderful valentines date!

bethany said... Best Blogger Tips

What a perfect shade of red, and love love love the ruffles! Very festive indeed for a Valentine's date : - )

choose to be happy blog said... Best Blogger Tips

how cute are you!!

Alice said... Best Blogger Tips

pretty dress! red my favourite colour :)
i'll love to wear it on summer nights!

Jennifer Rzasa said... Best Blogger Tips

Wow..such a stunning dress!!

Jennifer Rzasa said... Best Blogger Tips

Of course I follow you!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips


Jen said... Best Blogger Tips

I L.O.V.E. that dress!!!

jessankney said... Best Blogger Tips

LOVE the dress.. you look stunning in it! I'd love to win!

jessankney said... Best Blogger Tips

I follow in google reader.

srz said... Best Blogger Tips

That is quite the ravishing cardinal red dress. Love it. Crossing my fingers!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Love the dress! Now please show us how you did your hair like that... it is so pretty!! =)

Cheryl Marie said... Best Blogger Tips

The ruffles look like little bitty roses...beautiful!

Lee said... Best Blogger Tips

Beautiful and stunning. Thanks for a lovely chance!

Lee said... Best Blogger Tips

i am a follower

little Bean said... Best Blogger Tips

pretty pretty. I'd love to wear it. I also follow you!

Dawn said... Best Blogger Tips

I would LOVE to own a dress like this. I'm crossing my fingers!

Dawn said... Best Blogger Tips

I would LOVE to own a dress like that! I'll keep my fingers crossed.

missjulierae said... Best Blogger Tips

Love this! Your creations are so impressive!

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

I made a link on my facebook : )

alissa said... Best Blogger Tips

gorgeous!!! and i would love a new dress!

Brooke Anna @ Mommy Does... said... Best Blogger Tips

I too, would love to win for my SIL (cause you'd need more yardage for me :))

Brooke Anna @ Mommy Does... said... Best Blogger Tips

I do follow!
I'm not too proud for a hand-me-down!

LGreenWriter said... Best Blogger Tips

This is simply smashing...great job and lovely pix!

Kira said... Best Blogger Tips

You did a really great job, it looks perfect!

Sara said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous! I would LOVE to win this!! :)

Sara said... Best Blogger Tips

I also follow you on twitter (I'm cupcake_muffin)

The Real Taylor said... Best Blogger Tips

I like this better than the Modcloth one! It's not quite so RED but more of a pinky color. Beautiful!

Olivia said... Best Blogger Tips

Love it! Thanks! =)

Dulce Ruelas said... Best Blogger Tips

Omg this is the same dress I wanted to buy for Valentine's Day! I totally agree that is would have been really expensive and it was sadly sold out. Here's hoping I win! :D

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Amazing! I would love to wear this dress.

jen said... Best Blogger Tips

I think this looks better than the original (: Amazing!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips


Courtney Elizabeth said... Best Blogger Tips

it's gorgeous! i want it!

Dulce Ruelas said... Best Blogger Tips

I forgot to mention that I linked to my fb page!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous! I'm so impressed by your creations!

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous! Happy Valentine's Day :)

Effie said... Best Blogger Tips

I absolutely LOVE it. You tackled this challenging material with fabulous, effortless looking results!

Chie - Vivat Veritas said... Best Blogger Tips

this is so cool! i would love it! i'm following your blog and twitter:)

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips

The dress is gorgeous! Happy Valentine's Day! :)

Lisa Carver said... Best Blogger Tips

Great job, very beautiful dress. I would love to have something so beautiful to wear now that I'm finally out of maternity clothes.

Julie said... Best Blogger Tips

I am following you!

I love that dress! Gorgeous!

Karen A said... Best Blogger Tips

What a beautiful dress!

Allison said... Best Blogger Tips

Ooh, this dress is absolutely dreamy and flashy all at the same time! I think I'm in love...

Allison said... Best Blogger Tips

And I'm a follower!

Allison said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, and a twitter follower, too!

Matt and Rachel Bowden said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is gorgeous. Good job!

Bhagavati said... Best Blogger Tips

beautiful. thank you!

GuysGirlKnits said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous. I want. Please put my name in!

Mamas Spare Time said... Best Blogger Tips

So beautiful, I have always wanted to own a red dress!

CAlili said... Best Blogger Tips

The dress is fabulous. Love it.

Kellianne said... Best Blogger Tips

GORGEOUS! As always though, of course. I can't get enough of your creations--they are all so beautiful and unique, I just LOVE your work! I follow your blog as well as twitter, and I tweeted about this great giveaway. Great job, you're amazing!

Kellianne said... Best Blogger Tips
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elly said... Best Blogger Tips

What a beautiful, beautiful dress! It looks just amazing on you, both the color and the cut...can't believe you'd so generously give it away!

Hygien-uh said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is so much like the Modcloth one. I wish I could sew as good as you!

Emily Love said... Best Blogger Tips

Great great dress!! So many cute details :) My dream in life is to win something... just once :)

I'm also following you on Twitter now!

Becca Landon said... Best Blogger Tips

My sister would love this.

Andrea said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my! This dress is beautiful! thanks for the chance to win it!

brittany said... Best Blogger Tips

wow! this is so lovely!!

Leah Franqui said... Best Blogger Tips

This is adorable, but, honestly, you should keep it, it's never going to fit anyone as well as it fits you. Also, totally weird girly thing, but MAN your hair has gotten long. It looks great!

Kylar said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my laws!!! I am absolutely in love with this dress! If I don't win, I seriously hope you make a pattern for it, because I love it!

Elz said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous dress. Your creativity amazes me (and I follow the blog and you on twitter!). Have a fabulous Valentine's celebration.

dana said... Best Blogger Tips

Kathleen this is gorgeous! And so are you! Love your hair. Very creative, all of it.

kim said... Best Blogger Tips

What a beautiful dress...the perfect thing to wear on Valentine's day!

Erin said... Best Blogger Tips

Gorgeous, as usual!

Ruhammie said... Best Blogger Tips

You did a really great job! I'm impressed.
ramie_simpson at hotmail dot com

At Heart said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is amazing!!

Annie said... Best Blogger Tips

This dress is lovely, and I actually like it better than the Modcloth inspiration. The pintucks give the bodice some more interest that was IMO very lacking in the original. Great job!

Birdie said... Best Blogger Tips

That dress is amazing!

Heather said... Best Blogger Tips

Your version is way better than the ModCloth original.

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Gosh I'd love to win this! You're so generous, how can you give this away?! If I owned something like this I'd never take it off! I think I'd put it on and just stand and swish side to side admiring it!

Your version is so much better than the Modcloth dress, but then again, when one has skills like you I'm sure that happens all the time!

STEPHANIE said... Best Blogger Tips

gorgeous, gorgeous dress! i've been in love with red lately, and i would be so happy to be able to rock this dress. thanks for such a great giveaway!!

STEPHANIE said... Best Blogger Tips

gorgeous, gorgeous dress! i've been in love with red lately, and i would be so happy to be able to rock this dress. thanks for such a great giveaway!!

anu kaelussoo said... Best Blogger Tips

to good to be true! amazing dress!

Mandy said... Best Blogger Tips

So cute and flirty! Absolutely Beautiful!!! Looks like such a fun dress:) I just started following you and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your awesome creations! :)

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