I know a lot of you have heard of speedlites but can't afford to buy one. I got mine as a Valentine's Day gift but I know it costs close to $300 for a new brand name version. If the only reason you need a speedlite is to take indoor photos and avoid that head-on glare then take a look at the Light Scoop!
Now, let me preface this by saying that a speedlite will do about a million more things that a Light Scoop can't like adjust multiple angles of flash, take external flashes and adjust the brightness of your flash but honestly, a lot of those settings aren't necessary until you are a seasoned photographer in which case an expensive speedlite would be an appropriate purchase. For those of you who just want nice indoor shots, the Light Scoop is INVALUABLE! No lie. And at only $30, it's a heck of a lot less expensive than a speedlite.

This is how it works....the Light Scoop attaches to your camera's hot shoe like any other external flash. Then when the picture is taken, the built-in flash is triggered and bounces off the mirror in the Light Scoop directing it up and away from your subject for a much more diffused, true-to-life lighting. I'm actually wondering why no one ever thought of this earlier. I'm ACTUALLY wondering why cameras aren't made with an adjustable flash standard but that's another story I guess.
Here's a video on how the Light Scoop works:
I bought mine at Photojojo. But I bet you're wondering "Will it work with my camera?" The Light Scoop will work with:
Canon 10D, 20D, 30D, 40D, 50D, Rebel XTi, XSi, 400, 450, XT, XS, 350, 1000D
Fuji FinePix Pro
Nikon D40, D40x, D50, D60, D70, D70s, D80, D90, D100, D200, D300, D700
Olympus E420, E520, E3, E620
Pentax K10D, K100D, K20D, K200D
Sigma SD14
Sony cameras require a Sony Lightscoop, not a Universal model.
Sony a100, a200, a250, a300, a350, a330, a380, a500, a550, a700It will not work with point and shoot cameras. Their flashes are not strong enough to bounce light onto the ceiling:(
Here's some more before and after shots I took with my camera. The one on the right was taken without the flash. The one on the left was taken with the flash pointed at the subject (Molly) and the one in the middle was taken with the Light Scoop.
One more thing, even though I OWN a speedlite I've found the light scoop to be far more practical. It doesn't require batteries and is light as a feather. I found that I was often leaving my speedlite at home because either I had forgot to charge the lithium batteries or it was just too bulky to tote around. Now, I leave the light scoop on my camera at all times and use it whenever the situation arises. Very convenient!

23 {comments}:
Thanks for the tip! I have wanted a speedlite ever since I got my camera but it's a bit out of my price range for now. I just ordered a light scoop and I'm excited to try it out!
i am so putting this on my wishlist.
This looks amazing! Do you know if it works with a Nikon D3000?
Looking at that camera online I'd guess yes. The hotshoe/flash setup looks very similar to my camera. If for some reason it doesn't work Photojojo does have a 30 day return policy. But you can only get store credit if it's opened and you probably have to pay to ship it back yourself. You could always try emailing Professor Kobre's Light Scoop to be sure.
Here's the link:
But my guess is yes.
@StephanieThis is what I found on the Lightscoop.com website:
Don’t see your 35mm SLR here? We have not assured its compatibility. We have found that the Lightscoop to fit new models of these brands’ SLR line as they’ve appeared and we have had the opportunity to test. We do have a 2-week return policy if you'd like to try the Lightscoop with your camera and return it if it doesn’t work out.
What a great tip! I'm definitley going to get this, because I hate using the flash.
Is the light scoop from photojojo the same as the one sold on lightscoop.com (I got to that site by clicking on the links you included to example images)?
Also lightscoop.com sells a "warming" light scoop that too. Do you think that makes colors appear more natural, or more yellow?
I'm so glad you posted about this, I've wanted a speedlite but just couldn't afford one. The light scoop will be fun to try!
Thanks for this! I'm definitely putting this on my 'must-have' list :)
@MegYes it's the same. I bought mine at Photojojo so that's the one I promoted in the post. As for the warming filter, I'd say if it's removable then go for it. But I don't think it would be appropriate for all situations. I've found that normally, my pictures are a little on the warm side to begin with so I don't see the need for the filter but I guess it depends on what kind of photos you'd be taking. Ones with natural light might benefit from a warming filter but ones taken indoors with artificial light, probably not.
Wow the difference is remarkable. I need to get to know my DSLR better before I invest in one.
I have the lightscoop and LOVE it.
great tip! i'll have to try it out
So funny you write this now...I just ordered mine a week ago and LOVE it! It works miracles, especially in low lit buildings for weddings, parties, and events.
The review was great though!
awesome info! I am totally going to order this. I am really looking forward to this series!
Amazing tip, love it!
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I have wanted a Light Scoop forever but I was wondering about the practicality - thanks for showing me that there is nothing to worry about!
I got one of these for my birthday a couple of weeks ago and have had similarly great results--and i'm a very novice photographer.
To the commenter who asked about the Nikon D3000 compatibility: yes, it works.
I have one of these as well, and I have found that (for me) you MUST be under a white ceiling. Some of our ceilings are painted a light (but darker than white) cream color, and the photos are NOT ideal. It's funny how much a few shades makes in the effectiveness of the Light Scoop (in my experience).
I am totally excited to try this out! @Stephanie I just checked their site because I literally just got the same camera yesterday, and it is indeed listed!
I love the lightscoop. It's freaking awesome. I'll have to link to the photos I've taken wwith and without it. It's definitely worth having!
Wow - thanks to everyone for checking for me! I did find another website that listed the cameras and saw the D3000 listed. So excited - mine's shipping right now - as I've long been hemming and hawing about investing in an external flash or diffuser, but this looks amazing!
Thanks for the info. I had seen the Light Scoop before but was not sure it would really work as advertised. Nice to hear a real life person's experience with it.
Thank you so much for this post. I went and bought one straight after seeing it. It arrived yesterday and i love it! The difference is amazing!
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