Finally I made this faux stained glass using Gallery Glass Paint. I made this over a year ago and it doesn't match my decor anymore. So I'm planning on making another version later with this lattice like pattern and just the clear color. If I do, I'll write up a tutorial on how easy it is!
What I really love about this technique is that it has the same warped look and texture as real stained glass. It is also 100% removable. Just an insert I hot glued to the window. Of course, nothing is as good as the real thing but if you can't use stained glass because of money or because you're renting this is a worthy alternative! Great for bathroom windows too! But I have to add that it looks most authentic in windows that don't move up and down since that is where most real stained glass appears.
6 {comments}:
I would love to see pictures and a tutorial when you update your door/windows. We also have a glass front door and it's open to our living room, luckily we live far away from the road so we have privacy i just hate sitting home alone at night, i feel like im on display!
I used Gallery Glass Paint on my front window in my living room. It's been there for over 10 years with no fading or peeling. Bought mine off of QVC years ago.
totally need this tutorial NOW! We have a baby on the way and our door is framed with windows, I told my husband I don't want to be breastfeeding and the UPS guy looks in! I would also love to use this in our bathroom!
I did this on our front door windows this summer. I didn't do an insert, though - the paint I used was the peel-off kind, so I just had my husband take the door off the hinges so I could paint it directly on. When we move I'll let the next tenants know it's removable (and they can decide whether or not to keep it.)
I ended up designing my own because of the shape (our door has 3 smaller windows diagonally across the door) but I've got a pinterest board full of ideas, if you're interested: Stained Glass Front Door Window Ideas
Oh, and for anyone interested, the design I made is a single nature scene split between the panes, with a river in the top window, a waterfall in the next, and a pond at the botttom.
Can you tell me what the insert material was that you painted on to put in the window?
@RobynIt's just plexiglass. I bought it at a glass shop and had them cut it to my specifications. It was cheaper than you'd think. I only paid $7 per piece.
But you can also buy plexiglass at Lowe's and Home Depot. If you had a table saw you could cut it yourself.
I'd be interested in trying this on vinyl like raincoat material. If you have a very large window to cover the plexiglass becomes extremely expensive. If it could be done on clear vinyl it would be so inexpensive. I might try it sometime.
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