The Girl's New Study Spaces

August 2, 2016

These World Market blue evie chairs are just what this space ordered. I bought 2, one for Molly's corner and one for Lily's corner. They 100% match and fit PERFECTLY with the color scheme and look of the room.
I made the faux Mongolian fur seat throw for only $9 using this Yak fabric from Hancock Fabrics. I used 2 of their online coupons to get the price down to $6 a yard and bought a yard and a half. To make the throw flip-proof. I folded it in half, wrong sides together and stitched around three edges then flipped right side out. That way if it gets moved around or twisted it will still look furry and full!
I bought the photo board at JoAnns. I couldn't find it online but it's there in the stores now.

I still haven't gotten around to painting Molly's desk legs yet so I didn't take any photos. Originally they were silver. I bought the desk at IKEA for only $25 and then painted the legs gold using Rustoleum gold spray paint. They came out even better than I would have hoped and I spend so little! Since I had to buy 2 of everything I didn't want to go overboard.
I also bought the framed art Hobby Lobby for just $1-$2 each. The pink picture frame I bought at Ross. I also bought the blue rugs at Walmart for only $20 each! Pretty sweet deal!
Wish I had a study space this cool when I was Lily's age!

1 {comments}:

Lois said... Best Blogger Tips

Very nice! Love the colours! Thanks for sharing!

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